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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2022 in all areas

  1. Stunprods still have a use, but its mostly for a combat opener (hit with stunprod, swap to butcher knife then start stabbing while they cant run). It no longer fits the kidnapping niche it once had. I fully agree it should be made Bulky (fit on back, not belt) and in compensation make it 2 hits to crit like stunbaton. There's no real need for the cell charge changes imo, trading bulky for one less hit is a fair enough trade as it stands. If your worried it'll be op you can throw it in though. Lastly: It should be noted this yields double benefit of no civilians being able to hide a stunprod in their pack "just in case" as it'd be visible to everyone. This alone makes the change worth it.
    2 points
  2. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/18640
    1 point
  3. Make them bulky, use more power than regular batons, and 2 hit stun.
    1 point
  4. Can't load yellow cores into stun prods IIRC. I do kind of like the idea of prods potentially backfiring but I feel it may be too punishing for newer players, and if anything the backfire chance should be the inverse of the second option you've suggested, lower charge lower amount released in a dangerous discharge while a higher capacity cell has more to potentially dump into a user. Maybe specifically bluespace cells could have a few extra hits compared to the other cells due to the much later development of them compared to other cells. EDIT: Just thought of this as well, but losing a fight to RNG is kinda lame, there's no low tier alternative to batons other than a prod, and unlike modifying the detective revolver you don't exactly have a choice when using the prod.
    1 point
  5. I do like the timer to switch cells, hot swapping cells is fairly easy as it stands, but a % charge drain per hit seems odd when i think about it, since you can slap in differing powercells, so it would be a 25-50% drain per hit on a 5k cell, and also a 40k cell, while it being bulky may just make it even less used as its no longer a concealed weapon, and it may encourage the theft of security batons as they still are concealable "As far as i remember" This though can be seen as a good thing depending on how one looks at it.
    1 point
  6. This is fair, I was generally thinking of it from an offensive perspective rather than potentially using it to escape an aggressor (cult, etc) and the degree of an at least experienced player. 25% does seem more fair overall. Back slot already exists, but I doubt anyone would actually give up their backpack or carry it around just to have a funny weaker batong stored, so belt seems fair. If it's too good though then it can be easily changed.
    1 point
  7. I am up for this, as I said on the design doc. I would prefer if we just made them bulky and 2 hits to stun. not sure about belt slot, back slot sure.
    1 point
  8. Would it possible to make received telepathy messages appear as runechat above your own head, but only visible to you?
    1 point
  9. I remember back in fastmos, when the announcement came up, people were FREAKING OUT to stop it before it happens, besides the sound of a million vendors breaking their chains at the same time, it was fifty times more dangerous.
    1 point
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