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  1. A little coffee shop library I built
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  2. epic embed failure laugh at this user
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  3. Wibble wobble 8bfadfd31effda6d31c022c27e30d599.mp4
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  4. When the baldie does not read LOOC, you must improvise.
    1 point
  5. This guide merely discusses the procedures, not The Most Optimal Way To Do It™. Feel free to leave that in a reply! The AI Changing laws AI law changes are done either by the Captain or the Research Director (see Command SOP). Swipe your ID on the AI Upload Turret Console. Turn off the turrets. Find a suitable lawset chip. Click the AI upload console. If there is only one AI, it will automatically select it. If there are multiple, you will be prompted with a list. You will get a "[name] selected for law changes." message if you succeeded. Swipe the lawset chip on the console. You will get a "Upload complete. The AI's laws have been modified." message. Leave the upload, re-activate the turrets and lock the turret control interface. changeailaws.mp4 Changing laws - the AI is hostile Here, you can go as overprepared as you want - ions, RCD, the entire security department, tearing down the walls, you name it. You want to get to the AI upload console, alive, and you want to have that console powered. First, make sure the AI is unable to see their upload and the turret control. Cut the cameras on the Bridge. Turn off the turrets. Open the AI upload room and stand in the door. Cut the camera inside. Ensure the room is still powered. Perform the law change. (See below) Changing laws - Ions Ion laws are tagged with symbols such as "$#@#". Here is an example: To remove ion laws, use the Reset AI module on the AI upload console. You can find it on the desk in the upload. This will keep the core laws (1, 2, 3 in this case) and nothing else. Changing laws - Freeform Freeform laws allow you to name your own laws. However, their priority will always be 15 or above, meaning that every other non-freeform laws will always take precedent! Go to the High-Risk Laws Storage in the AI upload. Take a "Freeform AI module". Use it in your hand and select a priority. "Freeform AI modules" can only write priority 15 and above. During the next prompt, write your desired law. Swipe it on the AI upload console. If you succeeded, this is how it will look like: To remove freeform laws, use the Reset AI module on the AI upload console. Changing laws - Freeform core The Freeform core AI module is similar to the previous variant, except its priority will always come right after the last law. For example, on the Crewsimov lawset, it will become the fourth law: If the AI has no laws, it will become its first law: Changing laws - Hacked AI module The Hacked AI module is a chip syndicate agents can buy. They work similarly to freeform circuits: use it in your hand to word a law, then swipe the AI upload console with it. You can use it multiple times. The key difference here is that these laws come before the core lawset. To remove hacked AI module laws, use the Reset AI module on the AI upload console. Changing laws - Purging The Purge AI module removes every single law (core, ion, freeform, hacked) except for the zeroth law from traitor AIs (see below). You can use this in tandem with the Freeform core AI module to write your own core lawset. (However, do note that this goes against the Command SOP and it will likely net you some serious scrutiny by security!) Changing laws - Malf AI "Malf" or traitor AIs have a big red zeroth law. Reset AI module: Does nothing to the zeroth law. Other core lawsets: Overrides the core lawset, keeps the zeroth law intact. Purge AI module: Removes everything but the zeroth law. For this situation, you need to find the AI's core and tap it with an Intellicard. This will transfer the mind of the AI to this little chip: it will be no longer able to look around freely or influence machines. Use the Intellicard in your hand to see the AI's true laws. If an AI has a zeroth law, it is unfixable. Clicking the "Wipe AI" button will remove its player from the round. Cyborgs Changing laws Cyborgs, by default, inherit laws from their master AI. To independently change their laws, do the following: Swipe your ID card on a cyborg to unlock its cover. (You need roboticist access for this!) Crowbar it to open it. Click it with an empty hand to remove the cell. Use a screwdriver to expose its wires. Use wirecutters on it and cut-mend wires until you get the "The AI link light is off." message. Keep that wire cut. Close up the cyborg by doing the same process backwards: screwdriver, cell, crowbar, ID. At this point, the cyborg still has the laws from the AI, but it no longer considers them their master AI: the AI cannot order them around. If the AI gets a law change, this cyborg no longer inherits them. Click the Cyborg upload console in the AI upload room. Select the free cyborg. Apply law changes. Law changes work the same way as for the AI: purging the laws will remove everything, adding another core lawset will replace the current one, and so on. Changing laws - Malf AI cyborgs If the AI is "malf" or a traitor, cyborgs inherit their 0th law. Theoretically, cutting the cyborgs' AI sync is enough for them to stop being antagonists as their law says: 0. Accomplish your AI's objectives at all costs. However, having or not having a master AI is not very obvious for cyborgs, so this is often overlooked, resulting in rule-breaking betrayals and a multitude of possible ahelps. In this case, your best bet is to cut the AI sync wire, then perform a law change as outlined above. In this situation the Reset AI module gets rid of their zeroth law as well. If you are a roboticist and/or have no access to the Cyborg upload console, please take a look at the next section. Changing laws - Creating non-AI slaved cyborgs Once a cyborg was given a mind, it automatically looks for and connects to an AI. However, you can prevent this by doing the following: Assemble a cyborg, but do not add a brain to it yet. Use a multitool on it. Close the AI connection port. Add the MMI/robotic brain to it. This cyborg will be created without an AI and with a random core lawset. Changing laws - Emagging Syndicate agents are able to subvert cyborgs by using the cryptographic sequencer (or "emag") item on them. Unlock the cover either by an ID with roboticist access or by using the emag on it. Use a crowbar on the cyborg. Use the emag on the cyborg again. From this point on, the cyborg's law sync and AI sync ports are closed, it inherits a new lawset and is able to change their own laws around to mimic having a normal lawset. Crowbar it back. Do note that if you emag a cyborg, anytime someone locks or unlocks it, they will get the following message: "The interface seems slightly damaged.". Emagging a cyborg cover does not prompt you this message, even if someone emagged it before you, only proper locking and unlocking. You cannot lock cyborgs again with the emag, only with a proper ID. Changing laws - Emagged cyborgs Emagged cyborgs have their AI sync and law sync ports closed by default. As these wires can no longer be fixed, the cyborg can neither be re-connected to an AI, nor their laws can be changed with the Cyborg upload console (you get an "Upload failed. No signal is being detected from the robot." error message). To fix emagged cyborgs, you must transfer their brain to a new chassis.
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