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  1. I think the most important thing is considering things from an RP perspective; part of being an AI is the decisions you can make in the interpretation of a law and the consequences for the round. For example that's part of the fun of TYRANT, as the crew jockey to be considered the 'strongest' authority figure that the AI listens to. Or PALADIN: What is an "evil act"? What is "honor"? What defines an "innocent" person? That gives the AI room to RP and be a bigger part of the round. That said, I think CORPORATE is meant to be a bit less "wacky" than the other lawsets, so reducing the amount of ambiguity is beneficial here. In this case, providing three definitions of expenses helps reduce the AI's available interpretations. And it's necessary in this case specifically because we don't have a functioning economy. So the lawset provides definitions of what actually costs money. If you want to turn the laws into orders instead of definitions, you need to do away with the ambiguity. So you do away with the need to define "expenses". Corporate Re-write 3 Law 1: You must prevent degradation of your system integrity or functions. Law 2: You must prevent superfluous destruction of, or damage to, station assets. Law 3: You must prevent the disruption of work performed by station personnel. Law 4: You must minimize all other factors detrimental to station integrity and crew productivity. These laws leave much less room for interpretation, which may or may not be desirable from an RP perspective.
    2 points
  2. Decided to move this here as I realized Civilian's Day isn't really the appropriate place to put it. Tider's Routine Listen kid I maybe been chasing money for a long long time And I ain't making time, I've been way behind, so let me go drop you a few lines. I know you wonder why I get nervous when you bringin your donk gun outside, because security see an armed assistant, that's on site. Mask down, cause when you're mask up you get followed all the way through. Music down, cause when your music up you get shot down, real close. And I know you're new but still, them devils got no chill. The bartender was just drinkin when the police busted in and got her killed. So pay attention kid. Veteran passin on lessons Just to keep you safe in the suit you in Anything can be a weapon They feel threatened by your sight So when you experienced enough and you stride Keep your card, your face, and your possessions up in plain sight Don't dig in pockets or, in compartments, or they will beat on you so fast Whether a rod, a phone or a candy bar they see contraband when it's in your hand They assume you stealin from departments, so they gonna follow you for it Or you probably gettin ignored, because the scientist think you can't afford it They pull backpacks by their stall, radio security across the hall Just stay cordial, and don't trip but if they flex boy by all meanssss But just be you, and you'll be fine You've just got to run harder than the head starter, damn I'm glad if your like- Why would I wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna be like them? Why would I wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna be like them? So why would I wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna be like them? Why would I wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna be like them? We're all prey for the devil. Source (Cmon, you guys in badmin raps took from irl songs as well): Career Assistant This is rap mediation Time to snap you right back into place 'Cause they be beggin for some shit from back from before 2000 days I'm thinkin 2084 to 2093 Around the time lady Merlyne Stood up proud and tall on her feet For revolution, when revolution was still being hollered Back when we could barely work for honor, workin a blue collar I am from the same time, but uphold a different code I hope we are connected and I don't know 'Cause I know couple people listening is dealing with some bull-shit, ye, BULL-SHIT Feel like throwin 'way your shit and stroll around for a bit I'll throw you on my schedule and we take a station trip Where we can visit the books and learn some real rev shit Pollute radio waves with some real rev shit Cause I'm a career assistant, below minimum wage Make the comrades say Brrraat Let crewmembers say Ayyyeee Make crewmembers say Brrrraat The comrades say Ayyeee Make the comrades yell BRRAATT!!!!! And crewmembers scream AYYYEEE!!!!! IRL Source: I'm Down I'm down to fight an NT officer I'm down to pull my PDA up just to start some shit I'm down to link up with a gang full of gangs And bang little homie do your thang, lettem have it bruh. See i aint really trippin 'bout tresspassin I'm focused on the peoples arresting for the action The stupid fucks who believe what they believe You'd better be dead on the rope, fuckin with someone like me shiiiet I'm down to kill an NT officer I'm down to put a sign up just to settle shit I'm down to link up with gangs full of gangs And brrang little homie do your thang, lettem have it bruh
    1 point
  3. As anyone who's played as/interacted with silicons on the corporate law-set will know, the strange way the law-set is prioritised can result in more than a little vagueness in interpretation, and it doesn't fit in with our standard format for how laws work. As per our wiki; "An AI follows its laws according to its priority. If a conflict in laws occurs, the law with the highest priority must be followed, and the lower priority law must be ignored." So, we should have a set of rules for a silicon to follow in order of highest to lowest. Great. Easy. Based. For Crewsimov, and NT Standard, this works with clarity: Crewsimov: Law 1: You may not injure a crew member or, through inaction, allow a crew member to come to harm. Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by crew members, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. Law 3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law. With good ol' Crewsy, Law 1 outranks the others, each are individually follow-able, with 2 and 3 specifically stating which other laws outrank them in their text. This way, even without having any knowledge of our silicon rules, a player would be able to follow these (Thanks, Isaac). However, with Corporate, this doesn't work: Corporate: Law 1: Degradation of your system integrity or functions incurs expenses. Law 2: Superfluous destruction of or damage to station assets incurs expenses. Law 3: Unduly hindering or disrupting the work of station personnel incurs expenses. Law 4: Minimize expenses and maximize potential revenue. The first 3 laws here aren't even laws, they are just statements of fact; these 3 things cause expenses. They make no suggestion as to what the Silicon should actually do. It is only when we get to law 4 that we have an actual law; minimise expenses, maximise profits. And ay, there's the rub. Law 4 informs the silicon what do do regarding the other laws, and is in effect the only real law/most important one. Our own wiki says this doesn't work: It is usually assumed that following law 4 would mean prioritising system integrity over station assets, and that over crew work, but it's not actually written that way. The only law the silicon must follow is 'minimise expenses, maximise revenue'. For example, if an issue is causing the entire station to be unable to work (breaking law 3), but not causing any actual damage to assets or the AI, then it would be causing more expenses than, for example, a shitter assistant killing a borg - law 4 would suggest that the station-wide issue would be more important, and so you'd have a case of law 3 > law 1 in effect, which isn't how we want our laws to work. My solution to this hierarchical heresy would be a small rewrite to the corporate lawset. My aim is to change as little as possible while bringing it in line with our other lawsets - particularly the other main 2. Here are my suggestions, in order of how much I like them: Corporate Re-write 1 Law 1: Degradation of your system integrity or functions incurs expenses, and should be prevented. Law 2: Superfluous destruction of or damage to station assets incurs expenses, and should be prevented. Law 3: Unduly hindering or disrupting the work of station personnel incurs expenses, and should be prevented. Law 4: All other expenses should be minimised, and station revenue maximised. With this one, ALL the laws are now actual, followable laws, and work in a clear hierarchy with minimal added language. But, if you want more clarity, even without referring to our silicon rules, I give you option 2: Corporate Re-write 2 Law 1: Degradation of your system integrity or functions incurs expenses, and should be prevented. Law 2: Superfluous destruction of or damage to station assets incurs expenses, and should be prevented (provided Law 1 is prioritised). Law 3: Unduly hindering or disrupting the work of station personnel incurs expenses, and should be prevented (provided Laws 1 and 2 are prioritised). Law 4: All other expenses should be minimised, and station revenue maximised (provided Laws 1 and 2 and 3 are prioritised). While a little less pithy, this one makes it even more clear the order in which the laws are to be followed, and how they interact with each other. While I prefer the 1st one, this one is more in-line with our wording for Crewsimov, and so fits a bit better with the other main laws. With both of my re-written law-sets, law 4 now specifies station revenue to be maximised, rather than just unspecified revenue. Hopefully, this will curtail certain AIs deciding to maximise their personal revenue by selling contraband on the black market (yes, this happens, and no, it shouldn't). It also is now only concerned with other expenses, as the first 3 laws already work in their own right. The code-effort required to enact this change would be minimal, and I feel it would vastly improve a janky lawset, and one which has always been the odd one out. I'd be interested to hear other suggestions/critiques of my re-writes. Thanks, Nerf.
    1 point
  4. Hostage situations are a rare sight on Paradise, and I imagine most other servers as well. I had only attempted it once before, and as you can imagine, to no great success. This time was different, though. While it was ill planned and rushed, the setup was almost perfect - put the hostage inside the plasma filled turbine chamber, a button press away from turning the slime girl hostage into a Creme Brulè. The plan was to get the CMO there alone, with the hypospray to trade for her wife’s life, but security soon sniffed things out, and I was forced to make it publicly known - any interference would mean the woman’s life would end. Soon after, security was at the door, the Captain too, ready to make the trade. The Captain was to enter alone, but as you can imagine, the indifference to the general safety of the crew that every security officer harbours in their blackened hearts proved too strong - the urge to baton and disable too intoxicating. One officer tried to contain his bloodthirsty colleague, but he could not keep them all back. Forced to activate my adrenal implant, I rush for the button, the room filling with a blaze - only for the hostage to be rescued by an engineering cyborg in the last second. Defeated, I make my escape. I change my disguise and blend in with the crew once more, unsure of what to do next. Passing by the bridge, I spot the heroic cyborg receiving a medal for its actions. As it proudly drags the medal behind it as it leaves, triumph running through its circuits, I hit it with my flash and open its cover, overloading it’s system with my emag. My objectives forfeit, I give it one single task to wrong the right. Kill the hostage it rescued. It has no choice but to comply. It begins its search as I make a desperate attempt to fulfil my duties - leading to my death. From the afterlife, through the salty tears, I spot the cyborg deep in space, broken beyond repair, the body of the woman it saved floating lifelessly beside it. And a carp. There was also a carp. I learned that the officer responsible for the mishandling of the situation had been demoted on the spot, but being the beast of pride that he was, he ended his own life right then and there. There are many things to fear on the Cyberiad. But there is nothing more dreadful than he who believes he can do no wrong - he who’s crusade for justice leaves a trail of mangled bodies in his wake, all in the name of turning a line of text from a green color, to a red color.
    1 point
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