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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2022 in all areas

  1. Introduction: Hello, i am maliciousmoxy i usually play rose white this is my first post here i hope its suitable. i want to bring to attention the reception of the new disease system and its balancing as well as its problems from a gameplay perspective and why i and many other players believe its making the game less fun. Gameplay problems with the disease system: The problem with disease in this game is that wile its much like other station catastrophic events like blob or spiders it fails to entertain players like they do. Blob and spiders let you control or spectate the catastrophe after you die playing as one of them giving you a new objective, as well as they give plenty of fun opportunities for the players to fight it escape it or be the one that survives after shit hits the fan. That increases gameplay value and frankly those are station catastrophes both i and other players seem to want more of. The other problem with the new diseases is that they disproportionately kill antagonists with out replacing them with something else that creates fun chaos, antagonists can't as easily go to the public medbay the most crowded part of the ship to get the cure if they can't make it in the short timespan it can give them debilitating effects ruining their game and the game of the people around them by making it more milk toast with out adversity, As a example i was playing as vampire named rose white, with an other vampire we had taken out the entire security department and were on my way to become ultimate vampires. Until we caught the disease security had, it killed me in a short matter of time as much as i was using the 250 vampire self rejuvenation ability it wouldn't stop hurting me continuously, until i died. round after that was boring with ERT there but no adversity to deal with. Wile the idea of space disease passing through the crew and dropping them dead is great in realism and sounds interesting it really doesn't give any fun gameplay potential for anyone but the virologist. Prospective solutions/fixes : 1. Simplest and most balanced option is returning to the old disease system. I haven't heard anyone praising the new disease system. 2. Importing game modes from other stations such as sentient disease or a form of zombie outbrake which would work much like blob giving people symptoms as a disease overmind trying to keep enough people sick and if we go with the zombies idea being able to turn the dead into different types of zombies and organize them [ This solution would take WAAAY longer to implement and balance but if it interests you feel free to make the pr for it] 4. Make the disease system more interesting like after a point of infected central command automatically messaging the ai quarantine areas or send people in hazmat suits disinfectant tanks and flamethrowers to cremate people with the disease and purge it, that could be fun. Changes in procedures making it required for people to take a disease waaayy more seriously etc. 3. This is mostly mending the problem a little bit, but either make antags invincible to the disease or give them an easy out like a 1 tc all disease curer or vampire healing removes diseases or the wizards are magically immune etc
    3 points
  2. Some bar designs I've been doing, not all of them but here's the two I think are my favorites from experimenting with layouts.
    3 points
  3. Page URL(If applicable): https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Standard_Operating_Procedure_(Science) Description of your suggestion or issue report: Issue number one: Reticence has no mentions. As we can see in points one and two, all other mechs are mentioned as either: "combat", "utility", or "needs special approval" for HONK. Mime mech lacks mention however. At first glance, it just looks like "HONK but mime" and it's what most people who dont know how it works assume. It is not. Fast, quiet, deadly (carbine), well-defended (mime rcd). It is combat mech if i have ever seen one Possible change: 1. The Roboticist is not permitted to construct Combat Mechs without express permission from the Captain and/or Head of Security. This refers to the Durand, Gygax, Phazon and Reticence. If permitted, the Mechs is to be delivered to the Armory for storage. The Research Director is placed under the same restrictions; Disclaimer: delivering Reticence to armory sevres no purpose, as it is ID locked to mime access. Some better solution could be needed. Maybe add exception for it? Maybe forbid making it at all? Leave it for antag purposes only? Carbine, which made me write this in tthe first place, got tweaked to deal stamina damage, making this part irrelevant https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/19764 Issue number two: Point six of robotics SoP is straight up incorrect. Yes, you need tracking beacons for combat mechs, but utility mechs have one from moment they are created. What does adding 2nd do you may ask? This is what you often see on exosuit console when playing RD. Utility mechs stated twice Suggested change: 6. The Roboticist must place a Tracking Beacon on all constructed combat Mechs; (maybe HONK needs one too? Unsure really) Edit: HONK needs one too Issue number two resolved in: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/18956
    2 points
  4. I have been playing medical ever since I started here. I don't love having a new annoying virus every 15 minutes, but I did notice something. This whole system made having a virologist who knows what he's doing just as important as having good chemists every shift. In my opinion this is a good thing because with the new system, virology is more interesting to play. However, it could be a lot better. Now let's say you're CMO and you don't have a good virologist. This is a problem that can be dealt with quite easily. Either hire a viro from inside or outside of your department or do this: 1. Enter viro. 2. Make a virus using the flu virus bottle and unstable mutagen. 3. Repeat until you have anti-bodies metabolism. 4. Remove the other symptoms with diphenhydramine. 5. Release and distribute. 6. ???? 7. Immunity. If you as a CMO does not know virology, you are screwed. You should always learn the entire department before thinking about leading it anyway. If you don't have a good chemist, CMO has to make chems. If you don't have a good doctor, you gotta fix people. It's the same thing with research directors and roboticists, head of security and warden (which is a hella lot more annoying imo).
    1 point
  5. Let me show you it's description when examining I would say that it was, more or less, intended for it to to be deadly to some extent
    1 point
  6. Cant balance game if there is no game, just delete the servers ask aa7 to fix balance issues by pouring water on da servers or we can go like bay 13 and make sure everybody has literally 0 skills for completely annoying and agonising gameplay weapons have a 25% fail chance, attacking you instead
    1 point
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