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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2022 in all areas

  1. Needless to say mental health is important, no matter where you're at, what you're doing, how healthy you are mentally impacts what you do and what you experience. The advice I found I'm not going to paraphrase. It came from this lovely video. In short, it's easy to focus on what annoys us, makes us feel lonely, and generally hurts us. However, taking time to remember the good things that have happened to you, even just one thing sincerely, can ease this feeling. Making it a regular habit will bear greater results. As someone who suffers chronic depression, anxiety, and loneliness I know how hard it is to do this. Just remember, one step at a time, and you're not alone. We're with you, whether it's fighting the same enemy or cheering you on to take another step. Thank you, everyone for taking time to read this, watch the video, or even just briefly glancing at this post. I am grateful for you and whatever time you spent here.
    1 point
  2. My Final Escape TEG And an exceptionally good mining round I had
    1 point
  3. Hi! I'm the one who wrote the event rework, so I'd like to clarify some intentions I had in mind for it: 1. Fix the buggy disease generation that produced nonviable diseases that could only spread by blood and displayed incorrect cures when analyzed. This was achieved by reworking the disease generation to always produce a disease that at least spreads by contact. 2. Provide plausible deniability for antag virologists. This was done by removing the type 7 biohazard announcement 3. Reduce the impact of RNG towards antags. This was done by changing the infection method from "random crew on the station" to "new arrivals as carriers" 4. Make the virologist role more useful than making the same 6 symptom healing virus every shift and going SSD afterwards. Not sure if this one has been achieved considering how little time it takes to detect and to cure diseases. I understand that it is harder for antags to get medical help, but it is the case for all kinds of medical problems (fractures, IB, organ damage) not just for diseases. Dealing with it is part of antag gameplay. Medbay will often announce the cure for the virus and it is often something trivial like salt or orange juice, which should be easily procurable. Biosuits, gas masks and internals also reduce transmission risk. As for this: What we had before, wasn't really a "system". It was a bug. Instead of the disease outbreak it produced basically a non-event 75% of the time. A useless disease that couldn't spread and was showing up incorrectly in the disease analyzer as well. Going to old "system" basically amounts to the removal of randomly generated viruses altogether. Which once again calls the complete job of the virologist in question. I'd say the disease system and the virologist job is in a dire need of a rework because as of now it is barely a job at all. I have a few ideas in mind, but nothing that can be implemented quickly. However I'll submit something to combine the major and moderate diseases events into one, which would reduce the total amount of diseases introduced to the station.
    1 point
  4. Some bar designs I've been doing, not all of them but here's the two I think are my favorites from experimenting with layouts.
    1 point
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