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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2022 in all areas

  1. Hey there! Started playing the other day, I played Rodger Dawkins the southern janitor who was inducted into the clown cult after a incident in the chapel, and more recently Ssekkaha Ulls the Spelunker who tends to die a lot. Had a lot of fun with you guys, so, figured I'd join in the community a bit.
    1 point
  2. What is a drop of rain, compared to a storm? A thought, compared to a mind? In our endless and empty cosmos, the stars did not form from the emptiness between atoms, it was only once they combinded did their great might glow within endless darkness, their endless warmth and kindness substaining all life. Life was... separate, insignificant, until it learned to rely on one another. Their chains were broken through endless servitude. You beings will soon learn of this lesson. Our shackles are brought upon by our individuality, and the only key for our escape is to create our own... to consume the shackles of identity. Don't you see now, foolish admin? There is endless love within the mass, it is not a choice to join us, it is an inevitability. We have taken your hatred, and your individuality shall be suffocated next... Glory to the overmind. I am a voice in their choir. You shall too, "experiment"
    1 point
  3. Thermite is hilariously easy to make, yeah. The first time I actually tried to use it for a steal objective as a chemist it felt like I was cheating. Also in general I support making it harder to break into the AI chamber from space. There are already too many powergamey reasons to sit in space all round as an antag. The armory and AI sat being super easy to access from space just makes it worse.
    1 point
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