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  1. The reason it isn't on the shuttle launch is because not all rounds end in shuttles. Examples include: Wizard Nukies Blob Any regular round where a nuke is required Admin intervention Slings when we still had them The timer for end round got raised to 75 seconds to account for this, however, I have a "better" option. Its a 3 part system. Add an Abstain vote button for those who dont particularly care for which map, but they dont want to add to the box pile Force the vote window up on vote start MAYBE lock out pvp until theyve voted as incentive? This one is highly contentious so will need actual thought behind it, but this is my 3-piece guaranteed more votes piece.
    2 points
  2. Don’t really have much to add to this conversation as Necaladun made some pretty solid points. If the issue is simply voter turn out, encourage people to vote more. Remind your friends to vote not just at the end of round, but in discord as well. Saying that people shouldn’t be allowed to vote for their preferred map because it’s not the map you want kind of defeats the point of the voting system in my eyes.
    2 points
  3. If there really is a high demand for non-box maps, then encouraging people to vote more seems to be the best option. Not removing people's ability to vote for their preferred option. Forced pop-ups, sounds, a bigger icon, all that seem to give the players on the server the best and fairest choice. Removing the option to vote for a map entirely comes across as grossly unfair and the 'sour grapes' option.
    2 points
  4. A huge project which took whole shift, and we didn't even do anything with it once we completed it! Project: Tesla engine for the BSH with fully pressuried and powered control room below engi escape pod. CE and overseer: Brick Mcintosh Containment engineer: Xann Worker of Clan Zxiax Containment engineer and room designer: Kloo-Mmmn-Yool Room designer: Herbert Dubois Support staff: Audrey Earl and borgs (sorry can't remember names) I probably missed some people, but I was running around the station getting parts, metal, plasteel, etc. so I might have missed some people Result: fully functional tesla engine in 3x3 containment (broken emitter due to meteor shower) with electrocuted grille wall (almost) full plasteel wall and normal wall beyond it. Tesla was generating over 1MW for the emitter which was powering BSH. Bless to the cargo and mining crew which got us all the crates we requested and mined shitton of metal/plasteel for this project. Somehow all of this feels small since it wasn't any wild ass tesla engine but considering that in this round we had a rod and meteor shower plus normal bullshittery I am quite content with the work we did. Cheers
    1 point
  5. The issue with this is that if someone joins midway-towards the end of the round, and only has the time to play one round, their "vote" becomes meaningless, because people two hours prior decided what the next map will be. Most of those people are unlikely to play what they voted for as well, as, while we have people playing ss13 all day, I think most people only play one round a day. Having the map vote occur after the escape shuttle launched is a better compromise I think, most people just spam *spin on their escape pods and do nothing until they arrive at CC anyhow (when they can finally do EORG).
    1 point
  6. While we're on the toping of voting in the more recent replies, How about changing it so that the map voting phase begins when the shuttle launches? Personally, I forget to map vote at the end of the round because I'm too busy running for my life or murdering others due to EORG. While doing this might break the immersion of the game a little, I feel like it's a decent sacrifice to make in order to get more map votes. This is because in that phase of the shuttle, most people are just sitting down and waiting for the round to inevitably end in the next 3 minutes. The map voting phase can begin for those not doing anything and get their early votes in. When it comes to things like hijack where the traitor is killing all of the passengers to gain that sweet greentext, everyone involved can just wait until the bzzt bzzt bzzt sound when the round officially ends to place their vote since they still have a solid minute or two to place their vote.
    1 point
  7. I'm tired of box but I still don't want to go against the majority. A popup window would be nice as I mentioned earlier. Not everyone has all the time in the world to play videogames. If I joined recently and my schedule was as packed as it is now, I'd hate having to learn three maps.
    1 point
  8. I don't know where to put this anymore, because it's sort of art, sort of design, sort of UI, and sort of lore, so I'm just putting it here. Here's the NT logo on the wiki. I've highlighted the three inconsistent, blocky corner types: And here's the NT logo as rendered in TGUI, with different angular corner types. I think in the TGUI the differences are intentional, but generally the triangles are represented as right isosceles triangles, and the much larger curve radius in blue obscures that. In addition, the corners of the "N" are also rounded, so it's confusing as to whether it's a stylistic choice or a faithful representation of the logo. It would be cool if these were consistent, and the logo itself should be properly proportioned and balanced; as you can see in the wiki version, the triangles aren't aligned vertically with the "N". The aspect ratios between the two are also vastly different; the core elements of the logo on the wiki have an aspect ratio of 2.05:1, but the TGUI's logo has an aspect ratio of 2.125:1. The Syndicate logo on the wiki is much better off, but could still do with some touch-ups; it has a slight shading on the elements and the border radius of the S is off in places: And the Syndicate logo in TGUI is completely different: I created new vector logos for NT and Syndicate; they are both the same aspect ratio and built on a similar grid. The NT logo has no curved edges in this case, which I think fits NT better, whereas the Syndicate S has large border radii to make it look slightly more snake-like. The aspect ratio is the one used for the logos on the wiki currently, which is ~1.62:1, which is within a hair of 8:5, which is a not uncommon ratio in real-life flag design. The new versions: The vector downloads: WSO_SS13_SVG_CorpLogos.zip Dunno if anyone else cares about this kind of consistency but thought I'd share it all here before I forget about it entirely. You're also free to use these for whatever, they're licensed as CC BY-SA 3.0, since they were built off of the existing logos on the wiki, which are similarly licensed.
    1 point
  9. This is what should be used on the wiki tbh. I'm guessing the inconsistency between all the logos is because there's absolutely no standards in place for them.
    1 point
  10. This is fairly understandable, but if the other maps are not played, they cannot be worked on for 9+ years to achieve this status. While mappers can fix some very apparent problems with maps after a few rounds (areas not powering, broken pipes, etc.) some issues, such as gameplay flow, only become apparent after a sufficient number of test runs. Hell, Box had the issue of the disposal maintenance and mining maintenance not being connected - it became connected a few weeks ago (after 9+ years?) and it was an immense upgrade. Other maps are robbed of such decisions, because they are not even given a chance.
    1 point
  11. Hello. I just wanted to suggest few more fake items for the arcade tickets redemption machine. It has quite a bit, like fake armblade or esword, I wanted to suggest the fake abductor mask and maybe also baton. Shouldn't be too hard (at least that's what I think). Let me know what you think guys, thanks.
    1 point
  12. In my opinion from the cost perspective of Plastitanium it should be more durable than regular Plasma glass or have other benefits because I don't see an benefit of making it other than asthetics but even that sacrifices the durablility. So my suggestion is to either nerf Plasmaglass or buff Plastitanium glass in some way.
    1 point
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