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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2022 in all areas

  1. Part of the rules say you have to do the role you signed up for. Protesting and striking is the opposite of that. Giving people "Some antag status" for starting a union will mean people will do it constantly for a free antag role. This is something the staff have 0 interest in for the server. It's only fun for the people doing it, not for everyone else trying to do their jobs. You can Ahelp for permission to do it, but there's no way this will be allowed automatically. It gets very old very fast.
    4 points
  2. I had half a reply written up but @Generaldonothing said basically everything. Small non violent talks of unions before have had NT stealth ops come in and kneecap people before, however.
    1 point
  3. Unions don't really make sense ICly. Nanotrasen is a big bad evil corporation, you think they'll support that kind of stuff? OOCly it's far simpler, unions are used almost exclusively for self-antagging and are probably the most overplayed gimmick in the game. There's basically no situation where going around trying to organize a mob to beat down a department isn't going to be antagonistic, as you are causing security to focus on you rather than antagonists. Generally, this is due to the union gathering a bunch of spears together and sitting in the front of the bridge. Distracting security as a non-antagonist is kind of a big common sense no-no. And uh, generally unfun for anyone not part of the union in round. Antagonist roles are in game for a reason. There is actually a simple solution to this, ahelp and ask to form a union. If they say yes (no response is a response, it means no), Generally, when people are given event roles, this goes far smoother as an admin will actually want to play along, and other people will also want to play along. Security isn't gonna get flack for doing it's job. Para did actually have an RP revolution gamemode, and it was removed in this PR: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/4255 I do think this is more suited for adminbus stuff, however. People are already steered away from doing this stuff due to self antagging rules, cargonia is a good example of what unions often cause. Self Antaging: Antagonizing without being an Antag - Self Antaging refers to players who decide to do actions that normally only a Antagonist would do, i.e; Murdering other players, heavily damaging the station or causing chaos on a mass scale. Unions will cause chaos on a major scale, I'd talk with neca about adding something more specific to the advanced rules as they maintain that page
    1 point
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