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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2022 in all areas

  1. Heya, This is something that I've noticed has been complained about on multiple occasions, and I feel a forum post for feedback should be made on it to see how people feel about it. Currently there is no way to change the name of an IPC/IRC, and this confuses players who assume like other species, IPCs/IRCs can have their name changed. This has been proven to be especially frustrating for IPC players who need to have their heads replaced in round and cannot have their name reset to their actual name. Proposed solution: "Serial number change" - surgery Step 1- Screwdriver (3 seconds) "You unscrew the glass serial number seal." Step 2- Pen (3 seconds) "You start to change the serial number on [SRC].". You can input a new name up to 32 characters long, no ID required. Step 3- Screwdriver (3 seconds) "You screw the glass seal back on."
    2 points
  2. This was mainly derived from Mining borgs. I personally like the idea of being able to have module-specific upgrades for borgs, which can help accomplish a few things that bother some borg players in hopefully a healthy way. For example; Engiborgs can have the option of a few upgrades like... Being able to hold Plasteel so they can finally repair reinforced walls and not give the poor AI a bunch of normal walls when there's no engineer. Which can be a nice upgrade you can achieve way later to prevent malf AIs from having their engiborgs build a reinforced fortress early. With a side option of having borgs need to retrieve the material from the ORM instead of having them generated. Or an early upgrade to give engiborgs the ability to put god damn light tubes into the light fixtures they can already make (I will pay someone, anyone) With a smaller example going to JANIBORGS who have a majority of their equipment be useless due to their ability to auto-clean whatever they walk on. We could have that as an upgrade instead similar to the janicart.
    1 point
  3. This is something that I was mildly concerned about, I might make IRCs have a prefix for their name in that event. Yeah, changing the chassis won't change the IPC/IRC brain name
    1 point
  4. I am on the edge about this idea, because I genuinely despise doctors hogging multiple hyposprays/handheld defibs. They were intended to be QoL items in the first place (no need to use epipens then litter with the empty injector), not something to bypass pill timers/patch requirements with. I believe cyborgs have a hypospray with multiple chemicals in it because they are physically unable to use pill bottles/patch boxes or administer pills/patches. Doctors are capable of all of this, and I don't see a situation where one absolutely needs to inject something instantly that is not epi or salbutamol (to keep the patient alive). I am not sure if people are not aware of these pill/patch containers and thus not using them or if chemistry has not enough active players for multihypos becoming the standard. The idea itself is good, cyborgs already have it and it is useful, but I don't think it'd be healthy for the game. People gotta slow down a bit.
    1 point
  5. I take no responsibility for the neglect of others
    1 point
  6. Very often, traitors are easily recognised by their character, hair, and other distinguishing characteristics, which makes it harder to hide. This is a bigger issue for well established characters, where almost everyone knows how they look, making identifying them easy peasy even if they wear disguises. This item would allow to bring up the mirror menu anywhere (i guess its worth 1tc? also non contraband? Probably would be a good item to add to maint loot tables too), allowing to edit the hair and color, just like in any other mirror. This doesn't force the antagonist to go to a very exposed and dangerous locations like the barber shop, and helps keeping up the disguise.
    1 point
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