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  1. Autumn Aggley The Librarian,
    3 points
  2. (Story from a while back) It all started in medical. A mouse named Seth met another mouse named Brian and his cheese. Seth, being a little criminal he was, decided to steal Brian's cheese. Brian, of course, wasnt happy and decided to fight back for it! After little bit of biting, they came up with idea. Why fight for a little piece of cheese, when they can rob cheese bank! They decided to meet in courtroom and discuss plan there. Plan was simple. Break into captain's office through ventilation and retrieve his cheese! After... a bit of waiting for captain to arrive, they jumped him, squeaking agressively, demanding cheese under threat of Renault's life! They came up with perfect lie - a bomb attached to fox! After an old friend who is translator (who also chose to stay anonymous) came and explained situation to captain. Captain - feeling threatened - ordered biggest cheese wheel he possibly could, while Seth was blocking the exit! After around 5 minutes, cheese was ready. Our heroes escaped through opened bridge doors and made their way to gateway, where they consumed said cheese... Thing is, now that they commited robbery, they became true criminals. They decided to discuss "what next" in courtroom. Answer was simple. Escape to space mexico after shift and get fake identities. When, suddenly, they were jumped by security officer! They quickly escaped into ventilation, with new goal - chapel Chapel that round was... interesting to say the least. And so, disguised as monks, Seth and Brian thought they were safe... When suddenly, they were attacked by an Engineer, who we assume was member of enemy mafia. Brian and Seth were fighting hard, but were no match. They lost! Both have died. Seth was soon put under guilotine for his crimes. He lost his head, literally. Good people in medical decided to put Seth and Brian back together! Unfortunately, Seth's brain was permanently damaged, causing complete memory loss. Memory loss, to the point he started flirting with first thing he saw... being Iridium Round ended soon after. It has to be one of the best rounds ive ever played. It also was incredibely fun to came back to these old screenshot and remind myself of it. Special thanks to Sizzle for letting us rob him. Oh also, Seth has been going hard on Kslozsoh
    1 point
  3. truly ancient. who's the lore page on, old man? obidah or adrian?
    1 point
  4. thanks also im not old. Im the coolest hip finner in town, yo
    1 point
  5. This is clearly 100% accurate: I see no shoes anywhere! Great work!
    1 point
  6. Simply remove tcomms and employ assistants as message runners, or make Ian a carrier corgidgeon. Alternatively make the little PDA room thingy near gravgen a coldroom and put tcomms in there - the PDA messaging server is already in it, so it would make some sense
    1 point
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