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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2022 in all areas

  1. First Name: George Last Name: Kavalenov Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Age: 22 years Place Of Birth: RS Nenazvanya Species: Human Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Neutral Affiliation: None Religious Beliefs: The Bluespace Phenomena Detailed information Childhood: Adulthood: Appearance: Tall (195cm or 6'4ft) man in his early 20-s, with long hair, some of it gathered into a ponytail; cleanly shaved. His cybernetic arms are of unknown brand, with slighly transparent black silicon skin and pseudomuscles underneath. His eyes slightly glow purple. Usually, you can see him wearing a black jumpsuit with a silky white scarf, and a labcoat. Character Voice: Slightly deep, somewhat tired, with a light russian accent. Personality: Medical Record: Personal Relationships T.E.A.L - "Absolutely adorable little IPC, and my wife. She is the only thing stopping me from going insane..." Schrodinger - "He is an interesting case. Undoubtedly good friend, and knowledgeable one." Cinder - "She is a prime definition of a good scientist." Capella - "This slime... She certantly has good intentions... But sometimes it seems like there's no thought inside her head at all." Iridium - "While this nerd knows what he's doing, he certaintly goes way too far with his stupid fucking jokes..." P.U.R.P.L.E. - "Unsure. Part of him is a good friend. And the other hates me. Understandable, given what i put him through." PLATINUM - "Good intentions, high skill... I think i can trust him." May Bee and Bumble B - "Seemingly unseparable and robust pair of slimes." HOUNDs - "I think i have seen seen frames like these before... Hm." Nonie Hoover - "Can you fucking stop trespassing?" Syndicate Researcher - "You sick fucking bastards!" George Kavalenov - "You failed at saving your family. You failed at saving your friends. You ran like a coward. You always run. Why did you think that turning an IPC into an organic was a good idea? WHY did you think that lawing and wiping something you actually succeded at saving was a GOOD IDEA!? You deserve suffering." Romantically involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear (If you want in, or got questions, DM me on discord about it.) Faction Relations NanoTrasen - "Hard to trust a corporation that is clearly aiming to take monopoly of plasma on the market. And it's always hiding something... " Syndicate- "Scumbags, all of them. Blackmailing scumbags. At least their tech is neat." SolGov - "Really unsure. They are not as bad as USSP claimed, but are not good either." USSP - "Whole socialism thing is... Not working out. It never did, if you look back at the humanity's history." Elysium Republic - "Specieism. How original. Burn in hell." The Shoal - "The what?" Synthetic Union - "Free IPCs... As any other completely sentient being should be." Einstein Engines Inc - "Promising a shift to cheap bluespace engines? Brave move, i like it." BioTech Solutions - "Fairly robust cybernetics you got there. I can do better." Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information That... Should be it. Might be a subject to change. I dunno.
    3 points
  2. Specific items that wouldn't/shouldn't be available - Anything telecomms related, syndicate researchers aren't meant to be contacting normal crew - Records console boards, comms console boards, AI core board, AI/cyborg upload boards etc - Mech tracking beacons/AI beacons - Robobrains and syndicate MMIs would need to be changed to syndicate versions to stop them syncing to the station AI and have them loyal to the syndicate that made them Additionally, IRCs produced by syndicate robotics MAY need extra information telling them they are bound to the same rules as normal researchers and cannot leave
    1 point
  3. Ripping limbs off and pulling organs out seems like a good idea. If you do enough damage to the chest, abdomen or head the organs can fall out if you're using a sharp weapon I believe. Although, if you aren't gibbing for non-permakill reasons, you'll want to make them either unable to remove the head/take organs from it or unable to actually eat the brain, as this is the only part that needs to be retained for people to be revived. The rest of the limbs and organs are entirely superfluous (well they need a heart and lungs but not for cloning)
    1 point
  4. The canon lore date is the current year, plus 544 years
    1 point
  5. M.O.M.M.Y. loves everyone, so this post is invalid.
    1 point
  6. Also known as Shaw. Hello fellow nerds! I have come to the realization that I am nearing my 4 year anniversary of playing on this delightful spessman game and currently boasting 2200+ hours on Paradise alone; and I never did do one of these introductions! Better late than never, eh? Some of you may know my character in game, Dahk Grel the vulp. He’s one of my first characters and definitely my most played. He’s a bit of a self insert at times as opposed to some of my other characters who I’ve actually invested lore and character traits into, but I still love to play him for that slightly more casual feel. Paradise has been my most favorite game/server to play over the last nearly four years, and I hope to invest another four at least. The community, game mechanics, art style, inside jokes, and atmosphere are the absolute best I’ve ever seen in a game, and for that I love it to death. I have also absolutely been ‘that guy’ who tries to get IRL friends to check out ‘that weird 2d spess game that’s definitely not Among Us+‘. Here’s to another four years, nerds. Love ya. <3
    1 point
  7. I don't know where to put this anymore, because it's sort of art, sort of design, sort of UI, and sort of lore, so I'm just putting it here. Here's the NT logo on the wiki. I've highlighted the three inconsistent, blocky corner types: And here's the NT logo as rendered in TGUI, with different angular corner types. I think in the TGUI the differences are intentional, but generally the triangles are represented as right isosceles triangles, and the much larger curve radius in blue obscures that. In addition, the corners of the "N" are also rounded, so it's confusing as to whether it's a stylistic choice or a faithful representation of the logo. It would be cool if these were consistent, and the logo itself should be properly proportioned and balanced; as you can see in the wiki version, the triangles aren't aligned vertically with the "N". The aspect ratios between the two are also vastly different; the core elements of the logo on the wiki have an aspect ratio of 2.05:1, but the TGUI's logo has an aspect ratio of 2.125:1. The Syndicate logo on the wiki is much better off, but could still do with some touch-ups; it has a slight shading on the elements and the border radius of the S is off in places: And the Syndicate logo in TGUI is completely different: I created new vector logos for NT and Syndicate; they are both the same aspect ratio and built on a similar grid. The NT logo has no curved edges in this case, which I think fits NT better, whereas the Syndicate S has large border radii to make it look slightly more snake-like. The aspect ratio is the one used for the logos on the wiki currently, which is ~1.62:1, which is within a hair of 8:5, which is a not uncommon ratio in real-life flag design. The new versions: The vector downloads: WSO_SS13_SVG_CorpLogos.zip Dunno if anyone else cares about this kind of consistency but thought I'd share it all here before I forget about it entirely. You're also free to use these for whatever, they're licensed as CC BY-SA 3.0, since they were built off of the existing logos on the wiki, which are similarly licensed.
    1 point
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