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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, this post stems from a past zombies event that took place on October 23rd. Many people voiced their thoughts on wanting zombies onboard, something crewmembers should survive. It WILL induce chaos, but we get another biohazard different from spiders, blob or xenos. This could be either a gamemode or a midround event. Syndies send a number of infected onboard through a infiltration shuttle. A short time (depends on virus stages and balance, still to be determined) after someone (non IPC) is infected with the virus they turn into a ZOMBIE Their mob changes to a simplemob (a new mob/living/human/zombie) which sprite should be green-ish. Cannot use anything aside of bare hands, dropping whatever they had in them when they turned. They keep their equipment. They are hostile to EVERY other form of life they see Cannot speak normally, they just say guuuh or braainz or variations of that whenever they speak (inspired on the tape gag speech). Them not being able to communicate is to promote relying on numbers, playing dead and straight up tanking damage. They could still be able to point tho. They infect on bites and have a chance (25% ? ) to also infect on regular attacks (always slashes). They do not know who is infected (this is for them to just attack everyone evenly instead of ignoring infected ones) Biting would be a spell to be casted on one adjacent crewmember that guarantees they will eventually turn. They are as fast as a well fed human crewmember, not suffering from slowdowns from being injured (unless they're missing a leg or two, regular one/zero legged humanoid movment would apply). They can eat handcuffs (matter eater). There is no reliable way to tell if one is dead from afar, medhuds always show them as dead. You have to be close by to check (making posing as dead actually a valid strategy). They have no bloodloss. They have moderate regeneration. They can lose arms and legs impairing their movement and regular attacks but they would still be able to bite. Are still zombified if dead and revived with a defibrillator. About the cure (it is intended to be hard): Crew would need to get a blood sample from the Patient Zero, which would be one of the zombies, selected randomly. This would require crew securing their corpses (remember, they may fake being dead) to check if they are the patient zero, The virologist doing their job. Medbay being somewhat functional and safe-ish. Only the blood sample from the patient zero would yield a cure when placed in the PanD.E.M.I.C2200, the other vaccines would straight up kill whoever gets vaccinated, to avoid people just spamming them without testing (monkeys). The correctly vaccinated zombie (using a syringe gun or smoke/foam grenades), then would fall in a "regenerative coma", waking up as a bald human, all their injuries healed, except missing limbs. (this also solves crew overwhelming medbay with injuries from when they were a zombie). Open to changes, removals and additions.
    2 points
  2. Wouldn’t really call myself an old player despite being here since 2016, largely due to the sheer number of bans (including an entire year one), as well as a 6 month break in 2019. As for why am I still here, it gives me something to do as a hobby that doesn’t need astronomical time devotion, but I can still feel like I am making a difference hosting wise. It’s no secret I am right in the burnout phase given my lack of existence ingame, but hey the lights are still on so I’m calling that a job well done.
    2 points
  3. Hey guys! Im just curious here. Im one of the old players of Paradise, i've been here since October 2014.. which is 8 years ago now. How long have you people been playing? And what keeps you here! Would be lovely to hear stories about how long and why people keep playing on this server. Would also be real fun if there are any people from 2014-2016 that still plays the game and also has trips down memory lane sometimes.. I remember how i pinged people on Byond and exchanged skypenames, because Discord wasnt a big thing back then yet. Incredible how time flies. Have a lovely weekend /Autumn
    1 point
  4. February 2014 was when I joined Para. Then I tried to leave, but I was locked in the dungeon and if you're reading this help I want ou-
    1 point
  5. In all honesty, the "newer" borgs from /tg/ should be partially ported over, since right now, medical borgs (from what i can tell) can't do a whole lot in the surgery side of things since they flat out cant remove/implant organs, and they cant reattach limbs. they're are crazy useful for SR revival, But if the a limb is dead, they're entirely unable to revive the limb. (more of a oversight with how surgery works with laser scalpel rather than an issue with medborg) Even mentioning the fact mediborg cant pickup organs seem to make people say "mediborgs aren't meant to be soloing medical", And this argument is just silly in my opinion, since almost every medical round, it boils down into ~3 medical staff doing all of med, so why can't a (most of the time) single borg join in on helping med without asking for help from other medical staff, and basically having them take over the surgery? And all of that is just for surgery. from bits i've played on the /tg/ codebase, mediborg gets a hypospray upgrade, that expands on the types of chems the borg gets to use. While paracode doesn't have as many chems as /tg/ has, i don't see why letting mediborg get a upgrade that lets them use hydro, manitol, salbu, and maybe mutadone, since again, aside from salbutamol, med borg need help from other people to use basic meds like manitol, making it VERY hard to help people that need to be revived in a busy medbay. And emaged medborgs should get ether in the hypospray. NOW to enji borgs. I've seen other codebases have a "all in one" circuit, for airlocks, air alarms, fire locks, and fire alarms. And again, shifting the RCD over to a module upgrade. Jani borg? remove the entire wasd auto cleaning, maybe make it a module upgrade, and also giving them a bluespace trashbag upgrade might be good. Now mining and service borgs are pretty fine imo, although removing the stun arm from mining borg, and giving them a auto pressure mod for the KPA when emaged, could be interesting. The entire stun side of borgs is something that isn't going to fit in this box. But removing the stun side of things for borgs getting flashed, but leaving the blinding, and maybe disabling a module or two on rng? Could make fighting borgs on both sides less.. enji borg insta wins unless sec knows your emaged. TLDR: Give medborgs hands, remove hydro from basic hypospray, and add a upgrade for them that gives them, Hydro, salbu, mani, and mutadone, and while emaged, ether. Give enjiborgs a circuit fab/all in one circuit, make the RCD a upgrade. Remove auto cleaning from janiborg, and give them a bluespace trashbag upgrade, and maybe a wasd cleaning upgrade. Maybe change the miningborgs emaged tool(?) to be a auto pressure modded KPA. P.S I wasn't entirely sure if i should have made an entire new topic for something that's already been posted about, so lemme know if this should be its own topic.
    1 point
  6. First Name:Guthen Last Name: Charson Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Guth, Brown Fin, Dusty Picture(If Available) (Hopefully better version to be added soon!) Age: 30 Place Of Birth: Sol System, Mars. Species: Human Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Lawful Evil Affiliation: Nanotrasen, Copper Crooks Gang(formerly). Religious Beliefs: N/A Childhood: Treasure/Animal Hunter. Young Traveler. Adulthood: Unidentified Outlaw. Mid-Lazy Detective. Detailed Information Appearance: 1"85m tall, average build but notably slim. Semi brown goatee and hipster beard, brown hair, brown eyes. Very notable for wearing Tan cowboy hat and brown Trench coat. Character Voice: His voice used to be a bit softer and clearer, but after sometimes of his events his voice began to dry off. Personality: Sassy, Sarcastic, Distracting and way too Lazy. Medical Record: Left hand replaced with prosthesis Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals after the incident in past event. Sight of Frigophobia and Astrophobia(?) Character Biography Guthen Charson, born somewhere around Sol system in an arid climate land. While many agreed he's from Earth like many, his relative records show the origin that Guthen's families are settled at Mars for many generation. While he dropped education and lacked the degrees that any great students could wish for. Young Guthen lives his own life by spending a lot of times in the wild, warm and fresh breathable air away from industrial area. With all his experiences, Guthen possesses a great ability of a Hunter lifestyle and survivability in the harsh environments, however, with lack of advance education and studies he tend to be quite clumsy and tend to get his hands into something he does not know by his curiosity. He also tend to be really lazy and moody at some point due to his habits. Now, Guthen working for Nanotrasen thanks to his childhood friend "Ruby Russhell", who recently got transferred into the Research Station NSS Cyberiad and forcefully convince Charson to assign into Nanotrasen employee and got him into the station Cyberiad as to do him a favor with the fresh new beginning and opportunities awaits him. Still wears his hat with now the trench coat, his new life begins. Although Guthen still needs to adapt himself around the crewmen and the station itself, he tend to walk around and try to make friends he deems appropriate. While he tends to stay out of troubles, his own instinct can makes him dangerously unpredictable to his true intentions, most of times he does not think twice to determine his survivability. He would attempt to save his friends and others from immediate dangers and giving his best judgement and guidance through the situations. But he won't hesitate to run away for his own sakes. While he does have much degrees on science and qualifies for any suitable Research job as station needs, Guthen makes his way on recommend into Security thanks to his Marksmanship and Forensic training. He was fitted to the Detective job and reserved enforcer if required. He also finds Robotic works quite fascinating as how much he's really curious of the synthetic crewmen and cyborgs as much as he tried to communicate with them as a human being, he took basic Robotic training with Ruby and little knowledge of the machines and bots although he's still nowhere an Robotic expert yet. Family: Roderick Charson (Father) - Deceased by natural causes. Esther Blanche (Mother) - Deceased by illness and old age. Wiber Charson (Uncle) - Deceased by permanent injury. Savannah Charson (Aunt) - Alive Mickey "Stiletto" Charson (Cousin) - Alive Personal Relationships Ruby Russhell - Admire/Close Friend - "*chuckles* ...That Red-eyed woman." Kennard Rose - Admire/Good Friend - "Rose. Is one hell of a lad. Aye, we tag along just fine. We are like that one movie! What's it called again?" Mike Murdock - Like - "Cheers! Crazy lad, and I like to lit up Mikey's temper sometimes for fun y'know?" Sam Aria - Like/Acquaintance - "The gal is a good doc' or everythin' ya needed! But I swear there's a puzzle about her." Tetra Vega - Respected - "Strong will! Skill! Smart! Although the bone surgery with tools... Still worryin' for the left rib. Right here." Steven Stingrey - Like - "Ya know I'm one lazy lad. And one FINEST bar is where I shall belong!" Autumn Aggley - Like/Friend - "I do enjoy spending time with her. She speaks like how a good book would." (Hopefully more and soon to be added!) Faction Relations Nanotrasen - Neutral "You better keep cool for those with heads way higher than ya, lad." The Syndicate - Dislike "I heard of them and their dirt' works. Not my style, and nor something I like." Synthetic Union - Allied "Respect them really. They are cool as how they look." SolGov - Dislike "Let's not sweat the details. It's hard enough to have them watch at you over your roof and street. " Copper Crooks - Enemy "I knew it. In the end it's all about who truly get the Last Score." Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Theme:
    1 point
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