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  1. Just in case this stems out to something in the future - As the one who did these events, I'm happy to hand the .dmi(s) and .ogg(s) (icon and sound files respectivelly) files used for such. For the former, they're a simple 4-sided simplemob sprite, so if there's a desire to make them carbonmobs (So they can grab things/etc) there would need to be some extra coder/spriter work put out. I'm quite happy to see a lil event of mine spinning out such a wide-span desire for something, at that, but I'll be staying out of any discussion about it due to my inherent bias for it, and I will most likely not be hosting this event (or any) in the near future due to issues. However I'm happy to see this (and other) suggestions/requests coming from something I put some work into.
    2 points
  2. I meant for a while :p I might do them later on! Life is just life so I'm sitting on the sideline. I would however suggest, if you're truly looking for a big oppinion of this, possibly poking some of the dev team or a maintainer or somesuch, since they may be able to provide insight I cannot.
    1 point
  3. I disagree, one of the cornerstones of zombies in popular culture (The Walking Dead, Project Zomboid for example) are that they only form hordes because they react the same way to stimuli, not as some sort of hivemind or team. Lacking a proper way to communicate (they can still mimic and point to stuff tho) should make them rely on numerical superiority and straight up tanking damage, not coordinated tactics. Not that I wouldn t add grunting languaje if enough people says so :) 1. I agree, sudden zombification may be a bit lame, that means the optimal way this could be handled (that I know of, again, feel free to say out loud any ideas you might have) would be for the zombies to be offered to ghosts or picked up at roundstart from whoever had the (to be created) zombie antagonist enabled and then the Syndicate sends them after a few minutes (say five/ten minutes?) using an infiltration shuttle. 2. I think I might have found a solution on how to implement a "Hard" cure: getting a blood sample from the Patient Zero, which would be one of the zombies, selected randomly. This would require crew securing their corpses (remember, they may fake being dead) to check if they are the patient zero, the virologist doing their job and then medbay being somewhat functional and safe-ish. Only the blood sample from the patient zero would yield a cure when placed in the PanD.E.M.I.C2200, the other vaccines would straight up infect whoever gets vaccinated, to avoid people just spamming the vaccines. This could be tested on monkeys, which could also be offered to ghosts if they turn :). The correctly vaccinated zombie (using syringe gun or smoke grenades), then would fall in a "regenerative coma", waking up in the same state as they were infected, all their injuries healed, except missing limbs. (this accidentally solves most of what PeakPerformance said in their second paragraph). 3. At the top 4. At 1 5. That was bad wording on my side (to be edited), I was referring to the slowdown you get as carbonmobs whenever you are badly hurt. 6. I was thinking on basing their HP on the state of their brain, on how damaged it is, so people focus on attacking their heads (as depicted in The Walking Dead). Note that incinerating them would also work. However I feel this may be complicated to do. Maybe regular HP would be better? 7. Yes, eating brains as progression was to enable some sort of it, but I still haven t thought of another way to do it. Maybe counting the number of carbonmobs infected by that zombie in particular? Still have no idea on what "abilities" should a zombie get. 8. Yes, they should be able to grab a lance or chairs or even glass shards and go unga on crew. However that raises the question of whether they should be able to infect people that way. Maybe an ability so they could coat the weapon in their blood to infect them? I however don't see a zombie sabotaging the SM, hacking a door open (they should be able to punch them, but it would take time) or turning off equipment through an APC (they could just smash them to pieces). Thanks Eric! Glad you take interest on this and also sad that there will be no more such events. I'll be interested in those files when I start coding for sure. To anyone else reading, your input is also welcome!
    1 point
  4. Now see I could follow the bait and reveal myself to be Spark the unretired but uh no So instead I'll just call you stinky
    1 point
  5. And just how would you do that, oh retired admin?
    1 point
  6. Mentors to the left of me, retired mods to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle of two ancient, ancient entities.
    1 point
  7. Very readable and clean design document, a few things stick out to me though. 1. I would keep the starting zombies to ghost players, people randomly getting zombified while in round would lead to frustrations 2. Zombification should be cureable, even if extremely difficult to do so. SS13 is not a great game to have fail states in, and the roleplay from knowing that you *might* die is significantly more useable than knowing that you *will* die. 3. Cannot speak normally- I'm a bit concerned on this, letting them speak to crew normally and lure people into traps would give them a very cool difference between the other midrounds. I'd probably give them some way to communicate with other zombies at least, would be frustrating most likely otherwise. 4. RNG infection chance is pretty wack and it's something that is being moved away from, it would be for the best if it was guarrenteed to occure if some prerequisite is meant 5. Do they have slowdown? I dunno if you mean well fed as in "they get the slowdown from being obese" or not 6. It needs to be more than just brain damage, limiting this to just brute being an effective way of killing them is pretty eh 7. Eating brains seems like a bad way to progress, due to this being permakilling. 8. Letting them use nothing in their hands might lead to same-y rounds, could give them big fingers to prevent them from using guns and let them do sabo? Overall, nice idea with some solid ideas behind it, happy to see what comes of it
    1 point
  8. A big reason xenos were so hated was because they gibbed the infected person so I'd tend to stray away from that, and you need a wincon for crew that doen't just involve eradicating everyone who's a zombie. What if instead we focused a bit more on the viral aspect of the outbreak - their virus could have a very very specific cure, like a mix of multiple chems, or more virology work like requiring multiple people's blood or different stages to fully identify it. The goal would be more containment of zombified crew (even dead, as the dead rises !) and experimenting on them to try and cure them a-la I am Legend. Only brain damage means laser to the head won't kill, forcing ballistics and thus broken bones and all, pain in the ass for crew who get de-zombified later and will quickly overwhelm medbay, I think just regular damage with some damage mod, regen or regen mechanics would be good. Maybe giving them matter eater too so they can eat cuffs, and and having them still take like half stamina damage so they're beefy and fairly uncontainable but can be handled nonlethally if sec is good ((or DARING >:D))
    1 point
  9. having a language that sounds like grunting would be better so that zombies can communicate
    1 point
  10. Character Bio First Name: PTL-303 Middle Name: N/A Last Name: Page Nicknames/Alias: Pretzel/Blue Species: Integrated Positronic Chassis Gender: Female Height: 5ft. 5in./1.651 meters Weight: 120 lbs./54.431 kg. Place Of Construction: NSS Cyberiad Date Of Construction: April 12th, 2562 Age: 6 Years old Main Roles on the NSS Cyberiad: Assistant Alignment: Neutral good Favorite Food: Soups and Crayons Favorite Drink: Servo and Space Cleaner Favorite Color: Blue and Red Fears: Being alone Personal Quote: "Hello!" Affiliations: Nanotrasen and The Synthetic Union Childhood: Nanotrasen employee Adulthood: Nanotrasen employee Character Art Living Quarters Ship Model: Starchaser II Ship's Nickname: The Breadbox Designers: Exeter Scrapyards Location: Parked in rented space outside of the NAS Crescent. Important Cargo -Zaoo-Qu's old Camera -A lizard plushy gifted by Shesi -A large pretzel made of metal -A blue motorcycle covered in stickers -A pair of worn corgi shirts. One labeled "Sad Shirt" and the other labeled "Cuddle Shirt" -A green poncho gifted by lusooso Oo -Project Oscar-7 storage box and Oscar-7 Access Card -Bone Dagger gifted by P.U.R.P.L.E. Family Amy Page: Human Mother Maceo Page: Tajaran Father Winter Page: Tajaran Brother
    1 point
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