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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2022 in all areas

  1. Wouldn’t really call myself an old player despite being here since 2016, largely due to the sheer number of bans (including an entire year one), as well as a 6 month break in 2019. As for why am I still here, it gives me something to do as a hobby that doesn’t need astronomical time devotion, but I can still feel like I am making a difference hosting wise. It’s no secret I am right in the burnout phase given my lack of existence ingame, but hey the lights are still on so I’m calling that a job well done.
    1 point
  2. Heya, This is something that I've noticed has been complained about on multiple occasions, and I feel a forum post for feedback should be made on it to see how people feel about it. Currently there is no way to change the name of an IPC/IRC, and this confuses players who assume like other species, IPCs/IRCs can have their name changed. This has been proven to be especially frustrating for IPC players who need to have their heads replaced in round and cannot have their name reset to their actual name. Proposed solution: "Serial number change" - surgery Step 1- Screwdriver (3 seconds) "You unscrew the glass serial number seal." Step 2- Pen (3 seconds) "You start to change the serial number on [SRC].". You can input a new name up to 32 characters long, no ID required. Step 3- Screwdriver (3 seconds) "You screw the glass seal back on."
    1 point
  3. You know, when you make a bait post you're not supposed to toss the whole rod in.
    1 point
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