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  1. Hello Crew! This is my pack of stuff what i gathered trough playing on paradise, there are some Ideas, QoL (if i understand correctly that is "Quality of Life") and (probably) bugs, i know bugs have different tab...but! i don't know myself if they are actuall bugs or just "lack in code" and it need be suggested, please give feedback on my ideas if you like some of them, i know most of them will not pass trough other people think. Now i will split ideas to categories, roles and other stuff to make it little less messy: ---==Robotics==--- Robots: - Floor Bot: = When bot run out of tiles while it is in maintence, it will stop moving.... please make it go back to robotics or just "search" around for metal if it have "convert metal to tiles" ON. = When bot remove tiles it consume "tiles"... by itself it don't make sense why it consume tiles to remove tiles (and don't even place them back). = "Sectors", this option allow to select if it should function in maintence areas (out of public) or work in publica areas so we can be specified. - Medic Bot: = "Medbay Lock", this option allow to set up if medic borg can move out of medbay, when activated, medic borg will stay in medbay area and don't fly out. = When you make Medic Bot from "Machine repair kit" it would heal only silicons (like IPC, other robots and cyborgs) - Cleaning Bot: = "Sectors", this option allow to select if it should function in maintence areas (out of public) or work in publica areas so we can be specified. (good for antagonist's as hacked option) - Ability to change robots look by doing "syntetic surgery" to other types of look (i once saw medibot in shape of big bee) Exosuits: - Riply -> Ability to be changed to Fire Fighter. Process: = Go Maintence Mode = Use Wrench = Use Crowbar = Use Screwdriver = Remove Power Cell = Use Welder on "Harm" intent (remove plating, give 5 metal back) = Apply Firefighter Suit = Apply 10 plasteel = Wrench = Weld Armor in = Put battery back = Screwdriver = Crowbar = Wrench = Exit maintece mode DONE, now you have Fire Fighter - Exosuits Upgrades: = Thermal Generator, only usable on lavaland ash storms or high-heat enviornement (like plasma fire) ---==Implants==--- - New surgery option: Implant manipulation desc: allow you to remove and add new implant content. Process for Organic: = Choose Implant Manipulation (only avaliable if person have implant) = Scalpel = Hemostat = Retractor = Screwdriver (to loosen screws) = Wrench (to open mechanical system) = Crowbar (To Remove implants you want replace) = Wrench = Screwdriver = Cautery - Surgical Arm Implant Implant space: 9 (all occupied) Basic content: = Retractor [space: 1] = Hemostat [space: 1] = Cautery [space: 1] = Bone Settler [space: 1] = Scalpel [space: 1] = Circular Saw [space: 1] = Bone Gel [space: 1] = FixOVein [space: 1] = Surgical Drill [space: 1] Replacement options: = Basic laser scalpel [space: 2] = Improved laser scalpel [space: 2] = Advanced laser scalpel [space: 2] = Incision Management System [space: 4] = Alien Retractor [space: 3] = Alien Hemostat [space: 3] = Alien Cautery [space: 3] = Alien Bone Settler [space: 3] = Alien Scalpel [space: 3] = Alien Circular Saw [space: 3] = Alien Bone Gel [space: 3] = Alien FixOVein [space: 3] = Alien Surgical Drill [space: 3] Cannot implant 2 same implants, for example: hemostat and alien hemostat Avaliable Upgrades: Alien Tools Adaptation - Require Inserting Alien Alloy to implant, it will decrease all Alien tools space cost from 3 to 1 - Janitorial Arm Implant Implant space: 6 (all occupied) Basic content: = Advanced Mop [space: 1] = Soap [space: 1] = Light Replacer [space: 1] = flyswatter [space: 1] = space cleaner [space: 1] The Janitorial Arm, can install maximum 3 space cleaner in it as replacement for mop and soap. ---==Cyborgs, AI and Drones==--- I know there was post about "upgrades for cyborgs" but i want discuss specific upgrades of "my idea", all "downgrades" are moved to be "upgrades" what you can obain at Robotics, similar how you get for example VTEC or other upgrades. - Janitor Module: Downgrades: = Removed auto walking cleaning ability Upgrades: = Trashbag of Holding upgrade (allow to store more items) = Floor Buffer upgrade (allow to clean floor when walking, can be switched ON/OFF) = Better Light Replacer Recycling upgrade [BLRR] (instead of 4 broken lights like blubs/lamps it need 2 to create new one) Emmaged: = "High Pressure Vaccum" allow to shoot anything what bag of trash hold in it. - Medical Module: Downgrades: = Change Large Beaker to basic beaker (From 100units to 50units) Upgrades: = Holo stretcher upgrade (replace roller bed and you can have 3 of them) = Advanced Laser Scalpel (replace basic laser scalpel with better one) = Upgraded Cyborg Hypospray (expand chemicals with: manninol, salbutamol, mutadone) = Large Beaker (increase beaker size to 100units) = Expanded Kits (increase kits amount from 6 to 12) - Engineer Module: Downgrades: = Removing Floor Painter from it and make as upgrade, so people playing them dont make eye hurting floors. = Remove RCD, its very advanced tool what make other tools have less use, can be obained as upgrade. Upgrades: = Floor Painter (for better control) = Cyborg Analizer (so engineer robots can repair other machines, like IPC) = RCD (powerfull tool, better to be as upgrade) For Medical and Engineer: = Tray Upgrade (the one what have service bot) This upgrade will solve issue with cyborgs picking up stuff, now they can pick up stuff from floor but they still cannot use them. - AI: Ability to trigger fire alarms in selected area by pressing Alt+Left Mouse, it would be usefull to fast lockdown sector without need to "find" fire alarm button to press. - Maintence Drone: Ah yes, my belowed Lovely cuties, playing them is fun but restrictions on them make it less fun, they can't interact with crew, crew can interact with them (what is one sided and can make you be bwoink if you respond... oh the misery) so i have one nice idea when i played as Robotics, why don't give ability for maintence drones for "basic" interaction with robotics, where they can come and ask robotics for repair (well they still hear only "boop bop bop") and even make maintence drones need just basic upgrades like "battery upgrade" where they can come and ask robotics for better battery, it would make robotics have little more fun with machines. ---===Miners and Explorers===--- Miners: - More Knife types for PKA to attach, it would make it more interesting, PKA is good at range, but in close attack kinda fail. - Ability to attach "goliath cloack" to jumpsuit or exosuit (or add neck slot for this) - Ability to "struggle" free from goliath tentacles, when there are 2 goliaths or watcher with goliath, you get owned quickly, it would be nice if there was item to counter it and was avaliable at vendor - Make Mining Hardsuit don't restrict movement on lavaland (same speed like wear normal mining suit), it will restrict movement only when you are on station or in mining outpost. - Ability to attach "Resonator" to PKA and Crusher: (kinda need balancing) = When attached to PKA it would create "force" on hit targets, it will collapse in 3seconds dealing only 25% damage, every 1 second there will be "mark" to hit, if you hit in mark moment it appear, it will make resonator deal 50% damage (idk how many basic resonator deal damage) = When attached to Crusher, it will create "force" on hit targets, it will collapse in 3seconds dealing only 25% and removing back stab mark, every 1 second there will be "mark" to hit, if you hit in mark moment it appear, it will make resonator deal 100% damage = Resonators can be attached and removed from PKA using wrench. Explorers: - More information about explorer on wiki, kinda ssuck that you don't get any tips like "how to orient yourself using GPS" or any other usable information about explorer in general. - GPS upgrade what will be avaliable on research 6, it will add to GPS function of "mapping" so you can track your position in space and signals, it will have list of left "Sector 2" "Sector 3" etc and screen with map. and after pressing on sector, it will show sector you are in, it will show your location, signals positions and allow you to mark spots on map (map will still be blank, but you can see your location in space kinda like handheld crew monitor but without anything on it, just your position in space as "green" dot, and signals as "Red" marks, and you can make "white" marks with special "space beacons aplicator", its like normal beacons, but are specially made for GPS only, and you can get this "GPS pellets" with "Space Beacon Aplicator [SBA]" at RnD. (anything what allow you to track yourself in space) - "Station Bonded Radio" avaliable at RnD, allow to hear and respond to all station messages, no matter where you are in space ---===Science===--- RnD: - Possibility to choose in "deconstruction" if you want get returned to menu or not (when you decostruct items, you get send back to menu, would be nice if there was "on/off" button for it) Xenobio: - "compressing slime holder" its container what allow to hold only one type on slime in it but can hold more of it than biohazard bag (2 times more) - When you use "slime management console" you should be able to see other console icon. - When there is "hostiles in door controls detected" or whatever its called, after reboot, the glass doors don't close after some time, it would be nice if glass doors close after reboot. ---===Antagonist===--- Aliens: - Alien Queen: = "Corrosion" or whatever this ability is called, what you can select object and it create acid, it would be better if this ability was active one, when you press on it it would say "you are ready to spit acid" and press on object you want to corrode, instead of getting huge list of ALL objects in surrounding (what are sorted alphabetical way instead of distance from player) so its less annoying to use, and can be used during combat - Alien Sentiel: This one is not very often took one, yes it have acid spit and you can use it in combat, but is rarely took compared to hunter or drone, so i got idea to make it "acid specialist" = Normal Spit [30 plasma] (the basic spit what sentiel have, it will knock down people when hit, stun them for 1 second (unable to use weapon) and unable to stand up for 3 seconds (they can crawl around but can't stand up, still can use weapons)). = Acidic Spit [50 plasma] when person get hit, it will start dealing brute and burning damage, resistance to this damage depend on armor. = Sticky Spit [75 plasma] when person get hit by it, they will be knocked down, unable to move or use anything for 5 seconds (if person wear any protection armor, it will slow them down -50% of speed, still can move and shoot) = Corrosive spit [100 plasma] when person get hit, it will start "corroding" armor (decrease protection values, to make them more vonurelable to attack) it don't deal any other damage to flesh people and it only damage only to metalic/syntetic like: Exosuits, cyborgs, IPC. - Larva: = They will mature faster after eating only organs of host they bursted out (the lung and heart what drop out after burst). In oryginal game i played (old one) there was mission as chestburster to find small pray to eat (like cat, dog or mouse), after eating they "cocoon" and become matured adults. Morph: - When morph change its look to smaller objects, it should be passable trough instead of be pushed by other people, it kinda don't make sense that you can be pushed as ciragrate butt, but i understand if it was something larger. = if you walk on morph what is changed to small object, it will make "splash" noise, similar to blob one (just any slimy sound). Wizard: - There is one item in book, what don't make sense, and its cultist soul stones, as wizard you are unable to use them, you can only do it if you are cultist wizard... should it be this way? why wizard can't use them? yep it have spell for it, i didn't know it. Changeling: - Make changelings be able to choose "speciality" they want be specialized at so new people can experiment with skills what changeling have. - They get "loadout" section, where they can choose one of loadouts below: (similar how wizard can get loadouts from book) - Close Combat: [Cost 10 chems] = Arm Blade = Epinephrine Overdose = Fleshmend = Organic Shield = Chitinous Armor = Dissonant Shriek - Space Combat: [Cost 10 chems] = Arm Blade = Tentacle = Organic Shield = Organic Space Suit = Fleshmend = Blind Sting - Darkness Assasination: [Cost 10 chems] = Augmented Eyesight = Chameleon Skin = Cryogenic Sting = Arm Blade = Digital Camouflage = Blind Sting - Chaos: [Cost 10 chems] = Hallucination Sting = Spread Infestation = Anatomic Panacea = Blind Sting = Lesser form = Mimic Voice = Dissonant Shriek = Strained Muscles = Last Resort = Organic Shield = Swap Forms The Loadouts can be reset by using "Readapt" This loadouts ideas are my suggestion, if someone understand changelings abilities, they can make better ones. P.S. For record, it took me 5 days to make this post and recall most ideas what i forgot to finish this, there still can be something what i forgot.
    1 point
  2. Expanding on @destinycall’s idea, to keep things fresh it’d be nice if each round it required a few specific things that change each round. Like, say every time it needs food and basic medicines, but there will be a list of 3 specific things it needs that cycles, so one round needs 1000u Heparin, 50 different books, and the circuit boards to make a full kitchen setup, while the next needs 200u of Rezadone, 250 bars of gold, and 5 new cyborg bodies.
    1 point
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