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  1. One thing I see a lot around the discussion of lethal-use as Security is a bit of a "rules for we but not for thee" argument. Do note this was not originally my take, but something that @necaladun has pretty much stated every time I've asked questions about lethality in regards to rulings in game: why should Security be expected to roll over and die to any antagonist on Station? The end-outcome of any antagonist stunning you is most likely death. The only reason some people leave Officers alive and dont just toolbox in their face is a sense of community-decided "rules of honor", otherwise Server Rules wise theyre free to do so. Limiting Security's ability to deal with life-threatening weapons (and this includes all stun based ones) turns it into a game of fear over "am I going to get bwoinked for ICly trying not to die?". I actually do like this idea, but again, slamming someone down to -140HP and them surviving due to medical treatment should be considered the same. I can in theory survive getting 357'd, but if a weapon is in play you fall into the same "rules for we but not for thee" issue as I stated above. Security should not be afraid of dealing with antagonists, antagonists should be afraid and having to plan around dealing with Security. You are on THEIR Station, not the other way around. Stims/CNS/Adrenals/Meth/etc are all designed around being lethal'd. If you have anti-stun, youre going to get shot/beat to near-crit. This has been the case for years and I doubt will change ever. Do note that in theory situations that antags should be mass-murdering Officers and running about openly with uplink gear/full power vamps/changelings in unga mode should ALSO be rare. People SHOULD be doing things stealthily and trying to fly under Security's radar as to not have them escalate on you. But, many people find that playstyle boring. As such, if more people are doing unga-mode lethalable actions, the amount and frequency of lethals will follow suit. Would I like there to be less "unga lethal kill both sides 24/7" when playing Sec and antagonists? Yes. But its a circular issue that works from both ends that wont be solved by just changing Space Law. If only Security is looked at, then nobody will want to deal with playing with their hands tied behind their back while antagonists get to slam 357s into forheads.
    8 points
  2. The general opinion seems to be that Security has become too liberal with the use of lethals lately, however as we all know, many of the circumstances are "technically"(The holy word) permitted under Space Law. I think some small, but maybe impactful changes to the content of the wiki can lead to more defined game experience with a clearer line on what lines to abide by. I write this post to make a few comments on certain sections, provide some better phrasing or changes, followed by my intended impact and open discussion that may actually change something. https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Space_Law# (Space Law link for those unaware.) If you have that link open, scroll down to the use of deadly force section, where I’ll be spending most of my time for the remainder of the post. I’ll begin with analysis of the lethal-warrant categories and end touching on the first paragraph of the section. LETHALS AUTHORIZED Often times, this sentence can be seen as KOS because of the vague nature of some of the categories below, additionally because of the golden word “technicality.”. Two are most in question. Since interpretation is key here, I think it’s best to narrow the scope. Armed and Dangerous(Stun weapons, Lethals, etc.) Firstly I would like to point out “stun weapons”. If you are say, a traitor and have stolen a disabler, that alone, per space law provision, warrants a disproportionate response of opening the armory for a baton or disabler being stolen. I have seen this as justification to use lethals because it is “technically” allowed. From a gameplay standpoint, say you’re traitor, you’ve stolen a baton or disabler, do you think it’s reasonable to be considered armed and “dangerous?” Which leads me to my second comment. Proposed Solution: Remove stun weapons from lethals authorized, and place “lethals” under the recommended, heavily armed tab. I’d remind you, that on the Paradise Sec Wiki, Security serves as a DEFENSE force. We should be reactive, meeting where the antags are rather than beating them to the next level of escalation. If stun weapons are combined with my definition of dangerous(defined in my second critique), then sure, authorization. However, in gameplay, in RP, either one, meeting stun weapons with a laser gun, when stun weapons alone can largely be stam damage is an out-of-touch portion. Impact: You’re not met with a laser gun because you stole a disabler from an officer. These are two disproportionate responses, and many antags try to AVOID round removal or killing, however it tends to be encouraged given the famed “armed and dangerous” section. “Dangerous.” Now what does dangerous mean in this context? You’ve robbed an officer? Killed an Officer? I have no more comments under than being up to interpretation, which has lead to very rigid gameplay, which then leads me to my proposed solution. Proposed Solution: Define dangerous as one confirmed crew kill or more. If those stun weapons were used by an individual that killed a crew or Security Officer, then it should warrant an “eye for an eye” clause. The antag made the move to kill someone? Then they brought it to that level and the force should be reciprocated as such. Impact: This rewards non-murderbone antag gameplay and the players that suffer when lethals are authorized and they have actively killed nobody, while preserving the loud antag style. This also encourages Security to be more engaged with who they’re targeting, as if they make a mistake, it could be considered manslaughter. Antag punishments tend to be admin only, however Security consequences remain up to the HOS or Magistrate, almost entirely IC, and this by in part raises the standard. Enhanced Individuals(Stims, Implants, Bio-Chips) I was once of the position that meth and implants warranted lethals, but after some thought I can’t find a justification as to why that is so. They’re not inherently dangerous on their own, only typically in combination with a weapon that would land you as heavily armed. They’re limited resources that doesn’t pose a threat, and shouldn’t warrant an open armory because they alone can’t kill crew, save for maybe an EMP implant. I’ve seen officers kill individuals in crit because of adrenals, or freedoms ,or maim them for those reasons. Proposed Solution: Remove this from the lethals tab all together as they’re not a weapon or life threatening, besides possibly EMP implant. They can be caught without lethals, and back to my central point that Security should likely be meeting antags where they escalate, not beating them to the punch. If they’re heavily armed, or considered dangerous on my definition, then armory will be open under those reasons, not simply because of adrenals. Impact: Players aren’t beat to death when already down(something I admittedly have done), having their legs broken because they used freedoms, or simply over the top responses. Concluding Thoughts I’ll leave you with a few questions. “As a member of the station's Security force, you are one of the best armed and protected people on the station and equipped with the latest in non-lethal weaponry. Situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between. In the vast majority of cases, you will be expected to use your non-lethal tools which are many times more effective than lethal options to defuse a situation. In general, if it is possible to capture personnel non-lethally you should. If you do not, expect to have to justify yourself to Internal Affairs to not get fired and to Administrators to not be Jobbanned.” How reliable of a paragraph do you believe this to be given the WIDE variety of circumstances lethals “technically” can be utilized? Leaving it up to interpretation has left for the backdoor argument, of authorized, therefore just, and relying on the player to make that choice leads to a very slippery slope. Given what is allowed, imagine for a moment if a majority of security chose to maximize the opportunities in the status quo because they “technically” can. Personally, I see Sec gameplay headed in that direction, and it’s simply optimal to narrow the scope and create better parameters that reward a softer approach for all players involved. Are you happy with the status quo? Also multiple assailants would move up to recommended given these changes(I'm not adding another section that's self explanatory given arguments provided.)
    4 points
  3. When i reworked meth and adrenals, it was my intention for security to lethal anyone using these chemicals. I cant agree with you on this clause removal. The other stuff? Sure. The stun weapons part is basically a relic of old stun combat where, if someone had a taser you were basically fucked.
    3 points
  4. Starting notes: This post is going to be covering why the current implementation is such a mess, and won't really be offering solutions. I'll probably make a forum post later explaining some possible routes for them. Why evopoints fail as a meaningful resource system: - You get too many compared to the cost of abilities, 10 evopoints will get you everything you want and then some. Every ability cost 1-2 evo. This is made even worse due to their options being pretty boring and bad - They don't actually interact with the other abilities you have access to, meaning that it's only used for one thing - Reroll is totally sidelined due to the above, and really won't be used even though it's a cool concept Why chemicals don't work as a resource system: - Cannot be increased in any way, meaning that changelings on higher populations are gonna get screwed due to the sheer amount of people playing. This also means that players won't feel like they're making progress. - They have a high cap and low recharge rate. Encouraging people to sit in a locker for a minute or more is terrible for everyone involved, and so heavily encourages "cheese tactics". The idea of chemicals is to make a changeling wait for an opening, go in with full chemicals, and get out after using them to win the encounter. This does not work in practice, because 90 people play here, not 15 (Lowpop cling is fun as fuck btw it's actually amazing and was designed specifically for that setting). - Forces abilities to directly compete against each other, stuff like speed legs VS epiOD is way more stupid with chemicals taken into account rather than just looking at something like a cooldown. - Forces abilities to have a low power level. Allowing this stuff to be spammed super heavily means that the stuff you get needs to be kind of shit. The whole "Absorb"/DNA/Transformation mechanic is underdeveloped -Absorbing someone? Cool. Does less than it really should. Absorbing someone doesn't feel satisfying, it feels tedious. - DNA sting kind of trivalizes absorb type mechanics, making the ever present action button only used if absolutely required. -Transformation is kind of ass, you don't get their clothes, their ID, or useable information about them. As many people don't use the notes feature, you're normally left in the dark. Plus this is highpop so good luck impersonating anyone with an actual character because you probably don't know them (I feel bad for the clings that get me). - It's a bit clunky to use, being forced to stop is weird (God I love TG radical menus) Abilities: - A few of them are total griefing tools. Hallu sting, spiders, and resonant shriek are really only used for purposes of griefing, rather than doing anything fun. These also aren't very good. -Some of them are just bad in almost every situation. Organic space suit is really, really bad and is worse than taking fleshmend and doing a spacewalk. Digital chamo is a sick joke against anyone that takes it. Last resort is awful but really funny. -Some of them are really good but really boring. Fleshmend does what it says on the tin, which is really, really boring. Augmented eyesight is great, but nobody is all that happy to take it. Armblade is a fireaxe that puts a KOS label on you. The sting that mutes you sure does that. It's this most bog standard vanilla icecream shit that makes you think "Man I wish I rolled tot". - A lot of them encourage low interaction gameplay. Mute sting stops someone from trying to call for help, and removes an option they have. Blind sting removes an option they have for escaping. Removing options causes frustration, and using your options effectively, also known as skillfully playing, is taken less into account. -Most of them instantly out you for being a changeling. You can't blend in if the use of your own abilities make you stand out. -I didn't have another place to mention it, but changeling claims to be "versatile", which is complete bullshit. Abunch of bad options does not make for a good varied kit. Regeneration: - Serves the purpose of making cling KOS 100% of the time, that's good? Kind of, but it does kind of suck they have an awful ability that pretends to be good. - This is used to get rid of robotic limbs startshift, nothing else - If you were seriously hurt due to a firefight, reviving is still a bad idea. In those 40 seconds they are going to probably find you, cuff you, and then strip everything you have. Hivemind: - ":g am the HOP come for AA" is an example of the kind of things you're going to hear, it encourages people to do objectives for the other changelings without any real gain. - The risk of actually finding a buddy is removed. Put bluntly "working together" as a cling isn't common because you actively looked for each other, and when it goes happen it's like 3 people just murderboning. - Hivemind link isn't an ability that is ever used, nor is it used for anything good when it is. Pretty much just used to fuck up other clings. Dunno why this exists when you can simply... talk to them. Actual changeling lore stuff: - The "Oh yeah they're actually just some random alien" absolutely ruins roleplay potental, giving people 0 reason to even attempt to roleplay with a changeling at all. - Changelings not being crew, but rather someone who replaced crew, is a nightmare. Letting silicons straight up murderize changelings sounds funny on paper, but it ends up just creating extreme "technically not validing" situations. God forbid someone accidentally kills a changeling and now everyone is scratching their head on what to do next. - It's underdeveloped so people just throw whatever they want to into it and say it's how it should be. Most people have a notion of what changeling should be... informed by themselves and nobody else. Changeling doesn't have an identity, and complaining something isn't "changeling like" is a silly argument. Well, there you go, if you yourself have issues that I didn't mention, throw them below. Remember to keep cling off at all times.
    2 points
  5. First of all, I respect the effort post. Nice to see that kind of energy around. I fully agree with your proposed defining of the dangerous clause, as well as removing stunbaton/disabler from armed and dangerous clause. There's really no argument against this. There is never a situation where you need to lethal someone who stole a disabler. Not even lethals to slow them. As for defining dangerous as someone who killed a crewmember, this is also reasonable for reasons stated and would be a positive impact. Its what I've been following personally—the more crew killed and/or permakilled, the higher the equating response. Now for the Stims/Implants/Bio-Chips This is absolutely false. I've killed entire sec teams with 3 roundstart meth pills, because meth is that fucking effective. Now, there is a skill issue of course cause a few good harmbatons will bring me down. However, it is absolutely worth lethalling, and while yes security doesn't *have* to lethal, as charlie said, they were designed for such. When sec doesn't lethal an adrenal/meth user it should be considered a kindness, not a given. Just because its possible doesn't mean it should be expected in this circumstance. I object heavily to meth/adrenals being put off the lethal clause. As a note, I am considering the fact that under your revised definitions, a meth user who kills an officer is now dangerous and able to be lethalled. I, however, support them being able to be lethalled before any such action takes place. In conclusion, I feel there's a compromise that can be had of keeping adrenals/meth/stims clause the same, but changing the prior two points to your redesign.
    2 points
  6. Going to preface this as being aware there are similar things in other codebases...I don't really play anywhere else nor look at other wikis, was just random brain moment. Was also requested I come post this idea, a bit more fleshed out by Samman166! The Spy Games Begin It dawned on me a round I was observing in, with three contractors, changlings, at least one hijacker...That there could be room somewhere in there for a more RP oriented, or at the very least, stealth and non-lethal, non-combative side offering much like contractors. The start of it is like any tot. Round start, they may get the choice to go contractor, giving up their TC for a harder start and more objectives to complete...or with this idea, they may become a Spy instead. Doing this would, much as contractor does, give up most, if not all of your TC to start, but provide you with not just extra objectives, but entirely new ones centered around information gathering, minor thefts, and otherwise not causing too much a scene nor drama within the station during the round. If a Spy is caught, unless they've been REALLY bad at their job, or make an ass of themselves, they could potentially get out of the brig with a short sentence instead of an instant perma. This is not an option for people who want a hard-mode, or to get even more TC to help other tots, or any of the like. It's an option for a lower-gear, less conflict and more RP focused pace. They may still help other tots with information, and small acts but...would hardly be equipped on their own to offer more than that. You may end up with a few more TC than you started with, What sort of bonuses, objectives, and the like would a spy be performing? Take a picture with X high value object clearly visible in it (no bigger than a 3x3 photo). Plant a total of # Camera bugs around the station, in at least # different rooms (round start rooms only). Plant # bugs around the station.(or a singular department). Steal # of ID's, they must have valid accounts attached to them. (IE no just making spare IDs, gotta have them linked cash accounts!) Steal # space cash. (Usually requiring either a lot of ID theft, or getting into the accounts terminal) What would be done with these items/cash/ect? They would either need to keep them until the round, escaping....Oooor. Send them out via a "Dead Drop" beacon they would receive. A new item! Exciting! The major component of the Spy situation, much like a contractors baton/PDA...is a unique briefcase and beacon, kept in a smuggler's satchel and best to be hidden somewhere. Most of the photo/money/minor theft items would be placed in the briefcase, and upon use of it, starts a sequence much like opening a portal for contractors...in which they toss the briefcase in or something akin to trading them in for their own TC returns...maybe the TC actually comes back in the briefcase itself! The beacon, on the other hand, is where the briefcase returns to after a quite a period of time, into whatever container the beacon may be in. This works through the smuggler satchel, but still would require it be kept somewhere near a window. All of this must be done near a window to space...say requiring X number of space tiles within sight, for proper connection. An Agent ID, a free encryption key, and potentially some low-cost stealth/infiltration items as well would be their bonus items. Pick Pocket gloves would help a ton. That was the gist of the idea, according to folks in dead chat, quite similar to other code bases, but again, was actually told I should come post about it here so...That I did!
    1 point
  7. The current Assassination objective requires that the victim be dead by the time the round ends. It doesn't matter how many times they'd been killed during the round, they just have to be dead the moment the round ends. This tends to lead to two situations, one where the antag rushes down the victim at the last minute so there's no time for revival, and the other being to make the victim unrevivable. There's a very limited number of ways that a body can be kept unrevivable, which leads to nearly all assassinations going down the same path of ambushing or rushing down the target and then making a break for it with the body before anyone can respond. There's very little, if any room at all for creative means of killing people, since anything that doesn't guarantee their body being unrevivable ends up being wasted time on the antag's part. Antags are supposed to be a part of the storytelling for the server. They're meant to add tension, drama, and excitement. However, the goal of making sure someone can't continue to participate in a round goes against that philosophy. No longer is it fear that you may be attacked, it's now fear that you won't be able to play the game. It's a reason people late join to avoid being selected as antag targets, or overprepare themselves in case they or someone else is attacked. Granted, an antag doesn't need to green text, but doing anything outside of their goals requires admin permission. but the greentext still encourages antags to go with a method that is safe and most likely to guarantee the victim stays dead, permakilling. Removing the 'dead at the end of the round' requirement I believe would alleviate a lot of these issues. Requiring the target to only die once would give the antags freedom to get creative with how they kill the person. There are so many cool and interesting traitor items and methods of killing that go unused because they don't give the opportunity to make sure the victim can't be revived. In addition to giving the antags more freedom, it would also mean victims don't have to metagame or valid hunt to make sure they will be able to keep playing the game. Many people say the best interactions with antags are the ones where they actually get to interact with the antags. If there's worry about this change making things too easy for antags, there could be ways of making sure the kill was at the hands of the antagonist. Some servers have the antagonist put a calling card on the body of the victim as a mark of a successful kill. Other methods could include taking a part of the victims body as a trophy or branding them. It would also create potential for more interesting storytelling or interactions with the victim, as they may be the target of multiple antags, and each antag would get their chance at them. Overall, I feel like no longer requiring assassination to be permenant would be more enjoyable for both antags and victims, plus opening up the opportunities for more interesting interactions between the two parties.
    1 point
  8. Hello Crew! This is my pack of stuff what i gathered trough playing on paradise, there are some Ideas, QoL (if i understand correctly that is "Quality of Life") and (probably) bugs, i know bugs have different tab...but! i don't know myself if they are actuall bugs or just "lack in code" and it need be suggested, please give feedback on my ideas if you like some of them, i know most of them will not pass trough other people think. Now i will split ideas to categories, roles and other stuff to make it little less messy: ---==Robotics==--- Robots: - Floor Bot: = When bot run out of tiles while it is in maintence, it will stop moving.... please make it go back to robotics or just "search" around for metal if it have "convert metal to tiles" ON. = When bot remove tiles it consume "tiles"... by itself it don't make sense why it consume tiles to remove tiles (and don't even place them back). = "Sectors", this option allow to select if it should function in maintence areas (out of public) or work in publica areas so we can be specified. - Medic Bot: = "Medbay Lock", this option allow to set up if medic borg can move out of medbay, when activated, medic borg will stay in medbay area and don't fly out. = When you make Medic Bot from "Machine repair kit" it would heal only silicons (like IPC, other robots and cyborgs) - Cleaning Bot: = "Sectors", this option allow to select if it should function in maintence areas (out of public) or work in publica areas so we can be specified. (good for antagonist's as hacked option) - Ability to change robots look by doing "syntetic surgery" to other types of look (i once saw medibot in shape of big bee) Exosuits: - Riply -> Ability to be changed to Fire Fighter. Process: = Go Maintence Mode = Use Wrench = Use Crowbar = Use Screwdriver = Remove Power Cell = Use Welder on "Harm" intent (remove plating, give 5 metal back) = Apply Firefighter Suit = Apply 10 plasteel = Wrench = Weld Armor in = Put battery back = Screwdriver = Crowbar = Wrench = Exit maintece mode DONE, now you have Fire Fighter - Exosuits Upgrades: = Thermal Generator, only usable on lavaland ash storms or high-heat enviornement (like plasma fire) ---==Implants==--- - New surgery option: Implant manipulation desc: allow you to remove and add new implant content. Process for Organic: = Choose Implant Manipulation (only avaliable if person have implant) = Scalpel = Hemostat = Retractor = Screwdriver (to loosen screws) = Wrench (to open mechanical system) = Crowbar (To Remove implants you want replace) = Wrench = Screwdriver = Cautery - Surgical Arm Implant Implant space: 9 (all occupied) Basic content: = Retractor [space: 1] = Hemostat [space: 1] = Cautery [space: 1] = Bone Settler [space: 1] = Scalpel [space: 1] = Circular Saw [space: 1] = Bone Gel [space: 1] = FixOVein [space: 1] = Surgical Drill [space: 1] Replacement options: = Basic laser scalpel [space: 2] = Improved laser scalpel [space: 2] = Advanced laser scalpel [space: 2] = Incision Management System [space: 4] = Alien Retractor [space: 3] = Alien Hemostat [space: 3] = Alien Cautery [space: 3] = Alien Bone Settler [space: 3] = Alien Scalpel [space: 3] = Alien Circular Saw [space: 3] = Alien Bone Gel [space: 3] = Alien FixOVein [space: 3] = Alien Surgical Drill [space: 3] Cannot implant 2 same implants, for example: hemostat and alien hemostat Avaliable Upgrades: Alien Tools Adaptation - Require Inserting Alien Alloy to implant, it will decrease all Alien tools space cost from 3 to 1 - Janitorial Arm Implant Implant space: 6 (all occupied) Basic content: = Advanced Mop [space: 1] = Soap [space: 1] = Light Replacer [space: 1] = flyswatter [space: 1] = space cleaner [space: 1] The Janitorial Arm, can install maximum 3 space cleaner in it as replacement for mop and soap. ---==Cyborgs, AI and Drones==--- I know there was post about "upgrades for cyborgs" but i want discuss specific upgrades of "my idea", all "downgrades" are moved to be "upgrades" what you can obain at Robotics, similar how you get for example VTEC or other upgrades. - Janitor Module: Downgrades: = Removed auto walking cleaning ability Upgrades: = Trashbag of Holding upgrade (allow to store more items) = Floor Buffer upgrade (allow to clean floor when walking, can be switched ON/OFF) = Better Light Replacer Recycling upgrade [BLRR] (instead of 4 broken lights like blubs/lamps it need 2 to create new one) Emmaged: = "High Pressure Vaccum" allow to shoot anything what bag of trash hold in it. - Medical Module: Downgrades: = Change Large Beaker to basic beaker (From 100units to 50units) Upgrades: = Holo stretcher upgrade (replace roller bed and you can have 3 of them) = Advanced Laser Scalpel (replace basic laser scalpel with better one) = Upgraded Cyborg Hypospray (expand chemicals with: manninol, salbutamol, mutadone) = Large Beaker (increase beaker size to 100units) = Expanded Kits (increase kits amount from 6 to 12) - Engineer Module: Downgrades: = Removing Floor Painter from it and make as upgrade, so people playing them dont make eye hurting floors. = Remove RCD, its very advanced tool what make other tools have less use, can be obained as upgrade. Upgrades: = Floor Painter (for better control) = Cyborg Analizer (so engineer robots can repair other machines, like IPC) = RCD (powerfull tool, better to be as upgrade) For Medical and Engineer: = Tray Upgrade (the one what have service bot) This upgrade will solve issue with cyborgs picking up stuff, now they can pick up stuff from floor but they still cannot use them. - AI: Ability to trigger fire alarms in selected area by pressing Alt+Left Mouse, it would be usefull to fast lockdown sector without need to "find" fire alarm button to press. - Maintence Drone: Ah yes, my belowed Lovely cuties, playing them is fun but restrictions on them make it less fun, they can't interact with crew, crew can interact with them (what is one sided and can make you be bwoink if you respond... oh the misery) so i have one nice idea when i played as Robotics, why don't give ability for maintence drones for "basic" interaction with robotics, where they can come and ask robotics for repair (well they still hear only "boop bop bop") and even make maintence drones need just basic upgrades like "battery upgrade" where they can come and ask robotics for better battery, it would make robotics have little more fun with machines. ---===Miners and Explorers===--- Miners: - More Knife types for PKA to attach, it would make it more interesting, PKA is good at range, but in close attack kinda fail. - Ability to attach "goliath cloack" to jumpsuit or exosuit (or add neck slot for this) - Ability to "struggle" free from goliath tentacles, when there are 2 goliaths or watcher with goliath, you get owned quickly, it would be nice if there was item to counter it and was avaliable at vendor - Make Mining Hardsuit don't restrict movement on lavaland (same speed like wear normal mining suit), it will restrict movement only when you are on station or in mining outpost. - Ability to attach "Resonator" to PKA and Crusher: (kinda need balancing) = When attached to PKA it would create "force" on hit targets, it will collapse in 3seconds dealing only 25% damage, every 1 second there will be "mark" to hit, if you hit in mark moment it appear, it will make resonator deal 50% damage (idk how many basic resonator deal damage) = When attached to Crusher, it will create "force" on hit targets, it will collapse in 3seconds dealing only 25% and removing back stab mark, every 1 second there will be "mark" to hit, if you hit in mark moment it appear, it will make resonator deal 100% damage = Resonators can be attached and removed from PKA using wrench. Explorers: - More information about explorer on wiki, kinda ssuck that you don't get any tips like "how to orient yourself using GPS" or any other usable information about explorer in general. - GPS upgrade what will be avaliable on research 6, it will add to GPS function of "mapping" so you can track your position in space and signals, it will have list of left "Sector 2" "Sector 3" etc and screen with map. and after pressing on sector, it will show sector you are in, it will show your location, signals positions and allow you to mark spots on map (map will still be blank, but you can see your location in space kinda like handheld crew monitor but without anything on it, just your position in space as "green" dot, and signals as "Red" marks, and you can make "white" marks with special "space beacons aplicator", its like normal beacons, but are specially made for GPS only, and you can get this "GPS pellets" with "Space Beacon Aplicator [SBA]" at RnD. (anything what allow you to track yourself in space) - "Station Bonded Radio" avaliable at RnD, allow to hear and respond to all station messages, no matter where you are in space ---===Science===--- RnD: - Possibility to choose in "deconstruction" if you want get returned to menu or not (when you decostruct items, you get send back to menu, would be nice if there was "on/off" button for it) Xenobio: - "compressing slime holder" its container what allow to hold only one type on slime in it but can hold more of it than biohazard bag (2 times more) - When you use "slime management console" you should be able to see other console icon. - When there is "hostiles in door controls detected" or whatever its called, after reboot, the glass doors don't close after some time, it would be nice if glass doors close after reboot. ---===Antagonist===--- Aliens: - Alien Queen: = "Corrosion" or whatever this ability is called, what you can select object and it create acid, it would be better if this ability was active one, when you press on it it would say "you are ready to spit acid" and press on object you want to corrode, instead of getting huge list of ALL objects in surrounding (what are sorted alphabetical way instead of distance from player) so its less annoying to use, and can be used during combat - Alien Sentiel: This one is not very often took one, yes it have acid spit and you can use it in combat, but is rarely took compared to hunter or drone, so i got idea to make it "acid specialist" = Normal Spit [30 plasma] (the basic spit what sentiel have, it will knock down people when hit, stun them for 1 second (unable to use weapon) and unable to stand up for 3 seconds (they can crawl around but can't stand up, still can use weapons)). = Acidic Spit [50 plasma] when person get hit, it will start dealing brute and burning damage, resistance to this damage depend on armor. = Sticky Spit [75 plasma] when person get hit by it, they will be knocked down, unable to move or use anything for 5 seconds (if person wear any protection armor, it will slow them down -50% of speed, still can move and shoot) = Corrosive spit [100 plasma] when person get hit, it will start "corroding" armor (decrease protection values, to make them more vonurelable to attack) it don't deal any other damage to flesh people and it only damage only to metalic/syntetic like: Exosuits, cyborgs, IPC. - Larva: = They will mature faster after eating only organs of host they bursted out (the lung and heart what drop out after burst). In oryginal game i played (old one) there was mission as chestburster to find small pray to eat (like cat, dog or mouse), after eating they "cocoon" and become matured adults. Morph: - When morph change its look to smaller objects, it should be passable trough instead of be pushed by other people, it kinda don't make sense that you can be pushed as ciragrate butt, but i understand if it was something larger. = if you walk on morph what is changed to small object, it will make "splash" noise, similar to blob one (just any slimy sound). Wizard: - There is one item in book, what don't make sense, and its cultist soul stones, as wizard you are unable to use them, you can only do it if you are cultist wizard... should it be this way? why wizard can't use them? yep it have spell for it, i didn't know it. Changeling: - Make changelings be able to choose "speciality" they want be specialized at so new people can experiment with skills what changeling have. - They get "loadout" section, where they can choose one of loadouts below: (similar how wizard can get loadouts from book) - Close Combat: [Cost 10 chems] = Arm Blade = Epinephrine Overdose = Fleshmend = Organic Shield = Chitinous Armor = Dissonant Shriek - Space Combat: [Cost 10 chems] = Arm Blade = Tentacle = Organic Shield = Organic Space Suit = Fleshmend = Blind Sting - Darkness Assasination: [Cost 10 chems] = Augmented Eyesight = Chameleon Skin = Cryogenic Sting = Arm Blade = Digital Camouflage = Blind Sting - Chaos: [Cost 10 chems] = Hallucination Sting = Spread Infestation = Anatomic Panacea = Blind Sting = Lesser form = Mimic Voice = Dissonant Shriek = Strained Muscles = Last Resort = Organic Shield = Swap Forms The Loadouts can be reset by using "Readapt" This loadouts ideas are my suggestion, if someone understand changelings abilities, they can make better ones. P.S. For record, it took me 5 days to make this post and recall most ideas what i forgot to finish this, there still can be something what i forgot.
    1 point
  9. Im still generally on the side of let things lie as is. It might sound excessive when security authorizes lethal weapons for a guy with a disabler or stun baton, but as pointed out above: Thats how officers stunned and dragged into the tunnels to be killed, just because an antag is using a disabler to stun you, does not mean their not going to KILL you after they do, majority of times one can say they will kill you. The more of their current paths to lethal force you take away from the officers the more you tie their hands and get them killed. The issue to me i feel is not the usage of lethal force, but the AMOUNT of force used. There is a MASSIVE difference from using lethal force with the intent to shoot to stop the threat, and shooting to KILL the threat. One you shoot until the threat is no longer a threat, be it surrender, disarmament, or excessive wounds allowing their arrest and treatment The other you shoot them until they fall over, and then you keep shooting them until youve burned them into a fine powder, or if its ballistics, turned them into a fine red mist, regardless of
    1 point
  10. I definitely agree that officers shouldn't be lethaling people just for having a disabler or a stunprod in almost every situation, so your take on changing that to an 'eye for an eye' clause in that regard is pretty reasonable. However disallowing security from lethaling those on adrenals, meth, and especially stims...I disagree with entirely. Meth and adrenals you can take down non-lethally, reasonably, if you're not alone SOMETIMES. With stims that's a whole different story and in most cases you NEED lethals to deal with a stims user, that is unless of course you want to either A. Get maimed horribly/killed yourself or B. Sit back and let them conduct their rampage until they're out of stims. Neither situation is ideal nor should it be encouraged. Now, I do agree with encouraging officers to use lethals less in situations with meth and adrenals, at-least to KILL but using them to wound them? Perfectly acceptable. Space Law just needs to be made more clear on the difference between situations you're allowed to KILL and situations you're allowed to MAIM/INJURE. Not full-stop disallow security from using them, essentially forcing security to let whoever is abusing or using such things(in the case of meth, as far as abuse goes) get away and/or continue their rampage relatively unimpeded or even kill/maim the officer(s) in question. Implants are a different story. I fully agree that freedom implants shouldn't be valid grounds for lethals(especially KoS) in the majority of situations that officers kill or maim people for them for, there are obvious exceptions to every case however. That said...Space Law isn't really meant to cover every single detail or scenario in great depth, unfortunately. Even such as it is now I feel that Space Law is fine aside from needing some clarifications(such as the ones I mentioned in this post) added to it to discourage officers from going too gung-ho with lethal weapons.
    1 point
  11. My issue with this section is actually the fact lethals are recommended for "Uncontainable Individuals". This probably needs to be worded better, because people like to brand perfectly containable individuals as uncontainable because it's slightly inconvenient to capture them. This was extremely noticeable back in the days of shadowstepping, where I've seen people consistently refer to any vampire with barely any blood as "uncontainable". The vampire would do absolutely nothing but try to run away and get shot dead simply because it was more convenient for security.
    1 point
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