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  1. Full Name: "Samson Hoover Letterman" Age: 27 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/23/████ Gender: Male Sexual orientation: Asexuality, Biromantic. Race: Australian Human. Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Assistant Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia, Earth. Biography: "Sam Letterman started working for Nanotrasen for about 2 years after being introduced to the company by his cousins who had worked for the company, He started out working for Cargo, Making deliveries, Sort of a Postal worker job you could call it, A mailman. Not much has been put to record on what he did back when working with cargo, But some old rumors say he wasn't the most politest of employees, And that he had the tendency to get high on hard drugs during his work. Some even claiming he once lead a protest that occurred during a shift. But he denies all of those rumors, Saying people just liked to talk bad about him. After that, he was later transferred to this station by the same cousins who work at Nanotrasen, who claim him to be quite talented, Despite his behavior problems." Qualifications: Sam had gained a few skills during his first time working in the field, Such as Surgery, Engineering, Xenobiology, And furthermore. Sam knows a lot about chemistry during his high school years, And was even offered a job as a chemist, But had declined it. You could say he's a Jack of All Trades, And Master of None. Employment Records: 2562-2564 - Letter Carrier, Cargo Department. 2564-Present - Assistant, Service Department. Security Records: [SECURITY CLEARANCE] Medical Records: [MEDICAL CLEARANCE] Other Notes: "I don't know what's so special about this "Letterman" individual, These big suits from Nanotrasen that are his cousins just bullshit him out of trouble all the time, Even when we tried to question why his records were missing they just said "We have no idea", Like if we were to believe them, This guy just sounds, Looks, And acts like trouble. In my opinion he isn't anything more than just a simple minded, Moron." -Unknown Source, Nanotrasen.
    1 point
  2. Starting notes: This post is going to be covering why the current implementation is such a mess, and won't really be offering solutions. I'll probably make a forum post later explaining some possible routes for them. Why evopoints fail as a meaningful resource system: - You get too many compared to the cost of abilities, 10 evopoints will get you everything you want and then some. Every ability cost 1-2 evo. This is made even worse due to their options being pretty boring and bad - They don't actually interact with the other abilities you have access to, meaning that it's only used for one thing - Reroll is totally sidelined due to the above, and really won't be used even though it's a cool concept Why chemicals don't work as a resource system: - Cannot be increased in any way, meaning that changelings on higher populations are gonna get screwed due to the sheer amount of people playing. This also means that players won't feel like they're making progress. - They have a high cap and low recharge rate. Encouraging people to sit in a locker for a minute or more is terrible for everyone involved, and so heavily encourages "cheese tactics". The idea of chemicals is to make a changeling wait for an opening, go in with full chemicals, and get out after using them to win the encounter. This does not work in practice, because 90 people play here, not 15 (Lowpop cling is fun as fuck btw it's actually amazing and was designed specifically for that setting). - Forces abilities to directly compete against each other, stuff like speed legs VS epiOD is way more stupid with chemicals taken into account rather than just looking at something like a cooldown. - Forces abilities to have a low power level. Allowing this stuff to be spammed super heavily means that the stuff you get needs to be kind of shit. The whole "Absorb"/DNA/Transformation mechanic is underdeveloped -Absorbing someone? Cool. Does less than it really should. Absorbing someone doesn't feel satisfying, it feels tedious. - DNA sting kind of trivalizes absorb type mechanics, making the ever present action button only used if absolutely required. -Transformation is kind of ass, you don't get their clothes, their ID, or useable information about them. As many people don't use the notes feature, you're normally left in the dark. Plus this is highpop so good luck impersonating anyone with an actual character because you probably don't know them (I feel bad for the clings that get me). - It's a bit clunky to use, being forced to stop is weird (God I love TG radical menus) Abilities: - A few of them are total griefing tools. Hallu sting, spiders, and resonant shriek are really only used for purposes of griefing, rather than doing anything fun. These also aren't very good. -Some of them are just bad in almost every situation. Organic space suit is really, really bad and is worse than taking fleshmend and doing a spacewalk. Digital chamo is a sick joke against anyone that takes it. Last resort is awful but really funny. -Some of them are really good but really boring. Fleshmend does what it says on the tin, which is really, really boring. Augmented eyesight is great, but nobody is all that happy to take it. Armblade is a fireaxe that puts a KOS label on you. The sting that mutes you sure does that. It's this most bog standard vanilla icecream shit that makes you think "Man I wish I rolled tot". - A lot of them encourage low interaction gameplay. Mute sting stops someone from trying to call for help, and removes an option they have. Blind sting removes an option they have for escaping. Removing options causes frustration, and using your options effectively, also known as skillfully playing, is taken less into account. -Most of them instantly out you for being a changeling. You can't blend in if the use of your own abilities make you stand out. -I didn't have another place to mention it, but changeling claims to be "versatile", which is complete bullshit. Abunch of bad options does not make for a good varied kit. Regeneration: - Serves the purpose of making cling KOS 100% of the time, that's good? Kind of, but it does kind of suck they have an awful ability that pretends to be good. - This is used to get rid of robotic limbs startshift, nothing else - If you were seriously hurt due to a firefight, reviving is still a bad idea. In those 40 seconds they are going to probably find you, cuff you, and then strip everything you have. Hivemind: - ":g am the HOP come for AA" is an example of the kind of things you're going to hear, it encourages people to do objectives for the other changelings without any real gain. - The risk of actually finding a buddy is removed. Put bluntly "working together" as a cling isn't common because you actively looked for each other, and when it goes happen it's like 3 people just murderboning. - Hivemind link isn't an ability that is ever used, nor is it used for anything good when it is. Pretty much just used to fuck up other clings. Dunno why this exists when you can simply... talk to them. Actual changeling lore stuff: - The "Oh yeah they're actually just some random alien" absolutely ruins roleplay potental, giving people 0 reason to even attempt to roleplay with a changeling at all. - Changelings not being crew, but rather someone who replaced crew, is a nightmare. Letting silicons straight up murderize changelings sounds funny on paper, but it ends up just creating extreme "technically not validing" situations. God forbid someone accidentally kills a changeling and now everyone is scratching their head on what to do next. - It's underdeveloped so people just throw whatever they want to into it and say it's how it should be. Most people have a notion of what changeling should be... informed by themselves and nobody else. Changeling doesn't have an identity, and complaining something isn't "changeling like" is a silly argument. Well, there you go, if you yourself have issues that I didn't mention, throw them below. Remember to keep cling off at all times.
    1 point
  3. Name: P.U.R.P.L.E-236 Gender: Male Nicknames/Alias: P.U.R.P.L.E, PURPLE, purple, Purp, and pink. Picture(To be made) Age: 22 Years of Existance. Date of Manufacturing: December 13th 2544AD Place Of Birth: A Syndicate Robotics Manufacturing Facitity in the Gamma Geranite sector. Species: Machine Blood Type: Oil. Alignment: Neutral Evil Affiliation: Nanotrasen Religious Beliefs: NA Pre-Nanotrasen Employment Nanotrasen Employment Detailed Information Personal Relationships (Warning it is LONG) Faction Relations Other Information 10 hours in the making WOOOOOOOOO! I had fun with the highlighter at the end if you can tell.
    1 point
  4. People also don't do this because it's boring for both the antagonist and the person antagonized, fun is the incentive. The most efficient way to do anything is silently, doesn't mean people want to be silent. Also, how else am I supposed to take "To complete their goals, they are not incentiviced do make the victims round "fun" or "interesting". It's just to kill them" as anything but "I don't think they're enjoyable". This game is entirely roleplay focused, the incentive is that it's fun for both people involved. Clicking on the 2D spaceman is boring without anything to back that up, some green text at the end of the game means literally nothing, it's the roleplay that revolves around it that makes it fun. I know what you're saying, what I'm saying is that it's going to make the round less fun for everyone who gets it. You're not gonna sit there and do nothing, especially if it's a new player who gets it. Also, you should actually detail implementation first and formost, especially if it deals with a low chance like that. Also that chance is way too low. Other people certainly will, and what would you do if you got this message? Game mechanics shouldn't be designed specifically for your enjoyment, you need to consider other people. I read this and the first thing that comes to mind is "You weren't actually expecting feedback, were you?" You need to consider that other people will see the post and think "Ah fuck I'm a target I need self defense!", which is going to end in 30 people with prods because possible antagonists could be out to get them. Or you make the chance so low the feature becomes totally worthless unless you don't get it, and you get the "yay I'm not a target pass" for a round. How does an antagonist approach a target if they know someone is coming otherwise? They're certainly not going into another room with you, you could be a antag! The only option you have is to beat them into the dirt unceremoniously, which is a terrible payoff. Not to mention you're not getting any payoff if you're not actually a target. This is going to result in nothing good, 18 people are gonna go get stuff to defend themselves. There are also far more than 2 targets a shift. Either this does nothing or it does too much. The objection you referenced has like a ~1/5 chance of being rolled, the vast majority of objectives will still be kill. Get that stuff set in stone, we can't judge your idea properly otherwise. So, you're arguing in favor of a feature which is supposed to make you tense... by removing tension? Also, you're not the main character, sometimes you die, and die horribly! Then tell me what this is supposed to mean, the only way to take it is "If you judge this the way I want you to, it's good." This is a red flag and a half currently and I suggest you elaborate on it So, you found a fun gimmick you use as an antagonist? Great. Don't force that on to other people who might not want to do it. You've also asked if I think it would be more intresting, I say no, this would be absolutely annoying at best, validhunting encouraging at worst.
    1 point
  5. Exactly, 50% of the original reagents are transferred, you can see it here. /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/patch (...) apply_type = REAGENT_TOUCH transfer_efficiency = 0.5 //patches aren't as effective at getting chemicals into the bloodstream. What you are interested is the very next proc in this (patch.dm) file: /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/patch/attack(mob/living/carbon/M, mob/user, def_zone) if(!istype(M)) return FALSE bitesize = 0 if(M.eat(src, user)) if(user.get_active_hand() == src) user.drop_item() // Only drop if they're holding the patch directly forceMove(M) LAZYADD(M.processing_patches, src) return TRUE return FALSE Here, you basically force-feed people something but since it has zero bitesize, they don't crunch on it. The transfer_efficiency ensures you only gave them 50% of the reagents in it. What you want to look out here for is this: LAZYADD(M.processing_patches, src) Lists like this are usually used in other procs, so let's follow it. Searching for it brings up life.dm, which handles your mob every tick (among other stuff): /mob/living/carbon/Life(seconds, times_fired) (...) if(LAZYLEN(processing_patches)) handle_patches() Looks like our patches are more than "forcefeed and transfer units into the person", it has its own proc. Let's see it: /mob/living/carbon/proc/handle_patches() var/multiple_patch_multiplier = processing_patches.len > 1 ? (processing_patches.len * 1.5) : 1 var/applied_amount = 0.35 * multiple_patch_multiplier for(var/patch in processing_patches) var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/patch/P = patch if(P.reagents && P.reagents.total_volume) var/fractional_applied_amount = applied_amount / P.reagents.total_volume P.reagents.reaction(src, REAGENT_TOUCH, fractional_applied_amount, P.needs_to_apply_reagents) P.needs_to_apply_reagents = FALSE P.reagents.trans_to(src, applied_amount * 0.5) P.reagents.remove_any(applied_amount * 0.5) else if(!P.reagents || P.reagents.total_volume <= 0) LAZYREMOVE(processing_patches, P) qdel(P) That is a lot of maths and I am bad at maths, so let's substitute some of it with numbers. Let's say we applied a 15 units styptic patch and the mob has no other patches applied. /mob/living/carbon/proc/handle_patches() var/multiple_patch_multiplier = 1 var/applied_amount = 0.35 for(var/patch in processing_patches) var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/patch/P = patch if(P.reagents && P.reagents.total_volume) var/fractional_applied_amount = 0.0233333333333333 P.reagents.reaction(src, REAGENT_TOUCH, 0.0233333333333333, P.needs_to_apply_reagents) P.needs_to_apply_reagents = FALSE P.reagents.trans_to(src, 0.175) P.reagents.remove_any(0.175) else if(!P.reagents || P.reagents.total_volume <= 0) LAZYREMOVE(processing_patches, P) qdel(P) (Disclaimer: using a number such 0.0233333333333333 will inevitably lead to inaccuracy, but to keep things simple, I'll keep it here). First, it reacts with the mob with the reaction() proc, let's see that. The first half of the proc checks if the applied reagent is too cold or hot, so we can skip that. The second half is what we are interested in: for(var/AB in reagent_list) var/datum/reagent/R = AB switch(react_type) if("LIVING") var/check = reaction_check(A, R) if(!check) continue R.reaction_mob(A, method, R.volume * volume_modifier, show_message) The last line is the only thing that matters in our case. Volume here refers to the original volume of the patch, which is 15, so it becomes this: R.reaction_mob(A, method, 15 * 0.0233333333333333, show_message) This equals to about 0.35, we will use a rounded number here for sanity's sake. This is a deep rabbit hole, let's keep going!! So what do we have in the end? Let's go back to handle_patches(): /mob/living/carbon/proc/handle_patches() var/multiple_patch_multiplier = processing_patches.len > 1 ? (processing_patches.len * 1.5) : 1 var/applied_amount = 0.35 * multiple_patch_multiplier for(var/patch in processing_patches) var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/patch/P = patch if(P.reagents && P.reagents.total_volume) var/fractional_applied_amount = applied_amount / P.reagents.total_volume P.reagents.reaction(src, REAGENT_TOUCH, fractional_applied_amount, P.needs_to_apply_reagents) P.needs_to_apply_reagents = FALSE P.reagents.trans_to(src, applied_amount * 0.5) P.reagents.remove_any(applied_amount * 0.5) else if(!P.reagents || P.reagents.total_volume <= 0) LAZYREMOVE(processing_patches, P) qdel(P) Now we know that reaction() applies 0.35 per proc, while the P.reagents.trans_to(src, applied_amount * 0.5) transfers 0.175 units. At any given time, the mob will have 0.175 units in their system (you can use a health analyzer to prove this), but an extra 0.35 will be applied every tick. Application and transfer are different, you'll see soon why! We know patches transfer half of their volume, so a 15 units styptic patch will only transfer 7.5 units in the end. 7.5 units are transferred in 0.175 increments, so a 15 units patch transfers its contents 42.85 times. Check what styptic powder does: /datum/reagent/medicine/styptic_powder/on_mob_life(mob/living/M) var/update_flags = STATUS_UPDATE_NONE update_flags |= M.adjustBruteLoss(-2*REAGENTS_EFFECT_MULTIPLIER, FALSE) return ..() | update_flags /datum/reagent/medicine/styptic_powder/reaction_mob(mob/living/M, method=REAGENT_TOUCH, volume, show_message = 1) if(iscarbon(M)) if(method == REAGENT_TOUCH) M.adjustBruteLoss(-volume) if(show_message) to_chat(M, "<span class='notice'>The styptic powder stings like hell as it closes some of your wounds!</span>") M.emote("scream") if(method == REAGENT_INGEST) M.adjustToxLoss(0.5*volume) if(show_message) to_chat(M, "<span class='warning'>You feel gross!</span>") ..() When it ticks inside the body, it heals 2 brute. We know it will tick 42.85 times, so we know the transfer will heal a whoppin' 85.7 brute! But what happened to the applied part? Let's see the reaction_mob() proc. If it is applied via touch, it heals its amount. Its amount is 0.35 (from the reaction() proc from before, remember?) which means we will heal an extra ~14.9975. Or, to make it a bit more simple: from the transfer, it heals 2 brute, from the application, it heals 0.35, so we heal about 2.35 per tick 42.85 times. We lost some precision due to me not being able to use numbers properly, but we should heal about 100.6975 (+ an extra 0.35 when we actually apply the patch, so about 101.0475). Let's spawn a human and deal 150 brute to it, then apply a 15u styptic patch. He went down to 48.95, which means he healed 101.05 brute. That is plausibly close to our expected number (101.0475), so you'll have to take my word for it! What's fascinating is that due to how the apply part is calculated, a twice as big patch does not heal twice as much. The apply part will always heal 0.35 per tick, and the patch will always transfer 0.175 (as long as only one patch is present). So by increasing the volume of the patches, you make it tick for longer, not heal more at each given tick. To prove it, spawn a 30 units styptic patch and deal 100 brute to a mob. Apply to the patch. Every time the mob falls below 20 brute damage, apply another 100 brute damage to it (to avoid getting him into cardiac arrest). In the end, the mob will heal for 202 damage. From our calculations, a 30 u styptic patch ticks for 30 / 2 (remember, half of the volume is transferred) / 0.175 = 85.71 times (roughly), healing 2.35 every tick + an initial 0.35. That's 85.71 * 2.35 + 0.35 = 201.7685. Our maths add up! Frankly, I suck at maths, but I hope it answered your question somewhat!
    1 point
  6. I'd like to clarify a few things on perma bans. A lot of people seem to think perma banning is an excessive punishment. We currently have ~12,000 perma bans active, out of ~45,000 bans total (As of 26/6/21) Bans are not done to punish the players. They are to protect the server and other players. A perma ban forces the player to appeal, apologise and acknowledge their mistake before they come back to the server. This also gives us an opportunity to assess the attitude of the player and their reasons for wanting to come back. Many perma bans result in a shorter duration than a temp ban due to the appeal process. Many temp bans have been extended to perma due to the abusive and disrespectful appeals.
    1 point
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