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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2022 in all areas

  1. Very strongly against antag kill objectives giving greentext for temporary kills. A good chunk of the difficulty in kill objectives comes from having to dispose of a body or otherwise hide it in an area that's inaccessible; your proposal would make it so I can get an easy greentext by magdumping on someone in the middle of the hallway, something which has no stakes or consequences for anyone because they'll just get cloned and be back in 4 minutes. Also against giving any indicator to the mark that they're due to be assassinated because that literally removes all subterfuge from the equation and gives them a meta alarm that they should get a weapon "just in case". No one is entitled to survive a full round of SS13, especially when people are specifically out to kill you.
    5 points
  2. We already have people preparing unreasonable self-defense measures even without that. If someone knows they're a target, they'll immediately turn off their suit sensors, grab stunprods, prepare cable cuffs, put on a mask, hide ID and attack absolutely anyone who as much as pulls a pen out on their screen. If they're part of some clique, now they're absolutely inseparable and a poor antag has to fight probably about 4 people to even touch the target. Your idea might increase paranoia in theory, but it will not improve quality of the gameplay. It will increase validhunting. It will increase security workload. It will, in fact, remove "assassinations". They'll become more like duels and losing a duel will be a round-ender. Antagonists are players, too. They don't kill people out of actual malice, but to add drama to the round. I absolutely do not understand why would you want to punish people who actively put effort into making rounds more interesting.
    3 points
  3. Full Name: "Samson Hoover Letterman" Age: 27 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/23/████ Gender: Male Sexual orientation: Asexuality, Biromantic. Race: Australian Human. Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Assistant Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia, Earth. Biography: "Sam Letterman started working for Nanotrasen for about 2 years after being introduced to the company by his cousins who had worked for the company, He started out working for Cargo, Making deliveries, Sort of a Postal worker job you could call it, A mailman. Not much has been put to record on what he did back when working with cargo, But some old rumors say he wasn't the most politest of employees, And that he had the tendency to get high on hard drugs during his work. Some even claiming he once lead a protest that occurred during a shift. But he denies all of those rumors, Saying people just liked to talk bad about him. After that, he was later transferred to this station by the same cousins who work at Nanotrasen, who claim him to be quite talented, Despite his behavior problems." Qualifications: Sam had gained a few skills during his first time working in the field, Such as Surgery, Engineering, Xenobiology, And furthermore. Sam knows a lot about chemistry during his high school years, And was even offered a job as a chemist, But had declined it. You could say he's a Jack of All Trades, And Master of None. Employment Records: 2562-2564 - Letter Carrier, Cargo Department. 2564-Present - Assistant, Service Department. Security Records: [SECURITY CLEARANCE] Medical Records: [MEDICAL CLEARANCE] Other Notes: "I don't know what's so special about this "Letterman" individual, These big suits from Nanotrasen that are his cousins just bullshit him out of trouble all the time, Even when we tried to question why his records were missing they just said "We have no idea", Like if we were to believe them, This guy just sounds, Looks, And acts like trouble. In my opinion he isn't anything more than just a simple minded, Moron." -Unknown Source, Nanotrasen.
    1 point
  4. Name: Hafnium Age: 25 Gender: Female Race: Plasmaman Blood Type: N/A Height: 6’10” (208.28 cm) Languages: Gutter (Native), Galactic Common (Second) Biography: Much of Hafnium’s early life and childhood she has refused to disclose. What is known is that Hafnium was found in a modified cloning machine as an infant by a smuggling ship; when she was first found the machine was holding her in some form of stasis, but she was awoken by the smuggling crew who decided to raise her. As the smugglers were almost constantly working and talking in Gutter, this actually is Hafnium’s native language. At one point in her childhood, around eleven years old, Hafnium’s hands were replaced with synthetics to allow for easier manipulation, and she began working with the smugglers, rather than just living with them. Around the age of sixteen Hafnium began to work aboard a Nanotrasen station as a cargo aide, helping to move crates and boxes, and it was discovered later that during this time she also began an unofficial internship with a xenobiologist aboard the station. After two years of this work and her promotion to a fulltime cargo technician, an accident involving a gravitational anomaly caused her to lose her left arm, which needed to be replaced with a fully synthetic arm. About a year later, she began to officially work under the xenobiologist on the station, who claimed she had a natural aptitude working with slimes, even without formal training. After working on the previous station for roughly six more years, Hafnium transferred sectors to where she is now. Qualifications: While Hafnium has no official schooling, she has had a substantial amount of hands-on training in labs, especially xenobiology and working with slimes. She also has a considerable amount of experience working with and moving heavy cargo. Employment Records: Hafnium first began working with Nanotrasen at the age of sixteen, where she was an assistant to the cargo department on a small station, as well as the unofficial intern of a xenobiologist aboard the station. After three years of working there she was offered an official internship and continued to work on the station for the next six years before transferring to the current sector. Security Records: Hafnium’s security records are something of a mess. There are numerous different bounties that are out on her head, with clients ranging from Kidan clans to Unathi tribes, and demands ranging from wanting her brought in alive to wanting the relic presented to the client, with her head alongside it. Most bounties that have been put out on Hafnium are years old, and seem to have been withdrawn by now, or possibly accepted. Medical Records: Medically speaking, Hafnium is unique among most other Plasmamen due to the presence of a skin-like tissue covering her body. The reason for this is a mystery, and the best guess that Hafnium can give is that it has to do with the machine that she was found in. While this is an interesting anomaly for her, it is noticed that it seems to have little to no benefit to her, primarily causing her to look different than most others of her species. The only other differences noted between Hafnium and other Plasmamen is that she has partially gained taste buds, but these seem to be particularly weak, only able to taste powerful flavors. Other than that, her skin has no true benefits, it reacts the same way to oxygen as normal, is just as easily burnt, and gaseous plasma is able to pass through the skin with ease. From a mental health standpoint, Hafnium has been diagnosed with a number of mental difficulties. It is important to note that she has a therapist that she sees outside of work hours, and rarely if ever trusts the onboard psychiatrist enough to see them while she is working. Employee Photo: Art by the amazing Drakeven!
    1 point
  5. Name: P.U.R.P.L.E-236 Gender: Male Nicknames/Alias: P.U.R.P.L.E, PURPLE, purple, Purp, and pink. Picture(To be made) Age: 22 Years of Existance. Date of Manufacturing: December 13th 2544AD Place Of Birth: A Syndicate Robotics Manufacturing Facitity in the Gamma Geranite sector. Species: Machine Blood Type: Oil. Alignment: Neutral Evil Affiliation: Nanotrasen Religious Beliefs: NA Pre-Nanotrasen Employment Nanotrasen Employment Detailed Information Personal Relationships (Warning it is LONG) Faction Relations Other Information 10 hours in the making WOOOOOOOOO! I had fun with the highlighter at the end if you can tell.
    1 point
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