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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello, i made this post because i got confused so i got this idea. When you are Explorer and get your hands on xenomicrobes, it would be nice if there was option to "Name" person who took xenomicrobes by using Pen, Labeler or Pet collar, so when there REAL xenos appear as main round event, it can be disguised from real ones, instead of getting shot, because they think you are real one. When you are on xenomicrobes and die, you can tell that person is on xenomicrobes via brain surgery (brain will be human one when took out), and blood of xenomicrobed person will be RED instead of GREEN so they can be disguised by more experienced people. On top of that, when corpse get chopped by chef, you just get gibbed, make it drop brain on floor so people can tell it was person on xenomicrobes.
    1 point
  2. Name: Hafnium Age: 25 Gender: Female Race: Plasmaman Blood Type: N/A Height: 6’10” (208.28 cm) Languages: Gutter (Native), Galactic Common (Second) Biography: Much of Hafnium’s early life and childhood she has refused to disclose. What is known is that Hafnium was found in a modified cloning machine as an infant by a smuggling ship; when she was first found the machine was holding her in some form of stasis, but she was awoken by the smuggling crew who decided to raise her. As the smugglers were almost constantly working and talking in Gutter, this actually is Hafnium’s native language. At one point in her childhood, around eleven years old, Hafnium’s hands were replaced with synthetics to allow for easier manipulation, and she began working with the smugglers, rather than just living with them. Around the age of sixteen Hafnium began to work aboard a Nanotrasen station as a cargo aide, helping to move crates and boxes, and it was discovered later that during this time she also began an unofficial internship with a xenobiologist aboard the station. After two years of this work and her promotion to a fulltime cargo technician, an accident involving a gravitational anomaly caused her to lose her left arm, which needed to be replaced with a fully synthetic arm. About a year later, she began to officially work under the xenobiologist on the station, who claimed she had a natural aptitude working with slimes, even without formal training. After working on the previous station for roughly six more years, Hafnium transferred sectors to where she is now. Qualifications: While Hafnium has no official schooling, she has had a substantial amount of hands-on training in labs, especially xenobiology and working with slimes. She also has a considerable amount of experience working with and moving heavy cargo. Employment Records: Hafnium first began working with Nanotrasen at the age of sixteen, where she was an assistant to the cargo department on a small station, as well as the unofficial intern of a xenobiologist aboard the station. After three years of working there she was offered an official internship and continued to work on the station for the next six years before transferring to the current sector. Security Records: Hafnium’s security records are something of a mess. There are numerous different bounties that are out on her head, with clients ranging from Kidan clans to Unathi tribes, and demands ranging from wanting her brought in alive to wanting the relic presented to the client, with her head alongside it. Most bounties that have been put out on Hafnium are years old, and seem to have been withdrawn by now, or possibly accepted. Medical Records: Medically speaking, Hafnium is unique among most other Plasmamen due to the presence of a skin-like tissue covering her body. The reason for this is a mystery, and the best guess that Hafnium can give is that it has to do with the machine that she was found in. While this is an interesting anomaly for her, it is noticed that it seems to have little to no benefit to her, primarily causing her to look different than most others of her species. The only other differences noted between Hafnium and other Plasmamen is that she has partially gained taste buds, but these seem to be particularly weak, only able to taste powerful flavors. Other than that, her skin has no true benefits, it reacts the same way to oxygen as normal, is just as easily burnt, and gaseous plasma is able to pass through the skin with ease. From a mental health standpoint, Hafnium has been diagnosed with a number of mental difficulties. It is important to note that she has a therapist that she sees outside of work hours, and rarely if ever trusts the onboard psychiatrist enough to see them while she is working. Employee Photo: Art by the amazing Drakeven!
    1 point
  3. First, if we write every single possible tiny thing into space law it'd be massive, its already large as is, for a good reason, but more will just make newbies struggle with it, since to play the game they have to read two full documents already (Rules, and kind-of space law if they don't wanna get in IC trouble) Secondly, this is an IC issue of the person. If you were just shot with narcotics by someone, get your ass to medbay, scream in comms about it, report your atacker, and make it a reasonable situation for people to believe you, you won't be brigged. If you got meth'd by someone, why didn't you go to medbay and have it removed from your system, and de-addiction'd in a sleeper? (Yes sleepers remove addictions faster) If a person is having meth-characteristic spasms, and is indeed on psycodelics, they'll get brigged. They're in a professional enviroment, there to work, if they instead spend it high on drugs, they'll get issues. It has characteristic behavior that isn't similar to many other things, and even then, a simple upgraded medscanner that every doctor has can reveal either the contents in their blood, or the addiction. As someone who's played security for a long time, things like this seem clear - Space Law is meant to be used to enforce a safe, professional enviroment on the station, allowing people to be on meth simply by the technicallity that they don't "have" meth on their person, but simply on their system, seems a bit far stretched. If they didn't report a crime if they got forced to take it, nor went to medbay or sought aid, its their fault that they ended in trouble with security once they were found being a disturbance and a bad example.
    1 point
  4. One thing I see a lot around the discussion of lethal-use as Security is a bit of a "rules for we but not for thee" argument. Do note this was not originally my take, but something that @necaladun has pretty much stated every time I've asked questions about lethality in regards to rulings in game: why should Security be expected to roll over and die to any antagonist on Station? The end-outcome of any antagonist stunning you is most likely death. The only reason some people leave Officers alive and dont just toolbox in their face is a sense of community-decided "rules of honor", otherwise Server Rules wise theyre free to do so. Limiting Security's ability to deal with life-threatening weapons (and this includes all stun based ones) turns it into a game of fear over "am I going to get bwoinked for ICly trying not to die?". I actually do like this idea, but again, slamming someone down to -140HP and them surviving due to medical treatment should be considered the same. I can in theory survive getting 357'd, but if a weapon is in play you fall into the same "rules for we but not for thee" issue as I stated above. Security should not be afraid of dealing with antagonists, antagonists should be afraid and having to plan around dealing with Security. You are on THEIR Station, not the other way around. Stims/CNS/Adrenals/Meth/etc are all designed around being lethal'd. If you have anti-stun, youre going to get shot/beat to near-crit. This has been the case for years and I doubt will change ever. Do note that in theory situations that antags should be mass-murdering Officers and running about openly with uplink gear/full power vamps/changelings in unga mode should ALSO be rare. People SHOULD be doing things stealthily and trying to fly under Security's radar as to not have them escalate on you. But, many people find that playstyle boring. As such, if more people are doing unga-mode lethalable actions, the amount and frequency of lethals will follow suit. Would I like there to be less "unga lethal kill both sides 24/7" when playing Sec and antagonists? Yes. But its a circular issue that works from both ends that wont be solved by just changing Space Law. If only Security is looked at, then nobody will want to deal with playing with their hands tied behind their back while antagonists get to slam 357s into forheads.
    1 point
  5. Hello fellow Nanostraten employees, I'm Henka Crillan. Inventor of the HENKA Borg models and software, I know my way around constructing cyborgs and mechs. Currently, I'm making my way to becoming an IPC to maximize my productivity. I can just imagine it: no sickness, sleep, food, I could tinker all I want... Sorry, getting off topic. I started my career as a humble janitor, slowly working my way up the corporate ladder to bartender, cargo worker, and now roboticist. I still do the odd bit of work as a cargo technician, but I much prefer working with Borgs. Some of my more common HENKA models are often Janiborgs and Engiborgs, although I remember one went as a bartender? Eh, that model had a few screws loose. One of the greatest inventions I managed to come up, was probably the ability for HENKA models to transfer their conscious to a pAI. When facing imminate destruction or termination, the Borg's code scrambles and uploads its "brain" to the cloud. So when called, it can continue existing out of its body. Still a few kinks in it, like memory loss and the odd bit of murderous intentions... but I'll fix it at some point. That's basically it. I look forward to meeting you aboard the stations!
    1 point
  6. But, Marm, my plants are low potency! I need saltpetre- what do I do? Worry not, b*tanist- simply read the below to discover the truth. How I increased my plant potency by creating saltpetre inside my own plants. Chapter 1: The Power of Saltpetre Plants The first step in my journey was realising it is impossible to create saltpetre inside my own plants. Chapter 2: The Overwhelming Power of Bees Now that we've told RND to buzz off, we're in a predicament. We lack saltpetre. That's fine, we can make our own. Head to Cargo and order yourself a Beekeeping Starter Set. If the crate eventually arrives, unbox it and you'll notice you're left with a giant apiary in front of you. Insert the honey frames, but do NOT insert the Queen bee yet. Head to Medical or Science Chemistry and ask for a small beaker of saltpetre. Take 5u of the saltpetre out with a syringe and inject it into your Queen Bee. This will chemically alter the Queen Bee. Now insert it into your apiary. You will notice your apiaries are producing bees with (saltpetre) next to them in their names. No, the bees are NOT distributing saltpetre onto your plants. Make sure to put on your beekeeping attire and carry on managing your plants. You will notice your bees are going between the apiary and the plants, and growing in numbers over time. The yield of the plants the bees visit will gradually increase over time. In addition, your apiaries will begin to generate honeycombs. To take them out, take out your honey frames, you will need to take them each out individually to get the full amount. Honeycombs will contain equal parts honey, and equal parts of the chemical you injected into your bees. Therefore, by following the steps above, we begin to create saltpetre from bees. Thus increasing the yield and potency of our plants effectively passively without the use of a chemical dispenser. To extract the saltpetre and honey from our honeycombs, all we need to do is place them into a grinder with a beaker, and grind them up. To seperate your honey from your saltpetre, simply insert your beaker into the Chem Master 3000 in the hydroponics back room, and make rather separate bottles of saltpetre or separate bottles of honey. Well done. You are now doing dispenserless botany. Have fun, B*tanist.
    1 point
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