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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2022 in all areas

  1. A fairly simple idea, but perhaps one that may be complex to code? I'm unsure. An idea that I proposed today in deadchat while discussing revenants was for them to have some remains on the station that could be found and laid to rest by the crew as an alternative option to simply lethalling the revenant with lasers like so many other antags. These remains could be a random spawn, or they could be placed by the revenant when they spawn - they could have abilities disabled until the remains are placed down. The remains would likely need to be cremated by the chaplain; an additional interaction with them could include holy water. Perhaps a temporary dampening of some of the revenant's powers? The Revenant could also receive a message in chat when their remains are disturbed - perhaps angering them and granting a slight buff to some of their abilities to counteract the debuff of the holy water. I'm unsure of the balance - obviously people will start hunting for remains as soon as a revenant is reported. But I feel this would be a good addition to a fairly popular mid-round antag role, that ties in with the traditional folklore about revenant spirits - scorned souls destined to walk the earth seeking revenge.
    1 point
  2. Hello fellow Nanostraten employees, I'm Henka Crillan. Inventor of the HENKA Borg models and software, I know my way around constructing cyborgs and mechs. Currently, I'm making my way to becoming an IPC to maximize my productivity. I can just imagine it: no sickness, sleep, food, I could tinker all I want... Sorry, getting off topic. I started my career as a humble janitor, slowly working my way up the corporate ladder to bartender, cargo worker, and now roboticist. I still do the odd bit of work as a cargo technician, but I much prefer working with Borgs. Some of my more common HENKA models are often Janiborgs and Engiborgs, although I remember one went as a bartender? Eh, that model had a few screws loose. One of the greatest inventions I managed to come up, was probably the ability for HENKA models to transfer their conscious to a pAI. When facing imminate destruction or termination, the Borg's code scrambles and uploads its "brain" to the cloud. So when called, it can continue existing out of its body. Still a few kinks in it, like memory loss and the odd bit of murderous intentions... but I'll fix it at some point. That's basically it. I look forward to meeting you aboard the stations!
    1 point
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