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  1. Merry Christmas Paradise community, have a fantastic day and Happy New Year! please send my wishes to Discord as well, not many people are on forums.
    1 point
  2. Chapter 1 - What are Vox? So the question to Vox lore is a very convoluted one. Since the creation of Vox, it's been scattered throughout multiple codebases, like the game itself. It is constantly changing and being re-adapted inside the lore base of its server. Vox, as a lore species, is continuously evolving beside it. The main question is, what is a Vox? Many consider Vox to be just birds that breathe nitrogen- or aliens that have become a dystopian society devoid of morals. The honest answer is Vox are nitrogen-breathing aliens that are born and made into a different society depending on the arkship the Vox was born in. Many types of Vox are docile, aggressive, and downright detached from their culture. This essay is meant to be a guideline for those seeking to RP a Vox. And learn much about their alien world. Chapter 2 - Their races and overall species. There are many different types of vox inside the Family. The most different type of Vox not seen throughout most servers and used more as story pushing background are as follow, Vox Auralis These are considered the original and first Vox, having multiple eyes and standing over 12ft tall. They are labeled as gods beneath the ark ships they once built millennia ago and are rare in few. They are incredibly dangerous, powerful, and have the most potent psychic abilities known to the Vox world. Only a handful of Auralis live aboard their original arkship and exist in their ivory tower, each sharing the same end goal - ascension. Auralis are not commonly seen or sometimes never witnessed by the Vox they rule. They are usually in the core of the arkship hundreds of miles deep in a meditative state as they research and focus on finding the true power of escaping the plane of reality. Some inside ark ships with no sight of an Auralis claim they have already reached the higher plane, leaving behind this mortal coil and essentially dying or slowly becoming extinct as a species Vox Apex Only one Apex exists inside each arkship. While considered a type of Vox, it is commonly known as the Apex. An artificially made species by the Auralis, its purpose was to be responsible for creating, handling, and managing the ark ship's population. Generally controlled by the Armalis or Auralis, wildly deafferenting per ark, it is alive to be nothing more than a tool. A biological computer that always has a single personality cold of any emotions or attachment to the species it serves. Apexs will generally be placed in the core of the arkship, above the tunnel system designed for their overlords. Vox Armalis These Vox are considered the elites of society. Usually having a third eye and standing and not limited to above 8 feet tall. They are permanently stationed as grand overseers, fleet commanders, and any critical position of authority inside an ark. They are born with psychic powers weaker than an Auralis but still deadly if challenged, usually having much more muscle mass and strength in their giant bodies compared to a Primalis. While they are gifted muscular super strength at birth, they are also brilliant in combat prowess and commanding, able to process multiple tasks without breaking the flow of concentration. They, however, are born highly loyal to the ark they originate from. Many Armalis would rather die than betray their creator Auralis. It is the reason why they are considered so rare outside of arks. They are also commonly made with death implants, designed to dust and turn the body into a mush- so other species cannot study their body. Vox Primalis Races Inside the vox Genus lies multiple different types of Vox, each created from a unique arkship with their own sets of features and designs. Like darwins finches- their bodies and visual appearance can be changed from milenia of evolution and mutation. Design created by drawsstuff Single Beak Primalis- These are the most common Vox found in the universe, looking raptor like in appearance, they have quills, a beak, two eyes, and can range from sizes of 2 feet to 8 feet. Their size usually being respective to their caste and designation. This is the most common vox body type due to being untouched by many ark's. They are common on servers like Paradise, /vg/ and are considered generation one. Tri Beak Primalis- These Vox have a unique beak type that allows them to split their maw. Being considered a rare design type among vox culture, they are specialized and given unique traits only found in arkships that have developed into evolving their Primalis type. While also having a split maw they are accompanied by three eyes instead of two, and have a forked tail with longer limbs. Their sizes vary from 4 feet to 7 feet. These are found in TauCeti, Baystation, and are considered generations two, three, and four and have evolved rapidly during their existence. Art by beanysprout Beast Primalis- A rarer type of Vox well designed for bulk and size. Usually being around 6 ft to 8 ft, these Vox are known to have a design close to Single Beak Vox while having a noticeable size difference and sharper rows of teeth under their maw. They are particularly rare due to the sheer upkeep required to maintain their biological bodies in tandem with any artificial parts, but far flung rumors suggest a colony devoid of the apex as a whole. Their protective quills laden over warm feathered down insulates them well from the harsh cold conditions of space, but necessitates proper cooling in more well developed environments. These are found currently on Shiptest and are considered clockvox generation. Art by clockworkdoorhinge All of these Vox exist in the same universe, and depending on the location of space, Vox races are usually very aggressive towards each other or cordial. Generally, on the personality or previous interactions they have had. When it comes to the size of a Vox body, it depends mostly on what is comfortable. Many Vox who are given a 3'5 body at birth will grow to find that similar size range to be preferred size- while a Vox can be 3'5. It doesn't stop the transfer of a stack into, per se, a tri-beak-raced body around 6' feet. All stacks are made to adapt inside any body created by an apex. Most Vox are not limited to their original body and can freely change- however, getting an empty body is easier said than done and usually involves the practice of murder for the sake of wearing someone else's skin. A relevant topic for later. Chapter 3 - Vox Birth and Creation When a Vox is created, its stack is artificially made by the master apex of the arkship. Forged with a unique craftsmanship only possible by the super computer and its precise recipe gifted from the creators. It uses organic matter and mechanical implants to fuse and create the stack- a living, durable, and biological immortal brain. There are two species that are artificially made, the Primalis and the Armalis. However for this we will be more focused on the Primalis. For elaboration biological immortality, When a Vox dies before its set body has reached its decay timer (aging) it will either be replanted inside a new host to continue work, or be restacked and memory wiped for rebirth. When a Vox dies it simply a regular death. When the stack is wiped for reset, or destroyed to the point it is unable to properly function- it is true death, or for simpler terms ego death. This condition is permanent. Chapter 4 - Designations and the Caste Designations however are something every Vox should have because their species as a whole was designed to be nothing but tools for the Auralis in upkeeping their ships. Vox are born to have a set of duties and tasks aboard their arkship and their societies since birth. There is no childhood for a Vox, no long lasting innonence, and no sort of free choice to what roles they are allowed to become. They are placed into a caste system inside their species and forced to work until their restack day (death of the body.) These ranks can however differ depending on arkship, and culture inside the society. Some arkships are probably more lax on work quotas, while others are extremely punishing that failure to meet standards can result in true death. When it comes to the caste system there is usually a divide between ranks and hierarchy. The most base form would be the high caste, mid caste, and low caste. This pyramid is not absolute- a simple example of structure. However a Vox does not need to be forced to follow the roles it is given at birth. Some Vox can turn deviant after years of struggle, lack of direction, and possible PTSD. With deviancy comes its own issues of Vox crime ill touch on later, but failure to be a loyalist to the arkship and its kin can be punishable by true death, or demotion to a lower caste. While this is the case it is still common for a majority of Vox to not stray far from their birth designations, as many believe that hard work and sacrifice will be rewarded after ascension. High Caste Vox Valuable Primalis that have lived for around 1000 years aboard their arkships. They are extreme loyalist to the master apex and the Armalis great goal of ascension. Restacked probably hundreds of times- they have a dogmatic belief to their work and kin, which is why they are rewarded greatly by being given a high position in society. Most Primalis are taught to respect and follow in the foot steps of the high caste, and those who get into their wrathful eyes may be labled as heretics or accused of being a deviant to the ark. Some roles of a high caste are Haruspex's, Second Command to Enforcer and Fleet squads, and even Sector overseer roles. Mid Caste Vox Niche specialized Vox who are born with higher benefits then their lower caste kin. While they are given much more rights and authority, they still are under the watchful eye of their sector overseer or fleet commander. They act as a buffer between the elites and the menial drones, tasked with more difficult work or dangerous duties only done by their caste. Some Primalis view mid caste as examples of loyalty being rewarded, while others see them as nothing more than tools or slaves who only look out for their own benefit. There are multiple types of designations inside the mid caste- these are not limited to; Enforcers, Soldiers, Explorers, Bio-Engineers, and etc. Low Caste Vox Called by their higher caste kin as a general term drones. The purpose of a low caste Vox is rather simple in their duties and their authority inside the arkship. Most low caste are born into the bottom during the early age of their stack to develop and show growth in their lifetime. They work many of the general duties that upkeep the ark and keep the figurative blood of society flowing. They are usually the most numerous as it takes a large amount of Primalis to upkeep a planet sized arkship and maintain the always expanding society. Many low caste however tend to grow deviancy due to inexperience, mob mentality, and their living conditions, most usually having ambitious dreams to go higher in the caste, have power in their sectors, or escape the arkship in pursuit of free rights. Roles that are commonly found for low caste are, not limited too Labor, Atmos Techs, Industrial, Slave, and any wanted Vox considered rogue (Deviants.) Chapter 5 - Arkships Arkships are the home and birthplace of all Vox in the universe. All Vox originate from an ark, but many have their own sets of rules, beliefs, and culture, while still having some of the same original principles from millennia ago. While not all arkships are the same, they all follow a similar formula in their structure and society, with a caste system that is either very oppressive or freer to its Vox. There are a reported 20 confirmed arkships in existence. However, some speculate there are more hidden in deep space, a majority of them taking the position of isolationism to focus on the creator's primary goal of ascension. They have naming schemes like Refuge of Lost Souls Searching the Stars, Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies, or even Arkship Sunborn Sanctuary of Mended Hopes, Hardened by Cosmic Sands, Esteemed Heart of the Sanguine Void, Wizened by Victories, of Many Trees and Branches. Naming of arkships are rather long and expressive. To describe what an arkship is, it's a giant floating vessel the size of a small planet built to house millions of Vox aboard it. It's compromised of many sectors, all with their functions to keep life support and the ship stable. Like the vox who live aboard it, each sector is given designations inside the ship. These are not limited to but primarily consist of- The Core The middle of the arkship, housing the Apex and most of the elites. This sector is an urban area that is the crossroad of the main ship. While being the busiest part of the ark, it is second to population density. This sector comprises mostly bureaucratic facilities, precincts, and the central Apex core, which leads to the ship's heart and houses the Auralis. The Underbay The ark's lower section is responsible for trade, docking, and travel. Many merchants, logistics officers, and visitors from other arks usually enter through the bay as it holds the only safe entrance into the ship. Like a checkpoint, it's guarded and patrolled by the security of the ark to maximize safety and catch contraband. The Walls This area is the outer sectors of the arkship that make up the hull. It is the ship's most densely populated area, composed of primarily shanty towns. Towns inside the sector are considered hot zones for their most chaotic and dense placement of low-caste drones. Gangs and small factions compete to survive in over population is an issue, a topic on vox criminality for later. While the purpose of the sector is to keep a majority of laborer drones to fix breaches and constantly maintain the walls of the ship, it also acts as an area for bootleg and vox-made entries. Hidden passages inside the thick walls have a subzone called the Tunnels- these can either be quick shortcuts around the inner district of the sector or run for thousands of miles and have a vein-like structure composed of it. There are more sectors inside vox society, but these are the three main ones found consistently inside all arks. Arkship Diplomacy While having their own culture, beliefs, and authority, arkships are not very similar to each other in most regards. This difference in ideology has caused what most say is a hidden war inside vox society- from inside influences and outside ones. Arkships that have a rivalry with each other tend to attempt to sabotage one another. This can be spies and traitors sent to abduct and capture vox for their ark. Destroying infrastructures like life support or hull breaches and fueling and inciting rebellions, causing a wave of deviancy to damage the ark's stability. These arks are usually at war and rarely ever settled diplomatically during the war. Wars can last for thousands of years until both parties have acknowledged a cease-fire. Some arkships are not at odds with each other, usually sharing a sense of neutrality and occasionally trading for supplies, amenities, and even slave drones to bolster and replace numbers. Arks commonly travel in different areas of space, and the most interaction they get are traders and small explorer fleets sent by the home ark. Chapter 6 - Vox Culture and Society Vox culture is fragmented depending on caste, location inside of the world, and even beliefs. Many arkships all house a similar style of systems inside their societies designed to separate the masses from the elites. These parameters and even barriers can result in a difference in belief from how you, a Vox, would adapt and learn. However, arkships are relatively flexible in their designs. These are mostly limited by the creator's imagination and the already set parameters of vox society as a whole. Even with said parameters, you can be flexible about the idea of an ark you choose to make or borrow from someone else's designed arkship. Arkships are rather ruthless in their authority and their systems. All towns and sectors within the ark are governed like districts. Either by a high-casting Armalis or subsidiary Primalis who always work as a proxy to an overseer. Each sector controls and functions in tangent with The Core to sustain life support and ensure the ark is stable. In the case of no active Auralis, Armalis are usually the head of these sectors and work together as a senate to maximize and control the Primalis. The Inviolate The main body of law or rules all Vox are born to follow is the Inviolate. These laws were told to have been preached by the Auralis millenia ago, and shared across many ark vessels. While some have discarded them as old teachings or lack of reinforcement, aboard most, these are the words of a subservant and loyal Vox. Daily Life and Designations Once a vox inside of an ark is told their duty in life- and the teachings of the inviolate. They usually follow it like a gospel until their unforeseeable promotion or demotion. If they're lucky, they can climb the ranks of their starting position in society and reach a new social level that gives more opportunity and authority from their previous designation. Inside the ark, slums and sprawling shanty towns tend to litter the ship. These sprawling makeshift homes and buildings are built around actual well-designed structures mainly to help in housing as arks tend to be overpopulated for maximum efficiency. Vox tend to spend most of their days working doing their tasks and designations. If the sector overseer declares a hull breach- every laborer and atmos tech in that sector is expected to fix the issue. Suppose a sector fails to meet standards or is underperforming. In that case, the punishment can result from demotion to a lower caste position like slave or sector wipes- in which a percentage of the vox are executed and reset to avoid deviancy, as well as sending a message that failure is non-negotiable. However, if most work is completed ahead of time or tasks are in low demand Vox of lower caste slack off or avoid work, doing whatever they wish inside the bounds of the Inviolate. In that, they socialize with each, do productive activities, explore and exercise, and practice their designation. Vox Economy Vox have a bartering system in which they trade to gain and amass wealth in society. Some areas have bazaars designed for trading and collecting. Merchants, Crafters, and even Entertainers like Card readers and gamblers all exist in this space to try and gain more supplies inside of an ark. The main currency that most Vox understand is food rations, a type of MRE given by Vox as they live in an ark. Not very appealing to most- but to Vox, food is food, and with nutrition to one important vessel (the body), it has value everyone can understand. Objects that are traded can range from exotic foods, amenities, rare collectibles, and illegal stuff like drugs, weapons, and implants. Guilds Guilds are a relatively common thing that tends to pop up inside Vox society. Trader, Warrior, and even Religious guilds are usually legal organizations that work to maximize their respective field's skills. As many of these organizations are run by high caste Vox who are loyal to the ark, they are never seen as a threat to authority and work as smaller branches to control the masses. Fleets and Vox Navy Outside of arks come the fleets, which have their authority and hierarchy for commanding the skipjack. Many vox stationed on a skipjack as either a laborer, atmos tech, or war drone are lucky- given the opportunity to explore the galaxy and even leave the arkship when deployed onto missions. Usually, a Quill commands a skipjack, while a Talon is a second in command. Composed of lesser subservient warrior drones slowly descending the pyramid to the bottom of menial laborers and slave assistants. Each Vox aboard a skip knows its place, and given how strict or loose the rules can be, much only progress outside their ranks once they return to their home ark. Usually, jobs like scavenging, research, scouting, and combat are reasons for the arkships navy to exist to protect their personal interest. Alternative Arkships However even with all this said, many things depending on an arkship can be lacking at times. In rare situations arks can be volatile or different then the norm. A few examples of possible arks that can exist- Post Ascension Anarchy- these arkships are believed to have a post Armalis ascension that leaves a power vacuum inside of the ship. The Armalis fight for power and turn the society into raider lords, warring against other competitors for the leading factories that produce resources. Pollution is usually rampant, and culture is primarily cut-throat. The legitimate authority of the ark struggles to try and bring order with some areas now considered badlands run by criminal gangs and syndicates. Usually, this dying state of an ark is when many Primalis attempt to escape, known as a migration exodus. Pre Ascension Progressivism- arkships like these are usually built with many Vox taken or abducted from rival arkships. These arks have more accessible social standards, are much more forgiving in quotas, and tend to promote looser belief laws. Many of the overseer Vox are run by Primalis but still under the watchful eye of an Armalis supervisor. However, these arks tend to rival or war against more authoritative believing arks due to their stealth psyops and rebellious behavior. Many operations conducted by these arks are frowned upon or hailed as deeds of good. The most common is abducting and memory-wiping stolen Vox from rivals to be absorbed into the arkship, usually under the false guise of liberators. These are not limited, but are examples of possible society's to take inspiration from.
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