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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2022 in all areas

  1. An idea I had while playing librarian last night. (And this might be a thing, i could just have missed). Making it possible to access the newscaster from your pda with full usage. That way you can be on the move while making stories and not be stuck staring at the wall. It would be a very small change but would be a nice quality of life for librarians.
    3 points
  2. I could provide context but fuck that.
    2 points
  3. "live tweeting from the scene of the blob attack!"
    2 points
  4. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Lieutenant-Commander Orrbe, Please see my attached NOIR regarding the machine person "DEADLOCK". I have endeavored to provide a complete account of this IPC, however, there has been one specific issue that has made record collection difficult: DEADLOCK's origins are a complete mystery. As I'm sure you know, NT was one of the organizations responsible for the design of unlawed positronic brains that now make up the galaxy's population of machine people. As this research did not commence until 2510, and mass production did not occur until after 2514, it follows that no IPC can be older than 50 years, give or take. However, radiocarbon and infra-electric dating of their chassis and posibrain returns an age range of 80-85 years with a 96% confidence rating. Additionally, their positronic brain does not emit standard manufacturer details on its narrowband diagnostic channel. Further interviews with DEADLOCK did not clarify things. There are no holes in their story, and employment records all line up with independent investigation, but when asked about their origin, DEADLOCK demurred, simply stating their memory past a certain point was faulty and they themselves did not know their origin manufacturer. Based on their work experience and other investigations, I see no reason to doubt them, although this makes it harder to ensure they are not compromised in some way. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Respectfully, Herman Compund Operational Intelligence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DEADLOCK Species: Machine Age: Unknown Manufacturer: Unknown Model: Unknown Series: Unknown Serial Number: Unknown (character portrait by the always-amazing @McRamon) Biography The first mention of DEADLOCK in our investigations is as an assistant miner for an asteroid wrangler on the outer rim. According to reports, they quickly gained skill and experience, and integrated well with human coworkers, managing to earn their trust despite the intensity of synthetic discrimination at the time. After several years, DEADLOCK left the mining business and moved from job to job, picking up skills. Shortly after The Strike, they were chosen as the leader of the 1st Canaanite Terraforming Expedition, tasked with improving the environment on New Canaan to make it habitable for IPCs. Despite this fairly notable role, they have rarely returned to the planet. About 4 years before their employment at NT, they began working for the Solar Federation as a scouter in the Space Traffic Coordination Department. DEADLOCK went missing shortly after working for Solgov; no mention of them can be found in any records between this time and their application for work at NT. Qualifications DEADLOCK is an experienced shaft miner, cargo technician, quartermaster, chef, xenobiologist, explorer and captain. They can perform basic engineering tasks such as wiring, construction, hacking, ship repair, and configuration of solars, singulos, and teslas. There are wide gaps in their knowledge: they have no experience with organic or inorganic medicine, research or robotics, or synthetic management. They have not received proper licensing for the setup or operation of supermatter engines or any atmospheric systems. They are also astoundingly unrobust, with unprecedented low scores in marksmanship, coordination, and physical conflict resolution. Several reports have been received by various Blueshields complaining that DEADLOCK actively makes their jobs harder by being too oblivious and slow to react to nearby threats, sometimes actively sabotaging their own safety. Educational Records - Honorary Degree from Canaan University of Technology in Geoscience Security Records DEADLOCK has no outstanding security incidents on their record. They are currently designated an Employee In Good Standing. Personal Relations - J.U.S.T.I.C.E.: "The best magistrate I've ever worked with." - PTL-303 Page: "A great crewmember, helpful and optimistic to an almost scary degree." - Malo: "Couldn't ask for a better RD, although it is concerning how eager she is to implant her brain in other species just to see if she can." - Kincaid Renard: "Didn't she used to obsessively eat floor pills? Either way, a great vulp to spend time with." - Ryder Hill: "If I had a nickel for every time Ryder caused me to get killed by a wizard, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?" - S-HOUND-L762: "We've spoken a few times, but I trust them firmly and, well, empathize, with some of the challenges of their past." - Tokoyokiko: "An excellent security officer. Makes a mean trinary."
    2 points
  5. Full Name: "Samson Hoover Letterman" Age: 27 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/23/████ Gender: Male Sexual orientation: Asexuality, Biromantic. Race: Australian Human. Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Assistant Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia, Earth. Biography: "Sam Letterman started working for Nanotrasen for about 2 years after being introduced to the company by his cousins who had worked for the company, He started out working for Cargo, Making deliveries, Sort of a Postal worker job you could call it, A mailman. Not much has been put to record on what he did back when working with cargo, But some old rumors say he wasn't the most politest of employees, And that he had the tendency to get high on hard drugs during his work. Some even claiming he once lead a protest that occurred during a shift. But he denies all of those rumors, Saying people just liked to talk bad about him. After that, he was later transferred to this station by the same cousins who work at Nanotrasen, who claim him to be quite talented, Despite his behavior problems." Qualifications: Sam had gained a few skills during his first time working in the field, Such as Surgery, Engineering, Xenobiology, And furthermore. Sam knows a lot about chemistry during his high school years, And was even offered a job as a chemist, But had declined it. You could say he's a Jack of All Trades, And Master of None. Employment Records: 2562-2564 - Letter Carrier, Cargo Department. 2564-Present - Assistant, Service Department. Security Records: [SECURITY CLEARANCE] Medical Records: [MEDICAL CLEARANCE] Other Notes: "I don't know what's so special about this "Letterman" individual, These big suits from Nanotrasen that are his cousins just bullshit him out of trouble all the time, Even when we tried to question why his records were missing they just said "We have no idea", Like if we were to believe them, This guy just sounds, Looks, And acts like trouble. In my opinion he isn't anything more than just a simple minded, Moron." -Unknown Source, Nanotrasen.
    1 point
  6. Local giant schoolgirl tries to kill security officer
    1 point
  7. Exactly! It's funny, but it would be very helpful for the job. I mean the PDA sprite is so unique that one would think it has more functionality.
    1 point
  8. [DEAD] Name: Kamila [REDACTED] Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): - Botany - Janitor - Shaft Miner Biography: She was very active person and very liked botany, she spend a very long time discovering new ways how to grow rare plants, she tryied mutate a lot of exotic types of plants, and tested new plants what got freshly harvested from nearby solar systems, she tryied mutations without book guide depending on "luck", she spend a lot of time to understand and get use of plans, her best claimed "plant mutations" she described at notes as: - " Mutated Cotton, what was able to create durable threads what block attacks more effective way than normal" - " Golden apple tree, with helped cure her diseases when she was sick" - " Carpet Grass, yes, its mutated grass what grow carpet, now we have carpet bois!" - " Strange seeds,when they grow up they look like spiders" She wrote a lot of Notes and tryied make her contributions to higher stage, where she can help people with use of plans, her last note was about "strange blob shaped plant" with she tryied to cultivate, but no matter how hard she tryied, it never give fruit, it always produce only seeds, she spend 3 years studying this plant.... one day during her care with seed what seem never to give fruits, she got ambushed and shot in head, walls and trays got spreaded with blood and her head wen't missing, investigation showed it was Syndicate work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Outdated] Name: Kamila Rose Age: ?? Gender: Female Race: Diona Blood Type: 0+ General Occupational Role(s): - Genetics - Bartender - Robotics Biography: First record of this specific "person" got discovered few months after Kamila [REDACTED] got assasinated in botany room, with was closed util this person got discovered inside, the Diona who seem lost, keep claiming that her name was Kamila but was unable to recall her surname, when she was asked "how she died" she claimed that, he have no memory before death, and she only remember that she come on station to study plants, and when they asked them "if you kamila, how you are still alive?", she was silent for 10 seconds and spoke: "i don't know what happend, but when i was awake, i was in botanical room on floor, and when i look around, i saw that that i become plant and pod where i was cultivating "unknown seed" have giant blob of squashed fruit" after that, there was investigation in botany, and they claimed that seed have "cloning" properties, similar to clonning pod, after that there come book in circuit about "Growing human". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [New Data] Name: Kamila Bluerose Age: 71 Gender: Female Race: Diona Blood Type: 0- General Occupational Role(s): - Surgeon - Coroner - Xenobio - Spelunker Biography: After previous incidents, she locked herself inside genetical, and worked here for very long time, util one day, when she tested Genetic Sequences, her "Rose" what grow on head changed color to Blue and started to develop short sight, now she wear glasses. One time when she got surgery after lung collapsed as result of Spelunker life, she declared: "I dont feel pain, but every time there should be pain i get very strong headache what make me gone crazy", after longer time of work as spelunker, her mindset changed dramatically, some people say its result of going on cursed planed where life and death are slim line. After she retired from spelunker life, she stared to get interest in medicine, she learned quickly surgery and upgraded her status from Medical Doctor to Surgeon, she can do most of medical task alone, and long surgery to bring person to life without allowing to clone if its not necessery. She got very interesed in slimes after incident, she start to like unnatural subjects, like religions, monsters, vampires or even illegal stuff what is considered a threat to NT, but she believe, even if someone is evil, its evil for reason, once she asked security: "If you were a vampire what need blood to life, what would you do?" the security was unable to ask, security know that even if you be vampire what dont drink human blood, you still be catched and put in cage. Employment Records: Favorite jobs: Xenobio, Spelunker, Surgeon, Coroner Other jobs experience: Botany, Chaplain, Robotics, Genetics, Janitor, Bartender, Virology, Security Officer, Chemist Notes: There are unofficial claims from personel, that Kamila sometimes behave like she was struggling with mental illness where once she declare as "me" and sometimes as "us" and she don't see "Evil" and "Bad" as other people describe, she will cooperate if needed, and help if asked for anything, behaviour is somehow similar to cyborgs with loyality but when she get attacked by someone without asking her, or steal her stuff, she get agressive outburst's, and will try make person life miserable, there was story, where she was attacked by vampire and left alive, and she even helped vampire avoid security as "gratitude" for not been sucked-dry by vampire, later vampire got scared by her strange behaviour and lost appetite... what a strange turn of story. Important small notes: - "Kamila Bluerose" is mix of her human name and diona type, in this case its Rose. - She sometimes behave like mentally ill and out-of-character. - She like discovering new stuff as long as they are interesting. - She like to create "experimental" weapons, with have potential what others don't see. - She sometime create wierd drawings or say wierd stuff, if you want be friend be ready for it first. (Sorry if i wrote something wrong, english is not my main language)
    1 point
  9. So for the most part, fears of things cant really be represented in the game well. I think Hemophobia might be an intresting change for that though. Hemophobia being the fear of blood is an intresting thing where the person afflicted with it has a fear of blood to some degree and will feel nauseous and/or feel faint at just the sight of blood. This could be represented in game as the person taking stamina damage at the sight of a person covered in blood, the person with hemophobia being covered in blood, or seeing blood on the ground, wether it be pools of it or footsteps made in blood from people walking through the pools of blood. This being added gives there a need for people to clean blood due to not being able to work as efficiently as you could with it around, and not just "there could be a slaughter demon, better clean up" Main issue i can see with this is cultists, kinda hard to work when your main job is to make runes in blood on the ground. I honestly think that in cases like that, hemophobia is overridden by being a cult member because you care more about getting you god into you plane of existance rather than the blood the room is likely covered in.
    1 point
  10. Name: Hafnium Age: 25 Gender: Female Race: Plasmaman Blood Type: N/A Height: 6’10” (208.28 cm) Languages: Gutter (Native), Galactic Common (Second) Biography: Much of Hafnium’s early life and childhood she has refused to disclose. What is known is that Hafnium was found in a modified cloning machine as an infant by a smuggling ship; when she was first found the machine was holding her in some form of stasis, but she was awoken by the smuggling crew who decided to raise her. As the smugglers were almost constantly working and talking in Gutter, this actually is Hafnium’s native language. At one point in her childhood, around eleven years old, Hafnium’s hands were replaced with synthetics to allow for easier manipulation, and she began working with the smugglers, rather than just living with them. Around the age of sixteen Hafnium began to work aboard a Nanotrasen station as a cargo aide, helping to move crates and boxes, and it was discovered later that during this time she also began an unofficial internship with a xenobiologist aboard the station. After two years of this work and her promotion to a fulltime cargo technician, an accident involving a gravitational anomaly caused her to lose her left arm, which needed to be replaced with a fully synthetic arm. About a year later, she began to officially work under the xenobiologist on the station, who claimed she had a natural aptitude working with slimes, even without formal training. After working on the previous station for roughly six more years, Hafnium transferred sectors to where she is now. Qualifications: While Hafnium has no official schooling, she has had a substantial amount of hands-on training in labs, especially xenobiology and working with slimes. She also has a considerable amount of experience working with and moving heavy cargo. Employment Records: Hafnium first began working with Nanotrasen at the age of sixteen, where she was an assistant to the cargo department on a small station, as well as the unofficial intern of a xenobiologist aboard the station. After three years of working there she was offered an official internship and continued to work on the station for the next six years before transferring to the current sector. Security Records: Hafnium’s security records are something of a mess. There are numerous different bounties that are out on her head, with clients ranging from Kidan clans to Unathi tribes, and demands ranging from wanting her brought in alive to wanting the relic presented to the client, with her head alongside it. Most bounties that have been put out on Hafnium are years old, and seem to have been withdrawn by now, or possibly accepted. Medical Records: Medically speaking, Hafnium is unique among most other Plasmamen due to the presence of a skin-like tissue covering her body. The reason for this is a mystery, and the best guess that Hafnium can give is that it has to do with the machine that she was found in. While this is an interesting anomaly for her, it is noticed that it seems to have little to no benefit to her, primarily causing her to look different than most others of her species. The only other differences noted between Hafnium and other Plasmamen is that she has partially gained taste buds, but these seem to be particularly weak, only able to taste powerful flavors. Other than that, her skin has no true benefits, it reacts the same way to oxygen as normal, is just as easily burnt, and gaseous plasma is able to pass through the skin with ease. From a mental health standpoint, Hafnium has been diagnosed with a number of mental difficulties. It is important to note that she has a therapist that she sees outside of work hours, and rarely if ever trusts the onboard psychiatrist enough to see them while she is working. Employee Photo: Art by the amazing Drakeven!
    1 point
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