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  1. Going to preface this as being aware there are similar things in other codebases...I don't really play anywhere else nor look at other wikis, was just random brain moment. Was also requested I come post this idea, a bit more fleshed out by Samman166! The Spy Games Begin It dawned on me a round I was observing in, with three contractors, changlings, at least one hijacker...That there could be room somewhere in there for a more RP oriented, or at the very least, stealth and non-lethal, non-combative side offering much like contractors. The start of it is like any tot. Round start, they may get the choice to go contractor, giving up their TC for a harder start and more objectives to complete...or with this idea, they may become a Spy instead. Doing this would, much as contractor does, give up most, if not all of your TC to start, but provide you with not just extra objectives, but entirely new ones centered around information gathering, minor thefts, and otherwise not causing too much a scene nor drama within the station during the round. If a Spy is caught, unless they've been REALLY bad at their job, or make an ass of themselves, they could potentially get out of the brig with a short sentence instead of an instant perma. This is not an option for people who want a hard-mode, or to get even more TC to help other tots, or any of the like. It's an option for a lower-gear, less conflict and more RP focused pace. They may still help other tots with information, and small acts but...would hardly be equipped on their own to offer more than that. You may end up with a few more TC than you started with, What sort of bonuses, objectives, and the like would a spy be performing? Take a picture with X high value object clearly visible in it (no bigger than a 3x3 photo). Plant a total of # Camera bugs around the station, in at least # different rooms (round start rooms only). Plant # bugs around the station.(or a singular department). Steal # of ID's, they must have valid accounts attached to them. (IE no just making spare IDs, gotta have them linked cash accounts!) Steal # space cash. (Usually requiring either a lot of ID theft, or getting into the accounts terminal) What would be done with these items/cash/ect? They would either need to keep them until the round, escaping....Oooor. Send them out via a "Dead Drop" beacon they would receive. A new item! Exciting! The major component of the Spy situation, much like a contractors baton/PDA...is a unique briefcase and beacon, kept in a smuggler's satchel and best to be hidden somewhere. Most of the photo/money/minor theft items would be placed in the briefcase, and upon use of it, starts a sequence much like opening a portal for contractors...in which they toss the briefcase in or something akin to trading them in for their own TC returns...maybe the TC actually comes back in the briefcase itself! The beacon, on the other hand, is where the briefcase returns to after a quite a period of time, into whatever container the beacon may be in. This works through the smuggler satchel, but still would require it be kept somewhere near a window. All of this must be done near a window to space...say requiring X number of space tiles within sight, for proper connection. An Agent ID, a free encryption key, and potentially some low-cost stealth/infiltration items as well would be their bonus items. Pick Pocket gloves would help a ton. That was the gist of the idea, according to folks in dead chat, quite similar to other code bases, but again, was actually told I should come post about it here so...That I did!
    2 points
  2. Economy PR is pretty based, remember to charge people for drinks lads its not against SoP!
    1 point
  3. "WetSkrell.sy is a xenophillic website endorsed by Syndicate for the use of soon-to-be retired crewmembers among Nanotrasen's many stations and outposts!" "Wetskrell.sy only provides the higest quality of entartainment to Nanotrasen Employees and their Families." "WetSkrell.sy wishes to remind you, running is just another way to enjoy life! Better do it while you can!" "Wetskrell.sy only provides the higest quality of suffering to Nanotrasen Employees." "Here, at WetSkrell.sy, we know where you live!"
    1 point
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