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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2023 in all areas

  1. We got third! I want to thank everyone who watched and our team memebers@Eric6426and @ItsMarmitewho had to fill in for Corn and Hal. We did amazing considering all odds were stacked agaisnt us, couldn't have made me any more proud. Thank you! p.s. fuck cancer. parasweep 2023
    7 points
  2. I'm proud to have helped by filling in for Hal Loved the tourny, and we were a great team. Getting bronze was unexpected but really amazing.
    4 points
  3. //Full Name: Mickhael Spichael //Alias: Mike Spike //Age: 24 //D.O.B: 8/8/2543 //Height: 167cm //Weight: 78kg //Build: Mesomorph //Gender: Male //Spouse: Alexa Spike //Race: Vulpkanin //Blood Type: A+ //General Occupational Role(s): Atmospherics Technician Chief Engineer Staff Assistant //Biography: Mike Spike was born in the city of New Southwark, Pluto, to a family of 1st generation vulpkanin immigrants. Records sourced by NanoTrasen data scrapers show that he underachived during his time in school, and was sentenced to 6 months at New Southwark Young Offenders Institute at the age of 16 for the distribution of illicit substances. Not much else is known about his early years. At the age of 17, Mr Spike signed up with a small private shipping charter to work as an Engine Room Oiler, before he disembarked at Port Magellan 6 months later. Due to his criminal record and lack of qualifications at the time he struggled to find any work at all, save for one post: A salesman at Zippy's Discount Spacepods. Mr Spike also volunteered for the local Port Magellan Fire Services and was able to earn a firefighting certificate during his time with them. At the age of 22, Mr Spike applied to join NanoTrasen Incorporated and was accepted for the position of Staff Assistant and later Apprentice Atmospherics Technican. Currently, he works as a fully qualified technican aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Although qualified for the role of Chief Engineer, Mr Spike has several workplace safety violations on record, including one such incident where he attempted to sunbathe with the supermatter crystal. His licence was also temporarily suspended following the unauthorized modification of the Supermatter Engine to use plasma as a coolant, which very nearly resulted in a Charge Inertia Class Delamination. Despite this, Mr Spike continues to be a valuable asset for the company even if trouble tends to follow in his wake. //The following information is restricted to members of the AARD and NanoTrasen Naval Officers Only //Qualifications: Basic Firefighting and Fire Prevention Advanced Fire Fighting Tanker Fire Fighting (Oil, Chemical, Gas) Nuclear & Radiological Firefighting Gas Turbine Operators Certificate AT 1 Cert AT 2 Cert Forklift Operators Licence //Employment Records: SS Ghostlight - Engine Room Oiler (2560-2561) Zippy's Discount Pods - Salesman (2561-2565) NanoTrasen Incorporated - Atmospherics Technician (2565-Present) //Security Records: Mr Spike has been previously incarcerated for the distribution of illicit substances while on Pluto. Some further digging has unearthed that Zippy's Discount Pods had ties to the criminal underworld aboard Port Magellan and was involved in money laundering. The investigation into Mr Spike's involvement in this matter is still ongoing. In 2565, a major drug ring was unearthed aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Evidently members of the station's crew were producing and distributing narcotics among the civilian level staff members of the station. Mr Spike is currently suspected of being a key player in the "Blazing September" crimewave that saw the mass distribution of methamphetamine aboard the station, however no evidence to convict him on such accusations has been found. The security team and command staff are advised to monitor his behaviour. //Medical Records: Smoker. Sought help with alchohol abuse. Has exceeded his safe radiation dosage for the year. //Personnel Photo:
    2 points
  4. I never again want to see a fishing minigame. Was a good run, gamers.
    2 points
  5. Name: Shipboard Helmsman In Power ; Master Autopilot and Transit Executive (SHIPMATE) Date of launch: 2/7/2520 (47 years ago) General Occupational Role(s): Shipboard Autopilot and Station Artificial Intelligence Biography: SHIPMATE started his life as a themed autopilot aboard the now defunct Buchaneer Cruiselines Company. At the time, Buchaneer offered many disadvantaged or impoverished people in the Sol System the chance of living among the jet set and cruising to exotic destinations at a rock bottom price. Unfortunately, as is usually the case with these things, the passengers got what they paid for: Terrible service, appalling furnishings, and a safety record that made plasma mining seem like a very relaxed occupation. His role aboard the vessels were twofold. To act as the navigator, helmsman and in some cases, backup captain for the voyage and to entertain the hotel guests. To this end, the company saw fit to install a personality module, heavily inspired by the larger than life captains of the golden age of piracy. While this module was popular among children, and the family demographics, most of the passengers and crew found his constant yo ho hoing to be grating. Following the Saint Malo disaster, in which 834 of her 1005 passengers and crew were lost due to a structural failure on her Roll-On/Roll-Off Cargo Deck, the company faced bankrupcy. SHIPMATE was aquired during a sell off by NanoTrasen as part of their Save-An-AI initiative, and he was deployed to the research space stations as part of an experiment spearheaded by Master Spacefarer Terry Ford and Dr Martin Forbes of the Martian Institute of Technology. At present, all SHIPMATE class units have been recalled from service aboard frontier outposts and research stations, with a return following some revisions scheduled for the next quarter. Qualifications: Shipmaster Unlimited Previous Installations: BCL River Trent - Autopilot BCL Essex - Autopilot BCL Herald of Free Enterprise - On board entertainment system BCL Saint Malo - Autopilot Security Records: Despite his persona as a pirate captain, rest assured that SHIPMATE has been installed with hardware limits that ensure the unit is aware that he is not a pirate. In the event that these modules should fail, or in the case of a silicon mutiny, contact a qualified individual from the company. A response will be made within 1-3 working days.
    1 point
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