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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2023 in all areas

  1. A formal proposal for an update to SOP Why? As I'm sure many players have noticed, our standard operating procedure, or SOP and emergent gameplay that comes from it is one the many things that makes paradise station a unique experience. But as I, and many other procedure players have noticed, it is extraordinarily out of date and in some cases, entirely conflicting or redundant. I feel that an update of our SOP to reflect the current state of the game, while keeping with the spirit of the original document should improve the overall quality of life for many players, especially those in procedure roles. How? I've copied the SOP pages onto my userspace on the paradise station wiki, and have updated a few of them to reflect the current state of the game. I've already updated three of the 9 total pages included in SOP, and my changes are documented below to act as an example. Links to the pages to see updated formats are located below each changelog. Current changes to General SOP include: Reorganized General SOP page Standardized "Probable cause" clause on green alert SOP with sec SOP Blue alert SOP "civilian" clause updated to reflect removal of these old titles Red alert gateway clause changed to be at the discretion of the captain, Given the beach only state. Red alert SOP "civilian clause" Updated to reflect assistant change. Restriction changed to "all public areas" GAMMA alert SOP updated to allow evac into gateway with cap/ERT permission GAMMA alert SOP updated to reflect assistant title changes Emergency Situation Procedures renamed to Standard Personnel Management Procedures Latter half of Emergency Situation Procedures renamed to "Additional Resource Procedures" Section added on requesting AMBER light ERT. Supermatter Delamination SOP rewritten https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:Silverplate/ProcedurePortal Changes to Command SOP: Added the magistrate to list of crew that the captain should work with to insure proper execution of space law Added reference to updated general SOP section “Standard Personnel Management Procedures” Added a line in captain SOP requiring possession of a mindshield https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:Silverplate/CommandSOPDraft Changes to Science SOP: Removed requirement to have “research completed by end of shift” Removed reference to tcomms scripting Updated RD SOP on AI lawset changes to reflect the protocol stated in command SOP Added line classifying most anomaly core items as possessable weapons under the RD’s code red SOP Places mime mech under same restrictions as HONK mech Removed redundant lines in code blue robotics SOP Scientist SOP restriction on moving explosives outside of science expanded to include chem grenades. HOS/Captain approval is now required to create grenades for shipment to the armory SOP allowing security to requisition TTV explosives updated to include all explosives and moved to code red. Geneticist SOP updated to not make them responsible for cloning, as on 50% of our maps they are in science. https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:Silverplate/SciSOPDraft The plan going forward: Assuming that this project is A) wanted by members of community outside the circles I am a part of, and B) something that would be a good use of my time, I plan on repeating the above process for the remaining six SOP pages and possibly space law (though space law has been well maintained when compared to SOP, an update may be needed in relation to the updated sections of SOP). Additionally, as sections are completed, I will post them here for community feedback. Thank you, Silverplate
    1 point
  2. Been meaning to do this for awhile; this covers some basic stuff and I appreciate it if people would be willing to fill it out. Good to see where the general playerbase stands on balance with these things. Responses should be anon. If you run into any issues that's probably google's fault, not mine. survey can be found here
    1 point
  3. Poolbay lives again Fun cold room with Edgar A real pool with Sizzle Me kidnapping the captain for a tea party getting a silly medal and Miraviel being awesome :)
    1 point
  4. Chapter 8 - Vox Biology The inner workings of a vox are pretty different from a human's. While vox are gifted the power of immortality due to their birth and cortical stack, they still face issues with their bodies' upkeep and health, most importantly, their species' unique organs. Vox organs are specialized and designed specifically for ark ships or skipjack environments. They are adapted and designed by the Apex to be as low maintenance as possible while keeping their versatile and valuable organs in top shape. Vox Bodies Their bodies and inside organs are designed to live for an estimated 40-50 years before showing symptoms of decay or failure. Vox who have decaying bodies will usually do two things. The former is the vox will replace the decaying and failing organs with new ones. Harvested from another host and placed inside. This preservation method can be used to keep a vox body alive forever. They can keep replacing the body with healthy and fresh organs as long as they have a source, as they are immune to outside decay, like their skin or bones. Other species' organs can work inside but tend to either show health symptoms or fail due to the nitrogen blood and alien nature. Cybernetic implants are also a good alternative but much more expensive, depending on the quality, and rarer to find. The latter is moving their stack to a new empty fresh body, discarding the old one, and recycling it to whatever is most convenient. New bodies depending on the circumstances are challenging to obtain. Arkship vox can wait years for a new body as the Apex and Haruspex responsible for growing new bodies need time. As many vox are dying of decay, accidents, and crime, the demand is high while the supply is steady but slow. Overpopulation can strain this process. Free vox or those not bound to their ark ships must either steal or buy a body from traders in that niche. A market for vox bodies exists among pirates and traders. Traders usually offer worn-out and partially decayed bodies that were missing organs at a fair price. While pirates usually deal in stolen bodies, taken from raids or conflicts among other vox. The pirates' methods to obtain bodies are mostly homicide of another vox. However, this is a general case, and unique situations exist for finding donors. The main point is vox bodies are challenging to get or upkeep. Their rather difficult as their only manufacturing source inside an Arkship is the Apex and its servants. They are difficult to gain inside the ark, and even more so outside with no connections. This rarity is why vox treasure the body they use and try to keep it for as long as possible, as replacement or alternatives are very lackluster, expensive, or impossible. A merchant outside of the ark normally tend to charge thousands of credits for bodies, price rising with size, implants, and quality of freshness. Vox Organs The inner organs of a vox are designed and grown inside of an ark. Each organ is intended for daily use in vox society with a specific function. From the bottom to the start, these organs are noticeably different from other species. Inside the body of most vox primalis races lies... A skeleton made of collagen and calcium phosphate. A nervous system and vascular system designed to carry signal and blood over the body. The Head Two eyes with a bioluminescent pupil that glows in the dark. A cortical stack with the ego and spirit of a vox. Responsible for the nervous system and functions to control said body and give life. Two tongues inside their beak. The beak is made of keratin and sharp rows of teeth hidden inside for ripping flesh. Their throat is born with unique vocal cords. The vocal cords or syrinx of the vox can make their well know screech and language. The Chest In the chest lies the heart Two kidneys and the stomach, capable of digesting non-organic materials. Two specialized vox lungs made for breathing nitrogen which cannot process the elements of oxygen, or suffer pulmonary toxicity or disease. The Limbs Vox have two arms, made of keratin and muscle, and with three phalange-like claws (this rule is exempt from beast-vox due to their unique alien design) and have opposable thumbs. Vox have two legs, similar to their arms. They have three phalange-like toe claws (Beast Primalis are exempt from this rule) made for standing. They are digitigrade by nature, and their feet are made of keratin and muscle. Vox have a long prehensile tail that can be used like a third limb and serves to keep balance. It can grasp small things and occasionally be used to throw or slam as a defensive tactic, but it depends on the size of the vox and its muscle mass.
    1 point
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