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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2023 in all areas

  1. This is a new feature I have been coding, I am looking for ideas on how to expand it and make it better. The PR in question is here for those interested in its code. Shoppers Card A new item selectable in Character Setup. A loyalty card, a clubcard, whatever you call it IRL - you have a discount card associated with one of the big companies of our world! In Character Setup, you can choose a company (NanoTrasen, Mr. Changs, Donk Co, etc.). Upon spawning in, you get a shoppers card of that company that you can attach to your ID. Every purchase made with this ID will have a whoppin' 10% discount on products associated with your chosen company and make you eligible for a raffle! For example, if you have a Mr. Changs shoppers card on your ID and you purchase a chow mein, you'll get a 10% discount on the price. Mechanics, limitations Similar to guest passes, it can be slapped on and taken off from IDs. One ID can hold multiple shoppers cards. Shoppers cards are not account-bound. If you steal someone else's, you enjoy the same discount as they did before. To avoid metaslavery, YouTool items will not be associated with any company (thanks, Zorazi!) Possible Ideas Have command have an extra, special type of shoppers card, and make it a theft objective? Have all traitors spawn in with a Syndicate shoppers card but also add it to maintenance loot to make metachecking impossible (and for extra swag)? Track number of purchases for a bigger discount or other goodies? Events Lucky Buyer One planned event is being the "Lucky Buyer". The gist of it: Player purchases a discounted item. With a very low chance, this event gets queued up as a "Minor Event". This can get queued only once per round. When triggered, a station-wide announcement appears "Congratulations, [name on the ID], for being the [500.000th / 1.000.000th / semi-random big number here] at [company name]! You have been rewarded with [measly amount of money] for your loyalty." Example: "Congratulations, John Doe, for being the 1.000.000th customer of The Syndicate! You have been rewarded with $50 for your loyalty." This can get alternative rewards. Perhaps a crate sent from CC with something in it? This event gets removed from the possible events pool in the round. More event ideas here are welcome. Products Products are associated with companies on a product level, not the vending machine, so a vending machine can hold multiple companies' goods at once. You can see our existing corporations and factions here and our vending machines here. While chow meins, being in Mr Changs' own vendor is obviously a Mr. Changs' product, what about the others? Which organisation creates Space Twinkies, for example? NanoTrasen? Or is it a Shellguard Munitions product with a hidden agenda? Are crayons truly made for Sol Gov Marines? Here is your chance to come up with ideas. Both serious, hilarious, and out-of-game-reference ideas are welcome. This is a chance to make our little world a bit more colourful!
    5 points
  2. As title say, i want to suggest "Forum" chat, what is new feature on discord, to make #ideas / #suggestion Forum, what have same/similar function like this forum, if you ask why, its because i once asked codder if he saw some specific sugestion, but he resonded: "I don't check forum, i only check discord and github", so it would be nice, if people with coding have fast access to #ideas "forum" on discord, some people give very interesting ideas/suggestion but not everyone want to check this website, and everyone would be able to write them on discord and discuss them. And you can create "Tags" in discord forum if you want ideas be "specific" category and give emotes to it, its very customizable function, it don't take much time to set it up. We have #mapping, #coding etc. sp have #ideas/#suggestions (forum) would be organized and fun. There photo how "forum" look like, its from other ss13 discord server (i will not say name, i don't want to promote or something, just example how it will look like)
    1 point
  3. I’d save so much money with a shadycigs card
    1 point
  4. How is that a problem? You fail, you learn to not repeat what led to a failure, you rinse and repeat until you succeed. There is close to no reason to wear a BRH ever. Space explorers already have space suits. Miners already have better combat armours. Putting one on serves no other reason than to provoke security. Play with fire, get burnt. Continuous reduction of antagonists in a round is fully intended. The other options are no reduction or round-ending all antags at once. Both are even worse than what we have. It is also countered by midround antagonists. Security gets a lot of freedom between perma, labour camp, exile and execution. Giving security an option that is basically not round-ending for an antagonist would only breed more salt, as all antagonists would expect to get it regardless of their actions. Antagonists being hostile towards security is fully intended. They're antagonists. I don't see how it limits RP, either. It actually gives you new RP opportunities as you can be openly hostile towards security and back your words with actions. Bad luck happens to everyone. All you can do is learn how to reduce chances of it happening. But let's assume we give antagonists leeway for bad luck. Do we also give security leeway for bad luck? I.e. running alone into two changelings is really unlucky, and the antagonists will freely take advantage of that. This goes back to point 4, where everyone would expect leeway because luck is almost always a factor. This barely affects antagonists. I think I have never temporarily brigged an antagonist for more than 15 minutes. It's non-antagonists who rack up insane timers, and they usually deserve them. Antagonists who play full stealth usually know they're clean and are cooperative, leading to security often minimizing sentences or outright turning blind eyes to pettier crimes. Overall, this is yet another suggestion that heavily favours antagonists at the expense of security players. Should it be implemented, security players would deal with even more shittalking for genuinely just trying to do their jobs and having some fun in a video game.
    1 point
  5. I'd be all for allowing the Magistrate the ability to have more leeway when deciding to perma or not perma EOC, I'd even be up for allowing them more opportunities for parole. However I massively disagree with trials. They take forever to complete and they really are pointless 90% of the time. Almost every single arrest is cut and dry with a mountain of evidence which turns trials into the EOC in question just pleading for mercy and trying to get off charges whilst wasting everyone's time. I also disagree with allowing the Captain permission to have more leeway when permabrigging/paroling. I also firmly disagree with giving all of security that power. They, frankly, can't be trusted to use good judgement in instances like this a good chunk of the time. Not only that being an antagonist should land you with more than a slap on the wrist when caught, encouraging otherwise outside of specific situations I.E good behavior, non-violent, etc. is not how I believe we should do things pretty much ever. It shouldn't be the norm, but I would personally like the option to exist. I simply feel it should be delegated to Magistrate's only.
    1 point
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