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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Commission for Deadspace13 server
    8 points
  2. My fourth and final video, PURGATORIO, is in production. As with INFERNO, I'd like to include as many player characters as I can, to showcase the diversity and breadth of the Para community. Several important notes: If the role you want has been taken, there is currently no limit on the number of assistants needed. If you do not follow the instructions below carefully, you may not be included. I cannot guarantee everyone's inclusion, but will do my absolute best to include everyone who volunteered. If one of your characters was in INFERNO, I ask that you choose a different role than the one you were previously in. In general you should try to do this as quickly as possible, to ensure your character gets included and you get a role you'd like. Application instructions: Please follow these rules exactly. If I do not have all this information, I cannot reliably recreate your character. Click here for the list of available roles. If you know what a serialized JSON datum is and how to create it for your character: The role you are applying for. The serialized JSON datum of your character. The approximate date of when the JSON was created (required due to how characters may be de-serialized differently depending on commit) If your character is a species with a tail, let me know if you want it wagging or not. Otherwise, provide the following information: The role you are applying for. A *complete screenshot* of your character setup screen. Cropped screenshots of your character facing all four directions on an ordinary floor tile. A screenshot of the *description text* displayed when your character is examined. If your character is a species with a tail, let me know if you want it wagging or not. Dress your character as you would for the role you're applying for. If your character doesn't wear any job-specific attire, that's fine as well. Dress them the way you want to be seen. I've provided a sample entry in this spoiler: Thank you for all of your support for these dumb videos. I promise this one will be the dumbest yet.
    3 points
  3. This is a major factor that I feel often gets overlooked: Cloning doesn't take up a surgery room. Surgery is a HUGE bottleneck in terms of the medical flow. You only have so many rooms, and surgery can be as short as 1 minute to as long as 10+ minutes on a particularly mangled victim. When things get ESPECIALLY bad on the station, and medical is overrun with both corpses and injuries, what keeps things running is the fact that Cloning the dead and fixing the living occupy completely different areas. Whether or not this is part of the plan, if reviving the dead is going to require a surgery room as well, reviving people will end up being shoved to the last priority during emergencies. Doctors are going to favor keeping the non-stop flood of IB victims alive, rather than having to work on a single corpse for 5-10 minutes. -Not saying this is a good or bad thing, but important to keep in mind.
    1 point
  4. Accumulating damage sounds like a really good starting point. The slower the triage provided, the more work to do once the heart is beating again. That'd reward good paras/nurses without making mass revival impossible during biohazard rounds.
    1 point
  5. FBPs would be a very interesting way of revival. Not IRCs - proper FBPs. I've seen it on other servers and it adds weight to late revivals. "Oh god, I am fully synthetic on the outside now?" It is so rarely done here. No, you can choose between life and death. Choosable cloneability decides whether you want to get cloned by a cheap, boring method, or you want the doctors to work for it. (Similar thing kinda once you pick non-cloneable species). If coding was the only issue, I could get help for it - just keep in mind that it was never fully OK'd by the design team. In a hindsight, I am not sure if this was a good idea, either. It feels like a bandaid solution. Medical is not bald because we lack good medical players - medical is bald because the good medical players are not willing to play. You can learn all the ins and outs of how bleeding works, how to effectively use lesser known drugs like atropine or salacid, and the like, it all means nothing in the end when 90% of all bodies that come in just instantly get hurled into the cloner by a random bystander. I firmly believe the "we shouldn't remove cloning because then we will have no medbay!" argument is backwards. People stick with jobs because they present a challenge and they are exciting. A lot of people got bored of security when we had the old stuncombat because all it involved was "hit the antag with the funny yellow bolt and you won" and, similarly, get hit once by the funny stunprod and lose. Now that the handholding was removed from it, it became a way more exciting and thus way more popular job. I sometimes play on Baystation too where medical procedures have a weight and the system itself has a lot of mechanics that actually come into play because there is no one-stop solution for most people - and I stick with it. I don't want to play other jobs. Here, on Paradise, I sometimes play Chemist to see numbers go up, but again, most drugs are never used because why would anyone fix up a body with 300 brute, two IBs, and a fracture when they can just put it into the funny tube and get it back fully healed with full blood? Medical is fun until you figure out how to fix slightly hurt bodies and until you commit surgeries to muscle memory. Afterwards, you just realise cryotubes, two specific drugs, and the cloner fixes almost every case. I agree that permadeath should not be too encouraged on Paradise, we are not that kind of a server. To make it clear: I want cloning to go away, it is cheap, stupid, and boring. But we need a very, very good alternative for it for which I have not yet seen good ideas yet. Making the SR less dangerous is a good step but it is not enough, SR itself needs an overhaul (its recipe is dumb and currently its best use is to field execute changelings). Unfortunately, these topics usually lead to nowhere because these alternatives are not thought through from the gameflow's point of view. If we remove cloning, what is there instead? The 5 min timer to defib, SR, brain transplant, and cyborgification. What alternatives can we offer? If we increase the defib timer to 10 minutes, that can work - or if there was a drug (space formaldehyde?) that extended the timer. If we popularise SR, we will need many more surgeries, for which we might need a third OR, especially during highpop, or a way for medical to print cheap prosthetics. If we popularise brain transplants, we'll inevitably piss off people who play non-standard races (vox and plasmamen are unlikely to revive once they are put into a human body). Cyborgification is currently bugged if you want to make a shell without laws. So, TLDR: If anyone wants cloning to go away, offer alternatives by saying "x could be done which would lead to y but could be fixed by z". This is a good starting point of a discussion. Talking about why cloning should or should not stay will send us into the same loop as it has been doing so for the past 6(?) years.
    1 point
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