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  1. Screenshot dump from the last 2 months : )
    3 points
  2. [Access granted, welcome agent █████████. It's for designated eyes only.] Entry code: #9385 Last entry: 17th September 2565 Entry type: Incident report Brief description: An USSP station designated as ██████, which was one of the still remaining active mining stations in 16 Cygni Bb's sytem, destroyed beyond salvageable state. Recovered records indicate cause of destruction was ██████'s fusion reactor's sudden delamination. Given the records, delmanitaion assumed to be caused by sabotage attempts of a captured agent or some kind of strike team considering records mentioning three transporter type vessels with blurred serial-numbers brute-docking to the station, which is the last input in recovered records. Archive Personnel's Note: Those records weren't easy to obtain, not even the slightest. Wreckage area still has plenty contaminated objects floating around, so if you plan to take a trip on the place in question better bring some radiation protection as well. Input #1: 7th March 2565, 12:45 CMT Input #2: 9th March 2565, 07:26 CMT Input #3: 9th March 2565, 19:32 CMT Input #4: 10th March 2565, 11:28 CMT Input #5: 10th March 2565, 14:03 CMT
    1 point
  3. Name: Capella Age: 25 Gender: Female Race: Slime People Blood Type: Slime Jelly General Occupational Role(s): Captain Chief Medical Officer Nurse Paramedic Assistant Biography: Capella's biography can be found on this forum page Qualifications: Basic Firearms Safety Certificate Class 3 Hardsuit Operator's Certificate Class B Personal Starship Pilot's License Class CE Starship Pilot's License Registered Nurse, Trans-solar Federation Society of Nurses - Specialising in Acute Internal Medicine Grade C in the Clown School of Mildly Funny Jokes Employment Records: [26/11/2551] Entered into crew manifest on the ISV Shakespeare as an Assistant [11/05/2558] Promoted to Acting First Officer on the ISV Shakespeare. [10/06/2566] Hired by Nanotrasen as current role. Security Records: [Clearance: Security] [CAUTION] Relatively new employee originating from unaffiliated salvage starship known to conduct business with less-than-legal markets on various frontier stations. Medical Records: [Clearance: Medical] [26/11/2541] - Born on the ISV Shakespeare in the YZ Ceti System. [27/07/2554] - Minor allergic reactions to key ingredients Space Cola discoverred. [24/06/2566] - Serious injury sustained to the right hand during a construction incident. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A lavender slime woman that appears around 4ft 4in (132cm) tall. Her shoulder-length dark purple hair is tied back into a bun. She has darker spots on her cheeks, like freckles.
    1 point
  4. //Full Name: Mickhael Spichael //Alias: Mike Spike //Age: 24 //D.O.B: 8/8/2543 //Height: 167cm //Weight: 78kg //Build: Mesomorph //Gender: Male //Spouse: Alexa Spike //Race: Vulpkanin //Blood Type: A+ //General Occupational Role(s): Atmospherics Technician Chief Engineer Staff Assistant //Biography: Mike Spike was born in the city of New Southwark, Pluto, to a family of 1st generation vulpkanin immigrants. Records sourced by NanoTrasen data scrapers show that he underachived during his time in school, and was sentenced to 6 months at New Southwark Young Offenders Institute at the age of 16 for the distribution of illicit substances. Not much else is known about his early years. At the age of 17, Mr Spike signed up with a small private shipping charter to work as an Engine Room Oiler, before he disembarked at Port Magellan 6 months later. Due to his criminal record and lack of qualifications at the time he struggled to find any work at all, save for one post: A salesman at Zippy's Discount Spacepods. Mr Spike also volunteered for the local Port Magellan Fire Services and was able to earn a firefighting certificate during his time with them. At the age of 22, Mr Spike applied to join NanoTrasen Incorporated and was accepted for the position of Staff Assistant and later Apprentice Atmospherics Technican. Currently, he works as a fully qualified technican aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Although qualified for the role of Chief Engineer, Mr Spike has several workplace safety violations on record, including one such incident where he attempted to sunbathe with the supermatter crystal. His licence was also temporarily suspended following the unauthorized modification of the Supermatter Engine to use plasma as a coolant, which very nearly resulted in a Charge Inertia Class Delamination. Despite this, Mr Spike continues to be a valuable asset for the company even if trouble tends to follow in his wake. //The following information is restricted to members of the AARD and NanoTrasen Naval Officers Only //Qualifications: Basic Firefighting and Fire Prevention Advanced Fire Fighting Tanker Fire Fighting (Oil, Chemical, Gas) Nuclear & Radiological Firefighting Gas Turbine Operators Certificate AT 1 Cert AT 2 Cert Forklift Operators Licence //Employment Records: SS Ghostlight - Engine Room Oiler (2560-2561) Zippy's Discount Pods - Salesman (2561-2565) NanoTrasen Incorporated - Atmospherics Technician (2565-Present) //Security Records: Mr Spike has been previously incarcerated for the distribution of illicit substances while on Pluto. Some further digging has unearthed that Zippy's Discount Pods had ties to the criminal underworld aboard Port Magellan and was involved in money laundering. The investigation into Mr Spike's involvement in this matter is still ongoing. In 2565, a major drug ring was unearthed aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Evidently members of the station's crew were producing and distributing narcotics among the civilian level staff members of the station. Mr Spike is currently suspected of being a key player in the "Blazing September" crimewave that saw the mass distribution of methamphetamine aboard the station, however no evidence to convict him on such accusations has been found. The security team and command staff are advised to monitor his behaviour. //Medical Records: Smoker. Sought help with alchohol abuse. Has exceeded his safe radiation dosage for the year. //Personnel Photo:
    1 point
  5. Hello fellow b*tanists. Chemical Dispenser Meta giving you arthritis? Tired of having to remove your wrist gauntlet to click on chlorine, plasma and radium every ten seconds? Then this is the guide for you. Hydroponics (Cyberiad Map) Ah but Research and Development are at my door with a chemical dispenser demanding plants! How will I have the time to make all the plants they need without the chemical dispenser while also pleasing the chef? Fear not, botanist- for I have the answer to all your woes! Woe, Blumpkin be upon ye. First thing you're going to do while you wait for your vendors to be hacked by anyone with a multitool is you're going to go to your MegaSeed Servitor and vend out three pumpkin seeds. You're going to use these to make Blumpkins. Once you plant your three pumpkin seeds, you're going to go to your NutriMax Vendor. From here, you are going to vend out Left 4 Zed fertiliser. When using a chemical dispenser, the typical strategy for mutating plants is to spam click your plants with Unstable Mutagen at 5u intervals hoping they mutate. This functions. With Left 4 Zed, plants will have a chance of mutation upon reaching a state of harvest. Currently, your plant trays likely have a blue and yellow light. As you may know, the blue light means your plant needs water, and the yellow light means your plant needs nutrients. Fertilizers such as E-Z-Nutrient, Left 4 Zed and Robust Harvest can help your plant in different ways. Today we will be using Left 4 Zed and Robust Harvest. Your pumpkins may not at first mutate into blumpkins. That's totally fine, and besides- you need biomass. Scoop those pumps up into your plant bag, and deposit one or two into your Seed Extractor for spare seeds. Deposit your spare pumpkins into the biogenerator, as highlighted below and hit process. By grinding up plants in the biogenerator, we create biomass for the crew. Points to spend on things such as holsters, cloth, monkey cubes and more. In more relevance to us, it lets us print fertilizers. These will be very important early on. You may be wondering at this point why specifically we are making blumpkins when we have plants to grow for both the Kitchen and Research and Development. Well, b*tanist, we cannot rely on Left 4 Zed forever. Its just not practical enough in the long term. Therefore, we are going to make unstable mutagen INSIDE our own plants. To do this, we need chemical productions of Chlorine, Plasma and Radium. Blumpkins just so happen to have both Chlorine and Plasma productions. Now that you have your blumpkins mutated you may be thinking, well, how do I get radium for my unstable mutagen plants? Am I going to have to grow another obscure niche plant to distract me from doing RND's plants? Not at all. Luckily for us, Glowshrooms, one of the important plants for RND's tech levels, contains 10% radium protection. Curiously, Blumpkins also contain 10% chlorine production and 10% plasma production. Once you have your blumpkins and glowshrooms, you are going to once again turn them into seeds. Once this is done, you are going to place the seeds into the Plant DNA Manipulator. In your lockers, you will find Plant DNA Disks. Take them out of their box and insert them into the Disk Compartmentalizer directly to the left of the Plant DNA Manipulator. When you need to use a disk, which you will shortly, you can take one out and put it into the Plant DNA Manipulator. You can store traits, chemical productions and plant values on disks to insert into other plants. Now, insert your Glowshroom seeds and Blumpkin seeds into the Plant DNA Manipulator and extract Chlorine, Plasma and Radium productions into separate disks. For best results, insert these three disks into a plant with low production speed such as Wheat or Peanuts. Plant your Unstable Mutagen Plant and let it grow. On harvest, the plant's chemicals will all react together and in each plant, unstable mutagen will be created. But how do I get it to mutate my other plants? Luckily for you, the Hydroponics back room contains a grinder. By grinding up your plants, you will be able to extract the raw unstable mutagen from them, and continue as normal without needing to swap out your chemical dispenser cell every few minutes
    1 point
  6. But, Marm, my plants are low potency! I need saltpetre- what do I do? Worry not, b*tanist- simply read the below to discover the truth. How I increased my plant potency by creating saltpetre inside my own plants. Chapter 1: The Power of Saltpetre Plants The first step in my journey was realising it is impossible to create saltpetre inside my own plants. Chapter 2: The Overwhelming Power of Bees Now that we've told RND to buzz off, we're in a predicament. We lack saltpetre. That's fine, we can make our own. Head to Cargo and order yourself a Beekeeping Starter Set. If the crate eventually arrives, unbox it and you'll notice you're left with a giant apiary in front of you. Insert the honey frames, but do NOT insert the Queen bee yet. Head to Medical or Science Chemistry and ask for a small beaker of saltpetre. Take 5u of the saltpetre out with a syringe and inject it into your Queen Bee. This will chemically alter the Queen Bee. Now insert it into your apiary. You will notice your apiaries are producing bees with (saltpetre) next to them in their names. No, the bees are NOT distributing saltpetre onto your plants. Make sure to put on your beekeeping attire and carry on managing your plants. You will notice your bees are going between the apiary and the plants, and growing in numbers over time. The yield of the plants the bees visit will gradually increase over time. In addition, your apiaries will begin to generate honeycombs. To take them out, take out your honey frames, you will need to take them each out individually to get the full amount. Honeycombs will contain equal parts honey, and equal parts of the chemical you injected into your bees. Therefore, by following the steps above, we begin to create saltpetre from bees. Thus increasing the yield and potency of our plants effectively passively without the use of a chemical dispenser. To extract the saltpetre and honey from our honeycombs, all we need to do is place them into a grinder with a beaker, and grind them up. To seperate your honey from your saltpetre, simply insert your beaker into the Chem Master 3000 in the hydroponics back room, and make rather separate bottles of saltpetre or separate bottles of honey. Well done. You are now doing dispenserless botany. Have fun, B*tanist.
    1 point
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