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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2023 in all areas

  1. As far as this topic goes I think there should at least be some large red text added at the start of the round for AI's and borgs that reads something along the line of "Remember that you are not security, while you are able to assist when asked, do not willingly go hunting down EOCs or go bolting them in areas". There have been far to many rounds where I have seen AI or valid hunting borgs single handedly ruin rounds for antags, and while some of it comes down to the skill of the player like with how Gatchapod said, not every situation is escapable and 90% of players will not have the skill to do so. A recent example that comes to mind for me was when I was being chased by a borg who flashes me so I cant see, while running from five to six sec officers, then while trying to escape down the hall the AI bolts every door, leaving me at a dead end with the only way out now being to go through all of security. This is not fun gameplay to have to deal with. There have also been far too many borgs that I see while spectating going around valid hunting mid rounds, such as a medical borg attacking a bio hazard nest with no crew inside, alone in toxins. Or another example being an engineering borg welder bombing a xeno nest before the bio hazard alarm was even sounded, borgs chasing down antags to flash spam them, etc. While alot of this comes down to the player I feel that valid hunting silicon's are way more common than normal crew because of possible "crew harm", and having to deal with valid hunters that don't slow down when they are hurt, can bolt and shock doors to prevent escape, and in the case of the ai only being able to be delt with IC by attacking highly secure and defended areas far out of your way normally. end of the day I just think something should be done because bottom line, its not fun gameplay.
    1 point
  2. Lil update. Had some computer problems and general lack of motivation. Going to try and start this up again and figure out why my maps stopped compiling right and throwing errors. Really not sure what's wrong, probably something I'm doing settings wise. But I do want to try and figure this out.
    1 point
  3. I recently been brought to my attention that thermite is against standard of procedures under science. How ever my question is was the magistrate in right to charge me a 306 (possession of contraband) for them? It’s not on the list, but they are generally strong when used.
    1 point
  4. 3-06 might not apply: To be in the possession of contraband items. Being in possession of S-grade contraband, or committing a major crime with contraband, makes you an Enemy of the Corporation. Since it requires an item specifically listed as contraband I could see 3-04 applying, if you count thermite as an explosive type, not the big bang boom kind, but the slow fizzle crackle kind or just a harmful chemical mixture 3-04: To be in unauthorized possession of restricted weapons such as: Guns, Batons, Harmful Chemicals, Non-Beneficial Explosives, Combat Implants (anti-drop, CNS rebooter), etc. So long as said person isnt in RND, this would probably stick like glue. If they are in RND, and the chemicals/explosives never leave the lab, it wouldnt really apply since their SOP only states not to bring them outside of the lab, not to create them in general, with only the RD being authorized on red alert to bring said harmful items outside of the lab
    1 point
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