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  1. Hi, I'm John Johnson in-game, I'm still new to Space Station 13 and working out new things all the time, including where I'd like to play. I enjoy medical so you can find me brewing medicines in Chemistry (or meth if the shift is particularly dull), begging department members to collect their deceased coworkers' belongings as a Coroner or patching people up as a doctor. One day I'd love to try CMO! I'm always happy to roleplay when an opportunity presents itself and I look forward to getting to know you all :)
    2 points
  2. Hey John! Glad to see you on our lovely station! If you ever have any questions about the game, medical or other, don't be afraid to either ask IC, the discord, on the forums or just DM me! I hope you'll have fun with this amazing game :)
    1 point
  3. How to lose friends and infuriate people A guide to combat on Paradise Station "Robusting", "Robustness" or "Being robust" are the colloquial terms for being good at things in Space Station 13, more specifically applied to combat. Combat can take many forms and end with many outcomes; such as death, incapacitation or mutilation to a stint in the Brig or a minor slap on the wrist. This guide will take you from the basics of interacting with other players in a combat situation, to surviving and eventually winning a combat situation. The absolute basics I have defined Combat as to engage in a fight with; or to oppose in battle. It is almost impossible to play Space Station 13 without engaging in combat of some shape or form eventually, combat is not every player's cup of tea and rightly so, however it pays dividends to know how to approach (or not) a combat situation when it happens. Firstly and foremost I must outline the number one rule for engaging in combat; "This is a game, I can die." Remember that we all play this game for enjoyment, if you approach combat with the sole intention of winning above all else then you will not enjoy the experience. Combat in this game has far too many elements to consider and you will need a level head to be good at it; try to approach combat with a calm attitude and don't rage if you lose. There will always be someone better, luckier or better prepared than you are. Remember we all play this game to have fun and it's not all about winning, so try to take each loss with good grace and sportsmanship and use it as an opportunity to learn and develop yourself as a player. Maybe even congratulate another player after the round is done if they did something great? ------ Now, this guide is about winning after all - so now that is over with, lets get on with it. For all of the below, I highly recommend playing in Hotkey Mode. Hotkey Mode allows you to use WASD for movement as well as access key shortcuts detailed below to save you time in twitch situations, all hotkeys will be highlighted in purple going forward. Important Hotkeys and shortcuts to know are as follows Z - Use item in current hand X - Swap hands R - Throw Q - Drop Shift Click - Examine Control Click - Drag Intents Learning to switch between intents quickly and as needed, as well as how the intents change how you interact with the world is one of the most fundamental parts of combat. Knowing which intent to use and when could be the difference between success and failure. In Hotkey Mode you can use the number keys at the top of your keyboard to change intent corresponding to the below numbers Help (1) - Help intent might not seem too important for combat, however help intent allows you to pass through other players who are also in help intent which is very useful, whereas all other intents will make you unable to be passed through yourself. Disarm (2) - Disarm intent is useful if you are unarmed yourself, using disarm intent on someone has a chance of disarming the item they are holding to the tile below them, or pushing them over which results in a short stun of around 1 second, however as this is RNG based you should not rely on it. Grab (3) - Grab intent when used on someone with an empty hand will apply a passive grab, you then have the option to reinforce the grab by clicking your hand or pressing the Z hotkey which will change the grab to an aggressive grab. An aggressive grab allows you to table someone by clicking an adjacent table, which will stun them momentarily. You can also throw people by using the throw button or the R hotkey. Once in an aggressive grab you can again reinforce the grab to aggressive grab (neck). You can reinforce this grab yet again to begin strangling the person, effectively incapacitating them and making them unable to resist or take an action. Be aware that someone is able to resist out of this action at all stages except for the last. There is a cooldown between each reinforcement stage. Harm (4) - Harm intent will allow you to attack aggressively with your fists or an item. Harm intent is not as important as you may think as most weapons default action is to attack when you click on a person, this is best used situationally and dependant on the item you are using at the time. For example, using harm intent with a ranged weapon on an adjacent person will cause you to hit them with the weapon instead of firing it. Movement and positioning The way that you move is fundamental to all combat encounters, the combat system in Paradise stun-based and being stunned unexpectedly by a taser or baton can and will end you if you do not have an anti-stun. Therefore it is paramount that you stay out of the reach of stuns as much as possible. Do not take your opponent(s) for granted and assume that unless they are incapacitated they can and will be a threat to you. If you are able, you should be moving all the time whilst you are fighting, remember that if you move faster than your opponent can click on your sprite then they cannot attack you. Avoid moving in straight lines or in predictable patterns and use the environment to aid you, corners and choke points can help to funnel enemies if you are outnumbered, open spaces are helpful for dodging ranged weapons. If you are in a bad place or being overwhelmed by numbers - move somewhere else if you can! Better still, learn and prepare your environment before fighting. Don't fight fair and always have an escape route such as a hidden door or a window. Having good knowledge of your opponents potential weapons or abilities will greatly aid you with knowing exactly where to position your character in relation to theirs. Preparation "If you fail to prepare you are preparing to fail." If you do not prepare adequately for a combat encounter then you have a much greater chance of coming off worse from it. Having a weapon, chemical or ability available to use can ensure that your enemy's body is floating in space at the end of the shift and not yours. Knowing exactly who you are fighting against and what they bring to the table will also increase your chances of coming out on top significantly. If you are playing as an antagonist then find a security headset and keep tabs on security communications, if you are security then communicate with your team. If you are able to identify threats before they come down on you then you can prepare that much better. Useful items to keep on your person are as follows; Melee stun - A melee stun such as a stun baton, telescopic baton or stun prod. Abilities such as the Vampire's glare can also fulfil this role. Security officers and Heads of Departments carry these. Ranged stun - Ideally give preference to a hard stun such as a taser or a weapon with a taser mode. Disablers are strong at range however require around 5 shots to incapacitate someone fully whereas a taser requires one albeit at closer range. A lot of these weapons have different modes which can be toggled with the Z hotkey. Security officers usually carry these, however you can find them in the Secure Armoury or you can print weapons from the protolaithe in Research and Development. Slip item - Useful to have to slip people chasing you. A slip is almost as good as a taser and gives more than enough time to apply handcuffs, however these must be used with caution as you can easily fall on your own sword. Empty a spray bottle and refill it with water to create an easy reusable slip. (10 units of water required) Handcuffs - Handcuffs, cable cuffs or zipties. Once you have stunned someone it is wise to cuff them to ensure they cannot easily continue fighting once they recover. This is especially important when fighting multiple opponents as it is almost guaranteed you will run out of stuns before you win the fight. You can make cable cuffs with 15 cables. Flash - Use on cyborgs to apply a stun, almost necessarily if playing antagonist on a cyborg heavy shift. Most security officers carry one. Toolbelt with all tools - Tools are almost always necessary and can be printed from an Autolaithe. Toolbelts can be found in maintenance and are usually carried by engineers. Backpack or Satchel - With space, once you disarm or stun someone then take their weapon immediately, if their weapon is in your backpack then they cannot use it against you should they recover and you have the opportunity to use it for your advantage. Medical Kit - If you get hurt it's wise to keep a few patches or medical items around to heal up fast, remember that damage can slows you down significantly. Actually fighting So you're kitted out with your gear and ready to robust whoever comes your way, but how do you actually use it effectively? Effective combat follows three basic steps as of the current meta. Disable - Either with a stun of some form or with heavy damage, we want our opponent on the floor and helpless so they cannot inflict damage on us and we can move on. Secure - Highly situational, securing your opponent can range from simply applying handcuffs to stripping them depending on what you are trying to achieve. Handcuffing your opponent renders them unable to pick up items or move if you are pulling them; always handcuff first if possible. Removing the headset means that they cannot call for help easily, removing shoes will slow them down, removing their jumpsuit will mean they have no suit sensors. Ideally at this stage you want to ensure that your opponent has no means of retaliating against you. If you intend only to kill and have significant stopping power then you can skip this step completely. Finish - Congratulations you now have someone at your mercy, it's up to you to decide how to proceed, if you are fighting multiple opponents you may have to simply leave one person handcuffed while you repeat this process with the others. Remember you do not have to kill everyone at this stage. Simply leaving the person bucklecuffed to a chair naked while you make off with their equipment may be victory enough. Remember they are a player too. Sounds pretty easy doesn't it? In the next stage we will expand on these steps and discuss the most effective ways to achieve them.
    1 point
  4. So I have a few pet peeves with people that send adminhelps in certain ways or about certain subjects and I felt the need to make a post about it to make both of our lives easier. Again, you don't have to follow whats said here Basically a list of Do's and Don'ts when it comes to ahelping Lets start with the Do's Give enough context We need to handle an issue from both sides so knowing who and what is important to us Bad: Player Complaint: This guy just griefed me Good: Player Complaint: Hannes beat me with a crowbar Great: Player Complaint: Hannes and me had an argument about toolboxes, He beat me to death because he disagreed with my opinion. [spoiler2]don't write giant walls of text though, keep it comprehensable[/spoiler2] state names This might seem similair to the last issue but names are very important to us, if you state a name in your ahelp it will have a questionmark This button allows us to access a menu which lets us immidiately view the variables, playerpanel and other information of people and saves us a ton of time Be nice We don't need you to be all formal about stuff, but please do consider that we have to be unbiassed to both you and the other player. Depending on the issue people may go unbanned or even unpunished. As much as there are things that you should try to do when writing an ahelp there are also some things that you should definitly don't do. A few of them are listed here here. Don't demand things. Issues are handled by us and we ultimately decide on the punishment given. Don't send ahelps about tiny issues. There is a difrence between getting hit by a crowbar once and getting beaten to death with a crowbar. There is a difrence between being wrongly incarcerated for 5 minutes and 30 minutes. Don't rage. We know you are angry but you don't have to be angry at us, being calm is very helpfull to the both of us and huge amounts of anger can make your issue seem shady. Don't ahelp about being killed for being an antag If you get killed as an antag you can ahelp. A bald civilian beating you up with a toolbox is still bad wheter you are an antag or not. Its different when security puts you in the incinerator because you are a confirmed changeling. It doesn't matter if you were cuffed or if you didn't harm anyone, you are a changeling and can therefore be killed. Don't complain about issues you caused yourself If you get fired by the CMO because you thought it was a good idea to make drugs instead of actual medication as a chemist it's not our problem, they have the power to fire you and a good reason to do so. Same goes for getting harmed in a fight you yourself instigated, as long as the fight escalated within reason it is an in character issue. Getting murdered for a single punch is obviously something you should ahelp, the "within reason" bit here is very important Keep things short An admin may decide against your complaint, it happens. We can not always punish another player if the complaint given doesn't warrant that and with around one ahelp about every 5 minutes on busy rounds we do not have time to argue with you about this. I hope this clears some things up about how things go during ahelps. There are some pet peeves that have to do with admin-player interaction that aren't included here because they don't specifically have to do with ahelps. The main things you should always remember when sending ahelps is - There is a player on the other side of your issue as well. - Admins are people too. - Calm ahelps keep both sides from getting frustrated.
    1 point
  5. Ansari's Guide to Medical This guide will cover being a Medical Doctor & Chemist. Why? The other part of medbay are utterly redundant for saving people if you're competent. Tell me if you disagree with what I write or have anything to add or a mistake to correct. This is meant as an advanced guide to supplement what you would get from reading the Wiki: https://nsscyberiad.net/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Medical Basic Medical Trivia Vox breath Voxxygen, do not remove their tanks. Plasmaman will be set on fire if you remove their suit. Do not attempt to remove their suit and defib them, use strange reagent instead. Strange reagent will gib people if combined burn and brute damage is above 150. Vox, slime people, IPCs, Plasmaman are not capable of being revivedd by cloning There are numerous basic stuffs you should know that will help you a lot with your medical work. - Alt + Click open up a tab that shows all the item in a tile in a tab. You can select them or drag their sprite or interact with them in the tab. (Very useful if you got a massive stack, see surgery) - Ctrl + Click pull a person / object - Middle Mouse Button points at something. - When someone have bone fractures in their head or upper body, pulling them (Or moving themselves) results in the bones damaging their internal organs. Grab them instead or move them on a rollerbed. - Despite popular stigma, cryotube is a very effective way to treat most superficial wounds (Anything that don't involve robotic limbs, internal injuries, internal bleeding, bone fractures, and lodged bullets etc.). Do NOT rely on auto-eject. - Brute damage on robotic parts (and IPC) are fixed by welder, Burn damage by cable coil. Use help intent to avoid damaging the person you want to repair. - Don't rely on robotics for anything but robotic limb (And you only do so because you have no choice). Acquire dead limbs from morgue and be prepared to repair IPC yourself at time. Sometime medical can do a better job of it. - :h For your department channel, :m for medical - Robotic damage on IPC won't show if it is on their upper or lower body. Ask them where they feel damaged or check it by using welding tool / cable with help intent. Setting Up These are the stuffs you should do right away at round start. [*]Setting up Cryo: Put the two beaker of cryoxadone in the cryotube. Set freezer temperature to lowest. Turn it on. Turn auto-eject on if it is off. But do not rely on it. [*]Steal Buckets: Head to the Garden and the Fishing Vendor (They're both east of arrivals). Take the three buckets. Deliver them to chemists (Better if you're the chemists!). They need the buckets. [*]Make Biomass: Take 15u each of cryox from the starting beaker in cryogenics, then put it in a seperate beaker taken from the locker nearby. Insert it into an IV drip set to taking blood, and then put a monkey / dead corpse (There shouldn't be dead body this early in the shift, right?) next to it, preferably on a bed so it doesn't run away. Put the IV drip + monkey next to the cloner pod and it will automatically process all the synthmeat produced for a total of 1500 biomass, enough for 10 clones. [*]Equip yourself: Grab a health HUD scanner and medical belt. Put on sterile mask (To not vomit with corpses) and latex gloves (For surgery). There's a total of four lockers I know of in medical with those gears. Two is in the equipment room, one in each operating theatre. The following is the gears I carry personally, do what you like. Equipment I carry personally: Worn:: Jumpsuit White Shoes Labcoat (Two useful storage slots) MedHUD Radio Sterile Mask 1x Penlight 1x Pill Bottle in Suit Storage - Loaded with 7x Styptic + 7x Silver Sulfiadazine OR 4x Saline-Glucose + 10x Synthflesh In pockets 1x Upgraded Health Analyzer 1x Flashlight In medical belt: 3x Trauma Kit 2x Burn kit 2x Splint In backpack’s box 1x Screwdriver 1x Welding Tool (If you feel like it, carry spare fuel in a glass) 2x Cable Coil 1x Crowbar (For robotic repair, robotics have a thing for not doing their job and taking one century to fix IPC) 1x Multitool (Robotic repair / limb removal) Backpack: 1x Fire extinguisher 1x Handheld crew monitor 1x Station-bounced radio 1x Pill Bottle - Loaded with Pentetic Acid + Perflurodecalin Patch in equal number If you are CMO, you can ditch away your advanced kit to free up space for your own specific gears. Labcoat storage: 2x Spaceaccilin syringe Medical Chemical & Application Essential for every doctors to know. Appropriate dose for those pills will be detailed in chemistry section Epinephrine: Stabilize a person by healing 10 point of oxygen loss if it is above 35. Found in sleeper and medi-vendors. Use in whatever form they were provided in. Styptic Powder: Heal brute damage when applied and metabolized. Use in patch. Metabolize extremely quickly. Heals 34 brute damage per 20. Silver Sufiadazine: Same as Styptic Powder, except it heals burn damage. Heals 34 burn damage per 20. Synthflesh: Heals both brute and burn damage on touch. (Not sure if it heals when metabolized. Please tell me if you know) Use in patch. Heals 30 damage per 20. Calomel: Purges chemical faster than pentetic acid, deals massive damage when your health is above 20. In almost all case pentetic acid is better. Don’t bother with this chemical. Charcoal: Purges chemicals and heal toxin damage. Use in pill. Pentetic Acid: Purges chemicals and heal toxin damage way quicker than charcoal. Use in pill. Causes minor brute and burn damage. A pain in the ass to use on people with 100% robotic limbs, but better than charcoal in almost all situation. Heals 37.5 Toxin + 100 reagents per 5. Salbutamol: Heals suffocation damage. Useful when your chemists haven't made perflurodecalin. Use in pill form. Heals 150 Oxy damage per 10. Perflurodecalin: Heals suffocation damage extremely quickly, also shut the person up. Use in patch form. There's no reason to not make this over Salbutamol. There’s an addiction chance if ingested now, so it should be used in a patch form, which is half as efficient in delivering reagents into the body. Heals 312.5 Oxy damage per 5 unit PATCH. Cryoxadone: Heals all kind of damage, including cloning damage rapidly while the person have low body temperature. Use in bottle form. Can be mixed with blood (1u cryoxadone to 5u blood) for synthmeat. 3 synthmeat = 150 biomass = 1 clone. Put in a beaker set to taking blood and attach to a monkey / dead corpse to produce synthmeat for cloning. Mannitol: Heal brain damage. Use in pill form. Does not cure stupidity. Iron: Help a person regain their blood quicker. Use in pill form. Good for people at 85 - 90% blood. Sugar: Used to screw around with cortical borer by making them dormant as long as it is in the target’s system. Use in pill form Mutadone: Used to remove all genetic mutations. Use in pill form, or in solution loaded into syringe (I'm looking at you, genetics). Work at extremely low volume. Atropine: A chemical that help someone recovers when they're dead and not quite dead (-25 - -99 damage) by healing them and capping oxyloss. Use in pill form. Precursor to Oculine Oculine: Cures blindness and eye damage. Use in pill form. Salline-Glucose Solution: Restores blood and heal brute and burn damage slowly and efficiently. Use in pill form. Useful as precedent to Oculine. Heals 33 brute and burn per ten. Mitocholide: Heals internal organ damage slowly. Useful if someone took minor lung damage from being exposed to hostile atmosphere but don't need surgery. Use in pill form. Heals 10 internal organ damage of all sort. Antihol: A chemical you waste dispenser energy on to save wasted people with. Use in pill form. Cures being drunk. Also a precursor for the useful Degreaser. Strange Reagent: Brings people back to life. DO NOT USE on anyone with more than 150 in combined brute and burn damage, you will gib them. Works on ingestion no matter the volume as long as it is above 1. Use in pill form. Can be dissolved in a beaker and splashed onto a simplemob to revive it, including Runtime, Goliath, Spiders etc. Omnizine: Heals everything. Found in the CMO's hypospray and the body of someone who ate warm donk pocket (but not the pocket itself), use a mech-mounted syringe gun to get a lot of them. Precedent to strange reagent. Use in pill form. Can be obtained by having fully upgraded sleeper and dialysis. Kidnap an IPC / monkey for this. There’s an addiction chance now. Avoid using it by ingestion. (Injection and patch are still OK but inefficnet) Spaceaccilin: Heals infection. Very rare because of limited starting supply and limited space fungus onboard the station. What kind of people will go into tunnel with spooky scary skeletons to collect shrooms? Use in pill form. A medi-borg could provide limitless supply of them. It is also possible to farm any chemicals they make through dialysis, although you usually don't need that much spaceaccilin. The efficiency on this chemical has been greatly improved, 15u is usually enough to fix full body infection. (Check in an advanced body scanner to be sure) Liquid Solder: It's like Mannitol, but for IPC. Useful when they somehow get brain damage from combat. Degreaser: Something that is never stocked and only used once in a blue moon. They are useful only when an IPC breath in dangerous chemicals. In that case, the IPC has to be revived and fed Degreaser to have the acid removed, else they cannot be revived AT ALL. Holy Water: Remove cultist and vampire thrall status. Set vampires on fire. Cause confusion and stammering, but NO BRAIN DAMAGE. (Author may or may not have ingested it for science) Meth: Makes you really fast and able to recover from stun quickly. Is illegal under space law and will cause brain damage. Also have a chance of addiction when ingested. (But not injected, patched etc.) Cryotube & You Cryotubes are amazing tool for medbay. Unfortunately they have a bad reputation because of doctors leaving patients in there thinking it will solve everything. The truth is, cryotube is a quick, very med efficient way of healing superficial damage, and is useful for delaying death until you can get the proper medications to save them. They multiplies the amount of reagent by 10, and croyxadone itself is an extremely powerful med (heals 12 burn and brute per tick!). They are a great way to save on meds while in medbay. Cryotube can extinguish the fire on a corpse / burning person. If someone drag in a burning body / person, put it in cryo to extinguish the flame instead of running for a fire extinguisher! To prevent neglecting a patient by accident, make sure they are always set to auto-eject. These are examples of things / sitaution that cannot be fixed by cryo alone and how to fix them: - Bone fractures: If the subject only have bone fractures, stabilize them with cryo then surgery away. - Infected limbs / organs: It disappears on your scanner after you fix the wound, but they're still infected. Fix it by surgery - Robotic limbs: The no.1 cause of people being left in cryocell forever. If a person have robotic limbs and they're damaged, eject them after they stop healing (Meaning there's still remaining unhealable damage). You have to fix it by welder and coil. - Internal Bleeding: PANICS, SCREAMS IN MEDICAL CHAT! This is a very bad condition. However, Cryo can halt internal bleeding. If someone come in with heavy damage and a blood level that's very low and/or you don't trust your surgeon to fix IB quick enough, you can put them in cryo to heal the damage and stop the bleeding, then you can give them an IV drip to stabilize them before sending them to surgery (Or the other way round). Perflurodecalin are very useful for this type of situation. Turn off auto-eject if you are stabilizing the patient while waiting for surgery to open up. - Mutations / [X] is radiating with glow. I haven't seen someone attempt to cure mutations through cryo yet. But unless your cryo is loaded with mutadone (very unlikely), it doesn't solve the problem. - Brain damage: If your chemist / fellow doctor loaded it with a cryomix (Cryoxadone + Mannitol), then this won't be a problem. But most of the time, you have to feed them mannitol pill manually. - Loads of deadly chemicals: Feed them pentetic acid (Not together with charcoal as that will purge eachother) then throw them into cryo. It purges the cryoxadone too, but it will still help stabilize the patient as he is healed and the chemicals purged. - Lodged bullets / glass shard / spear: Remove by surgery Bringing people back to life. The art of cloning, defibbing, and stuffing strange stuffs down peoples' throat Before we talk about bringing people back to life, please be noted that no chemicals will be metabolized in a dead body. Only on-touch chemical work on a dead body. However, you can make a dead body swallow chemicals so the chemicals start working right after they are revived, preventing them from dying right away again. If you have the time, fix internal bleeding in the dead body before reviving by defib or strange reagent, lest they die again right away (And check their blood level). Cloning: Dump dead body / alive person (Also called prescanning) in scanner, scan. Go to records, press clone. Repeat. Do not work on people who suicided or was husked by a changeling, unless the scanner is upgraded. Mental Interface Failure : Player's ghost is not in the body, try a few more time before morguing them. Unable to locate valid genetic data: Slime person / Vox / Other uncloneable species / Husked by lingding Subject's brain is not responding to scanning stimuli: Already cloned / Suicide Defibbing: Only work on corpse with less than 180 brute + burn damage that have died less than 3 minutes ago (Your health scanner and status tab tell you the time of death and current time respectively). You might be able to patch a corpse up with on touch chemical (like Styptic Powder, Synthflesh and Silver Sulfiadazine) and trauma kit (Very useful and efficient!). However, it seems that patching someone up and then defibbing them is not always reliable, they fail to revive sometime. Strange reagent works most of the time with the patch-and-revive method, though. Severe tissue damage will show up if the damage is above 180. Heart tissue damage beyond point of no return for defib will be the message if the subject died over 3 minutes ago. Strange Reagent: Feed a pill to them and they'll be revived. They'll be gibbed if the damage is above 150 Brute + Burn total. Use trauma kit and touch chemicals to fix it. Surgery Alt-clicking is very useful here. You can minimize the hassle of clicking a tool's sprite precisely by putting all tool on one table and selecting them through the tab. - High damage on a limb might make your surgery fail for no raisin. 30 is the damage threshold for a limb breaking. If the brute damage is not fixed, it will keep breaking whenever you fix it. If your limb have internal bleeding, it’ll take constant brute damage despite being given medicine. The damage disappears once IB is fixed. - Mysteriously, broken bones can cause an IPC / slime person to get brute damage on a limb that disappears when it is fixed. - If your surgery don't work for some reason, someone is pulling the patient, or the patient got detabled. Re-table them to be sure. Before you perform surgery, ensure you have latex/nitrile gloves on, wash your hands (Else you have nasty infection that take precious spaceaccilin to solve). Anesthetics are optional, they do not have any in-game effect. Skip them on slime person, IPC, vox and plasmaman. For immersion reason, use anesthetics / some ether from a sleeper if you are doing a major surgery that's not internal bleeding or alien embryo (Skip the ####ing anesthetic if it is an alien embryo). For the sake of simplicity (And ease of memorization), all surgery procedures are detailed by the sequences of tool you should use. With the new surgery change, it is impossible to do multiple surgeries at the same time on the same body part. All surgery must be separated from eachother. However, surgeries are much faster now (Multi-surgery is a less useful exploit / mechanism, as a result). If you forget about what to do next, check the operating computer. All surgery must be started by aiming at the body part with a scalpel then selecting the type of surgery you wish to perform. They can be halted abruptly by holding cautery in an inactive hand with a scalpel in your active hand. (Useful if you done the wrong surgery) This list assumed you started the surgery with scalpel already. Someone lost their limbs in an explosion and robotics is being bad? You could attach the limbs they lost back to them as long as it is not septic (It will say "the decay has set in"). Alternatively, you could acquire a dead body from the morgue, cut off their limbs (how long they've died doesn't really matter) and then attach it to the person, even if their races don't fit. Yes, you can attach a skeletonized ant man's arm to a human and it will work perfectly. Normal surgeries: Internal Bleeding(Always do this first if available unless there’s an alien embryo): Scalpel-Hemostat-Retractor-Vein-Cautery Bone repair: Scalpel-Hemostat-Retractor-Gel-Set-Gel-Cautery Amputation: Circular Saw (Subject might take brute damage after) Organ Manipulation (Addition, Removal, Repair. Bolded part is for head/chest only): Scalpel-Hemostat-Retractor-Circular Saw-Retractor--Manipulate organ(Hemostat to remove, Trauma kit [Organic] / Nanopaste [Robotics] to repair, Hold organ in hand and click to add)-Gel-Setter-Gel-Cautery This process also removes alien embryo, and abductor organ (fleshy mass). This surgery is also useful for adding in implant. As a sidenote, HUD implant must be done by targeting the EYES, not the head. Robotic Limb Attachment: Hold limb in hand – Target body part Limb Attachment (Applies to severed limbs (including robotic one), IPC limb and head): Hold limb in hand – Target body part - Hemostat Facial Repair(Target head): Scalpel – Retractor - Hemostat - Retractor – Cautery Autopsy / External Infection: Scalpel – Cautery (Infection)/Autopsy Scanner(Autopsy) Cleanse Contaminations/Shadowling Dethrall (Aim at head): Scalpel – Hemostat – Retractor – Saw – Retractor – Flashlight/Penlight/Flash – Retractor – Gel – Cauttery Embedded Object Removal (e.g. Bullet / Glass shard, and for some reason, borer): Scalpel – Hemostat – Retractor - Saw – Retractor – Empty hand – Retractor – Bone Gel Implant Removal: Scalpel – Hemostat – Retractor – Saw – Retractor – Hemostat – Retractor – Gel – Cautery Debraining decapitated head (Target head): Scalpel – Retractor – Hemostat Synthetic Surgeries: Start those surgery with screwdriver Robotic Repair (Use when you repair IPC and get this: “The damage is far too severe to patch over externally): Screwdriver-Crowbar- (Apply Cable coil for burn and Welding Tool for brute, multiple time if necessary until fully fixed.)– Crowbar (Remember to wear welding goggles if you are not immune to eyes damage!) Shadowling Dethrall (Cleanse Contaminants, Upper body): Screwdriver – Crowbar – Flash/Penlight/Flashlight – Crowbar Implant Removal: Screwdriver – Crowbar – Hemostat – Crowbar Limb amputation: Screwdriver – Multitool Organ Manipulation: Screwdriver – Crowbar – (Multitool to remove, repair with nanopaste, or transplant ogans) - Crowbar Chemistry Chemistry is about finding the most efficient way to click buttons to make your chemicals. Remember, steal the buckets from garden and fishing tank. This guide assumes you have a bucket (They hold 120 unit instead of 100). Listed are the recommended amount, dosage per pill / patch / bottle, quickest recipe I know of and methods to produce each chemicals. They are listed in the order I personally stock them, you may prefer another order. Open your pill bottle closet so other doctors can get a pill bottle to use. Fact: You can heat up your chemicals much quicker by setting it to 1000k instead of the target temperature. This way it increases in increment of 15k. Neat Trick: If you put a container on a table (Glass table on chemistry), when they are ejected from the ChemMaster, they'll always end up on top of the stack of item and in the same spot they were on in the table. Very useful if you don't want to alt-click the ChemMaster / spend ages looking for a tiny bit of the bucket sticking out of the 100 patches on it. Note on organizing the medical fridge: To organize a medical fridge so that drugs show up in the order you want, produce them in the exact same ChemMaster in the order you want. Your pill bottle will take the drugs according to the order they were made, so the production order should be the same as the fridge order. Fridge memorize the order of the drugs, so once you put it in there, it will /never/ change its order, even if you empty them out and put it back in in a different order. (Dear coder: Would be nice if you can drag and drop drug type and organize them that way) Main Chemicals: Mannitol: 30 Hydro, 30 Sugar, 30 Water. Make it into 9 pills of 10. Stock 18 pills. Acetone: 40 Welding Fuel, 10 Carbon, 10 Hydrogen, 30 Oxygen. Make 90u in beaker. This is the only chem you need to seperately make to complete this list. Mutadone: 10 Chlorine, 10 Plasma, 10 Radium, 30 Acetone, 30 Bromine. (You can use starting Acetone). Make into 40 pills of 2.25. Stock 40 pills. Perflurodecalin: 10 Welding Fuel, 10 Carbon, 40 Hydrogen, 30 Fluorine. Heat. Make it into 18 patches of 5. Stock 36 patches. Pentetic Acid: 30 Ethanol, 30 Oxygen, 30 Silver – 90 Formaldehyde. Heat. Put in seperate large beaker / bottle. 10 Welding Fuel, 10 Carbon, 40 Hydrogen, 10 Nitrogen, 30 Oxygen – 90 Cyanide. Heat. Put in seperate large beaker / Bottle 60 Hydrogen, 20 Nitrogen – 60 Ammonia. Put in seperate large beaker / bottle Pour 20 of all of the above into a bucket. Add 20 Welding Fuel, 20 Chlorine, 20 Sodium. Make into 24 pills of 5. Stock 72 pills Saline-Glucose Solution: 40 Water, 10 Sodium, 10 Chlorine, 30 Sugar. Make into 9 pills of 10. Stock 27 pills. Unless you are in a hurry to get brute / burn med, I now recommend you skip silver sulfadiazine and just make styptic powder to make Synthflesh. They are more effective, space-efficient and verastile. Silver Sulfadiazine: 30 Hydrogen, 10 Nitrogen, 20 Silver, 20 Sulfur, 20 Oxygen, 20 Chlorine. 10 Spare Ammonia. Refill 30 ammonia by adding 30 Hydrogen, 10 Nitrogen, then repeat the rest of the recipe w/o Ammonia twice. Make into 5 patches of 20 x 3. Stock 30 Patches Styptic Powder: 20 Aluminium, 40 Oxygen, 40 Hydrogen, 20 Sulfur into 80 Powder and 20 Spare sulphuric acid. Make into 4 patches of 20, repeat with 20 oxygen, 20 hydrogen, 20 aluminium. Stock 30 patches. Spare can be saved up for Synthflesh later. Synthflesh: 40 Styptic, 40 Carbon, 40 Blood. (To get blood quickly, either syringe it non-stop from a monkey, or hook a bucket to an IV drip and hook the IV drip to a monkey on intake mode). While waiting for medbay to get you the monkey, make styptic powder and make into 40u pill, make 40u carbon pill. Pour 40u of blood from monkey into a bucket, then dissolve the carbon and styptic to produce 120u of synthflesh. Make into 6 patches of 20, stock 36. Cryoxadone: 30 Acetone, 10 Water, 50 Plasma, 10 Nitrogen, 10 Chlorine, 10 Radium. Make/Stock 8 bottles. Atropine: 20 SuA, 20 Diethy, 20 Phen, 20 Ace, 20 Ethanol (All ingredients can be found in chemical closet). Use as precursor for Oculine. Stock the surplus after making Oculine. Oculine: 30 Atropine, 30 Spaceaccillin, 30 Saline-Glucose. Make into 18 pills of 5. Stock 24. Mitocholide: 30 Plasma, 30 Cryoxadone, 30 Synthflesh. Make into 12 pills of 10. Stock 24. Due to how relatively difficult it is to make, it is better used in a cryomix (Cryo make chemicals 10 time as efficient). Synthmeat: 5u Blood to 1u Cryoxadone. Strange Reagent:: 10u Omnizine, 10u Mercury, 10u Water, 10u Wine, 10u Radium, 10u Chlorine, 10u Plasma . Make into pills of 1 (Minimum amount needed for it to work). 60 should be more than enough. Omnizine can be found by taking it from the CMO's hypospray, or dialysying someone who ate warm donk pocket. Antihol:: Mix Ethanol with Charcoal in toxin first aid kit or medivendor. There's almost always spare. Precursor chemicals: Phenol: 10 Welding Fuel, 10 Carbon, 10 Hydrogen, 30 Chlorine, 30 Water Diethylamine: 30 Hydrogen, 10 Nitrogen, 30 Ethanol. Heat Sulphuric Acid: 30 Sulfur, 30 Hydrogen, 30 Oxygen Situational Chemicals: Potassium Iodide: 60 Potassium + 60 Iodide - For radiation damage only For virologist: Diphenhydramine: 30u Carbon, 10u Hydrogen, 10u Welding Fuel, 20u Diethylamine, 20u Ethanol, 20u Bromine (Yields 80 + 10 leftover oil) Unstable Mutagen: 30u Chlorine,30u Radium ,30u Plasma Lipolicide: Just take a sip from the weight loss shake. (One sip is enough, more will cause excessive toxin damage) Teporone: 30 silicon, 30 plasma, 30 acetone IPC Chemicals: Liquid Solder: 30u Ethanol, 30u Copper, 30u Silver, Heat. Make into bottle, apply by dropper or glass. Degreaser: 30u Ethanol + 30u of Charcoal (From syringe or toxin kit or medivend) + 30u of Chlorine into 90u of Sterilizine. 30u of Sterilizine + 10u Hydro + 10u Carb + 10u Welding Fuel (Yields 60u of Degreaser). No need to stock ahead unless you are an IPC / really love them. They seldomly get used. However, you may be the only one able to save the IPC when they do need to be used (Especially degreaser, most people have no idea how to deal with an IPC with acid in their body!) Absolute Essentials for Medical Purpose: Atrazine / Plant-B-Gone / Diona-B-Gone: 30u Chlorine, 30u Hydro, 30u Nitrogen into 90u of Atrazine. Methamphetamine: (In bucket), 60u Hydrogen, 20u Nitrogen, 60u Ethanol. Heat into 120u of Diethylamine. 30u Diethylamine, 30u Sugar, 30u Oil, 30u Hydrogen into 120u of Ephedrine. 30u Ephedrine, 30u Iodine, 30u Phosphorous, 30u Hydrogen. Heat into 120u of Meth (Wear gas mask while next to it!) Chemical Statistics per 10: Silver Sulfadiazine heals 17 burn. (Rounded) Styptic Powder heals 17 brute. (Rounded) Synthflesh heals 15 brute and 15 burn. Saline-Glucose heals 33 brute and 33 burn. Slowly, and on average. Charcoal heals 37.5 toxin per 10, and purges 25 reagents of all type. Pentetic Acid heals 75 toxin (average), 175 radiation, purges 100 reagents, and causes 8.25 Brute & Burn damage (average). Salbutamol heals 150 Oxygen damage. Perflurodecalin heals 1250 Oxygen damage, 16.5 Brute & Burn (average) (Halved in patch!) Advanced Trauma Kit and Burn Kit heals 25 (!) damage per application. (Not a chem, I know) Other medical facts: - Sleepers help people recover from addiction quickly. 1 minute will usually do. It is also the only way to recover from them. - Holy water does not cause brain damage, just stammering and confusion.. - Limbs can become septic (It will say the decay has set in) and kill a person with toxin damage if it is attached to them. However, freshly removed limbs from corpse (No matter how fresh or not the corpse is) will be counted as fresh, even if the corpse is a rotting skeleton. Credits to: NTSAM & Tauka for informing me about service borg Crazylemon for lots of advices Fethas for the surgery guide All my IC and OOC buddies in Medbay and such for helping me with science That botanist whose lower body got cut off by me by accident.
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