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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2023 in all areas

  1. Its been years, time to revive my art thread. My Vox Art (there's a lot/not in order). (Click the spoiler) IPC painting Slime Painting Gloppie Vulp painting Mike Spike Yeah that's pretty much it, ill be putting future works here as an archive. Thank you
    2 points
  2. Hihi voxie love you too ! Is friendly biped interested in some shines ? Very cheap yaya
    1 point
  3. I'm no longer sure if this is a guide that was abandoned or a joke about Security not knowing what its doing.
    1 point
  4. As someone who has been playing Vox for almost a year. I've learned to enjoy and research the many codebases that all host Vox as a playable species. From Bay to Paradise to even the dark servers hidden on the hub, Vox is primarily my favorite species to write about as they have the most alien society and beliefs. This writing is mostly my headcanon on Vox lore that I've written and studied from many servers, lores and wikis. It's currently being done during my free time, but here are a few pointers I will attempt to answer. What are Vox? Their Races and Species Designations The Caste System The Arkships Vox Culture And Society Vox Religion Vox Biology And Disease Vox Crime And Conflict Deviants Versus Loyalist Vox Outside The Arkship Feel free critique, but I only request civility. Otherwise thoughts and opinions are nice. The lore is supposed to try and fit all servers to an extent. Its primary purpose is to unify a species divided by personal server lore and mechanics. At the same time, it may not work for all. It's still a rather in-depth vision of an alien species born to struggle in dystopia, and while you may dislike or despise Vox as a species or find them interesting and mysterious, this has a little something for everyone. Credits: mira#2009 for their Haruspex caste and concept to the lore.
    1 point
  5. Chapter 9 - The Insight of a Stack As a general reminder of what a stack is, a stack or "cortical stack" in scientific terms is a neural artificially made brain that contains the consciousness and personality of a vox. All vox are born with one, and its creation is secretive to the arkship it is made from. No vox Primalis can know its method of design or materials. This ensures the Primalis depends on the arkship and its apex. All vox depend on their cortical stack to survive; many consider it the most precious organ of the vox species. The body is disposable, but the stack is biologically eternal. Origins of the Stack The origins of the stack, however, are clouded. Vox history has been dark or deliberately destroyed since thousands of years ago. The formation of arkships across the universe is the same time the Auralis invented a vox cortical stack. The formula and method of creation have been locked to only a handful of vox who have the authorization to work alongside the Apex, including Armalis and only the Haruspex caste for their psychic sensitivity. Materials and Tissue The tissue of a stack is composed of many similar materials inside a Vox. It's organic and bone-like in structure to be cellular in nature and grow alongside vox as they grow older and absorb more information and skills. It, however, has elastic metallic alloys embedded inside the stack to support nerves and reinforce the medulla of a Vox. This makes the stack bio-organic and allows it to be easily sleeved into any new body. The materials inside a stack are reinforced and more durable than the skin or flesh of a Vox. This is necessary to ensure bio immortality can occur and to secure the core of any bacteria of harmful cells. The stack is usually locked underneath layers of bio-metallic material to ensure it does not become contaminated. Errors can occur during creation, but the Apex always handles the result of a stack unless assistance is necessary. Stack Integrity The general overview of vox's stack. As a vox lives their life of eternity, they may be prone to accidents or possible hazards along the road to ascension. These can occur and result in fatalities for the vox. However, as long as a stack survives, the vox inside lives and can easily be restacked to return to work. While this may be the case, stacks are still prone to taking damage. Anything blunt-related, sharp, or extreme heat exposure, like lasers, can cause true death, meaning the stack is permanently destroyed and only recyclable. Most vox are very careful about avoiding being put into these situations, as being exposed to dangers like these are life-threatening, even if they have an endless supply of bodies. 100-90%: Pristine and functioning at peak performance. Vox with this level of stack integrity are rare, and typically only found in recently born or repaired stacks. 90-75%: Average stack integrity. Vox with this level of integrity are considered healthy and functioning normally. Minor issues may arise, but can usually be treated with medication or minor surgery. 75-60%: Below average stack integrity. Vox with this level of integrity may experience moderate health issues such as difficulty with movement, speech, or cognitive function. Medical attention and possibly surgery may be necessary to maintain functionality. 60-40%: Poor stack integrity. Vox with this level of integrity may have severe health issues such as loss of motor functions, memory loss, or sensory impairment. True death may occur if not treated promptly with extensive surgery or replacement of damaged parts. 40-0%: Critical stack integrity. Vox with this level of integrity are in danger of true death, as a significant portion of their stack is permanently damaged or destroyed. They may have lost essential functions such as movement or communication, and medical intervention may be insufficient to prevent true death. Ego, P-Blockers, and Culture around Stacks. The Ego and imprints inside a Vox are random. While the stack is artificially made and created with usually a designation in mind before being put into a body, personality can have more factors during the growing period when a Vox is learning its place in society. Environment, Hazards, Other Vox, and P-Blockers, which are designed to suppress certain emotions or behaviors if necessary, are all factors in the outcome of how the Vox behaves. P-Blockers are stimuli enhancers that sometimes are put inside Vox to push their behaviors towards efficiency, usually nulling negative personalities that can hinder their work and making or encouraging ones that aid or help if efficiency. Enforcers, for example, are usually forced to be distant around low-level drones to avoid sympathy or attachment. They are given P-Blockers to suppress kindness and emotions of love and encourage ruthless behaviors and mannerisms to maximize efficiency in the field. Labor Drones can sometimes also be put onto P-Blockers to breed out laziness and promote incentive workaholic personalities. While they still have some identity that makes them unique, they will generally share similarities in activities and productivity with anyone else manipulated by P-Blockers. Suppose a Vox tries to ignore the P-Blocker enhancer they are dosed with. In that case, it becomes unpleasant, migraines start to take over, and even short hallucinatory visions can occur, all designed to manipulate the Vox in what the P-Blocker wants. Despite all the things P-Blockers are effective for, there are cases where being off P-Blockers for long enough will eventually make suppressed emotions return, freeing the stack of any shutoff personalities while on the drug. However, the longer one is on P-Blockers, the longer it takes to return to normal, from decades to centuries. In Vox society, the integrity and preservation of stacks are of utmost importance. Consequently, the Haruspex caste is revered for its expertise in managing the integrity of Primalis stacks, imprints, and bodies. Through their specialized skills and understanding, they are responsible for maintaining the stability and longevity of the Vox population. The cortical stack also indicates a Vox's status and identity within the caste system. The integrity and quality of a stack can impact an individual's role, responsibilities, and privileges. As such, the health of a stack is closely monitored and maintained to ensure the proper functioning of the societal hierarchy. Furthermore, the stack is pivotal in Vox's loyalty to their arkships and devotion to their respective roles. Through the stacks, a sense of collective identity and purpose is imbued in the Vox population, ensuring their unwavering commitment to their society's objectives. The cortical stacks serve as the foundation of the Vox society by preserving their memories, experiences, and consciousness while reinforcing the societal hierarchy and loyalty. The importance of maintaining stack integrity cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts the survival and prosperity of the Vox species. Vox Taboo Lastly, there is one taboo in Vox society that many see as evil or sins against their kind, the destruction of a stack through murder, resulting in true death. Many gangs and criminals avoid destroying stacks to reduce pressure or heat from local authorities like the Overseers and their Enforcers. However, this does not mean that murder intending to cause true death is impossible. Some Vox can grow jealous of others and their living conditions, disputes about food and work imbalances, territory wars between rival Primalis gangs in slum sectors, and maybe even cutthroat bureaucracy to gain more in society by removing roadblocks. A vox caught guilty of murdering another may have their rations reduced, demoted to a lower caste like a slave, or repositioned to another sector. A vox caught guilty of murder resulting in the true death of their kin will always be reset and given the ultimate punishment. True death. Chapter 10 - Diseases and Rare Conditions In the complex world of the Vox species, their unique biology and cortical stack technology make them susceptible to a range of diseases and rare conditions. While their advanced bioengineering capabilities provide them with immunity to many conventional ailments, Vox still face a number of challenges specific to their species. This chapter delves into various diseases and rare conditions that affect the Vox, exploring the intricate interplay between their organic bodies and the cortical stacks that house their consciousness. We will examine the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies for conditions like Stack Amnesia, Stack Decay Syndrome, and Organic Rejection Disease, among others. Despite their highly advanced technology and medical prowess, Vox society is not immune to the existence of such diseases. These conditions often arise due to genetic predispositions, external factors such as radiation, or even errors during the creation or maintenance of cortical stacks. By understanding the mechanisms behind these diseases, Vox society can continue to develop novel treatments and preventive measures to safeguard the wellbeing of their kind. NCS - Neurological Cortical Shock (Stack Amnesia) SDS- Stack Decay Syndrome ORD - Organic Rejection Disease Vox Wizardfication Chapter 11 - Designation Caste's The caste system within Vox society plays a crucial role in maintaining order, stability, and efficiency within arkships. Each caste, High, Mid, and Low, serves specific purposes and carries out distinct functions. In this chapter, we will delve deeper into the roles and responsibilities of each caste, while many of the listed roles provide good context as to their duties and the purpose of the primalis, you can be creative and make something that fits into the scenario similar to the examples below. High Caste: Mid Caste: Low Caste: In conclusion, the Designation Caste system within the Vox society is a complex and intricate structure that reflects the various roles and responsibilities required to maintain the arkships and their inhabitants. The High, Mid, and Low castes each serve vital purposes, ensuring the stability, productivity, and well-being of the Vox population. The High Caste, consisting of the elites govern and guide the arkships, interpreting the will of the Apex and maintaining order within the Vox society. The Mid Caste, which includes specialist, serves as a backbone for the arkship's military, healthcare, resource management, and exploration efforts. Lastly, the Low Caste, comprising of menial but crucial infrastructure and production roles, supports the everyday functioning of the arkship and contributes to the economy, infrastructure, and overall stability of the Vox society. While the caste system imposes a hierarchical structure within the Vox society, it also ensures that each individual has a role to play in maintaining the delicate balance of the arkship and its inhabitants. Although the caste system may foster inequality and struggle for some, it also provides the framework necessary for the Vox to thrive in their unique environment. Ultimately, the Designation Caste system serves as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the Vox as they continue their journey through the cosmos.
    1 point
  6. BSA's your location with style (Floor painting made by Sarah Lancer) Soup tubes, where you're the soup A nerd in the dress
    1 point
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