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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2023 in all areas

  1. Yeah I fucking love Widescreen, genuinely really amazing to play Para in a screen that isn't a constipated box. Don't really have any issues with it personally, I play the game just fine and the only thing I can really say off the top of my head is add a fullscreen mode, otherwise good shit AA.
    4 points
  2. This probably isn’t very helpful but it’s just the truth. I haven’t noticed any difference whatsoever. I could care less if it stays or goes.
    3 points
  3. The viewport being wider makes it easier to shot horizontally, to explore space vertically, to fight lavaland monsters horizontally, to chase criminals horizontally... It is inconsistent that the characters are able to see further away in east/west direction than north/south directions. It doesn't feel alright. In my 3440x1440 monitor the game looks fine, but everything on the right side is too small in a 1920x1080 monitor (like my laptop's), at least for my taste since I like a wide chat box. I think its best to leave it a square.
    3 points
  4. I am throwing in my feedback, I personally have 250+ hours in security officer and I enjoy playing combative roles. I find that this change has made it difficult to read chat on the fly and has made me ignore it for the most part. Two extra tiles aren't THAT much but they can make a world of difference IN some fights and I would rather not win a fight because I have a larger monitor then another player. I am against the forced addition of this to paradise station but it is interesting to see how this will keep developing.
    2 points
  5. I dont hate it. But I dont like it. I think as previous comments have made, it could advantage different type and amounts of screens, etc. And I believe that for not hyperdyper super IT-knowledge-people (like myself), it could make it more difficult? I might JUST be speaking for myself though, and I am known to like things to be as-it-was. It messes with my head. Although.. Autumn DOES look skinnier...
    2 points
  6. There is 0 reason you should be more likely to get the job you want by not readying up, and just late joining 2 seconds after round begins. I shouldn't be fucked out of a security roll cause the extra officer slots are only available to late joins. Late join slots should be composed of what slots are left over, not reserved slots. This feature doesn't help with giving jobs to real late joiners either, as these slots, particularly security officer slots, are taken near instantly after shift start. The exception is lowpop. As it stands this feature only serves to punish those readying up and further reward those who latejoin 1 second after shift start to avoid being an antags target.
    1 point
  7. there was discussion about the title screen not fitting in widescreen so i feel like i should pitch my idea for a fix, we could have it be so players can submit their (size appropiate) art to a channel or a forum post or whatever and it being added to a dmi where the game would randomly pick one each round, i feel like this would be cool because we could showcase the talent of several players instead of always just having the same one. of course i have no idea how hard this would be to manage but i feel like it would be the coolest way to go about it, pretty sure tg did this for a while but for pretty much any kind of image. also the welding helmet overlay is stretched as hell
    1 point
  8. @Veterankyl you're all good. I have to close this out after that. Thank you everyone for your support. I'll do my best to make sure everyone is part of the ensemble cast. I can't make any promises on when I'll be done, but I promise it'll be worth the wait. Maybe. Stay tuned.
    1 point
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