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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2023 in all areas

  1. Alrighty, so hi hello, this is Gunther also known as RH1-N0. I'm a little pAI main and I just had some food for thought(s) about extra applications for the pAI! For starters, this is of course my Software Interface (window for pAI mechanics): As you can already see, there are plenty of options that I have already that I can install for different purposes. I wish to suggest one that can be made as a Available Software (20-30 points) and that is having the option of having a built-in player, the Synthesizer. 1. The Synthesizer adds a little flavor for whenever there is a moment of silence that has been going on too long, or just wish to play some type of tune for the specific scenario. Having the synthesizer would also allow the pAI to have a few forms of how they'd wish to play their music as well (Guitar, Piano, etc..) Another option that I believe should be permanently installed into pAIs is a built in tracker for their registered Master. 2. The GPS Tracker would allow the pAI to find the specific GPS coordinate of their individual (whether this means the App. allows tracking 24/7 or just when their sensors are activated is TBD). I could think of two areas to add the GPS option; Either at the top-right where our Status Tab is for pAI (Adds a GPS option for us, as well as Master GPS via text.) Or, added to the directives tab: There is a lot of excess space on our Directives Tab, so I believe it would be nice to put bigger, clean text under the description of how to be a(n) pAI. The GPS would make a fine space under! TL:DR Just my thoughts, don't have to be exactly my idea of course, just thought having a GPS Tracker and Synthesizer as pAI would be nice :D
    2 points
  2. Not a fan. Different vertical/horizontal vision range is a HUGE immersion break for me (yes, seriously), not do I like the tactical implications of a preferred direction. Besides, the screen space was already used by the chat. With widescreen I either have to strain my eyes to look at the game, or stretch the game and strain my eyes to read chat.
    1 point
  3. I am throwing in my feedback, I personally have 250+ hours in security officer and I enjoy playing combative roles. I find that this change has made it difficult to read chat on the fly and has made me ignore it for the most part. Two extra tiles aren't THAT much but they can make a world of difference IN some fights and I would rather not win a fight because I have a larger monitor then another player. I am against the forced addition of this to paradise station but it is interesting to see how this will keep developing.
    1 point
  4. The viewport being wider makes it easier to shot horizontally, to explore space vertically, to fight lavaland monsters horizontally, to chase criminals horizontally... It is inconsistent that the characters are able to see further away in east/west direction than north/south directions. It doesn't feel alright. In my 3440x1440 monitor the game looks fine, but everything on the right side is too small in a 1920x1080 monitor (like my laptop's), at least for my taste since I like a wide chat box. I think its best to leave it a square.
    1 point
  5. I dont hate it. But I dont like it. I think as previous comments have made, it could advantage different type and amounts of screens, etc. And I believe that for not hyperdyper super IT-knowledge-people (like myself), it could make it more difficult? I might JUST be speaking for myself though, and I am known to like things to be as-it-was. It messes with my head. Although.. Autumn DOES look skinnier...
    1 point
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