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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2023 in all areas

  1. I played few times as Sentient Sword, and its kinda sad how pointless it existence kinda is... yes its RP role only, but it can't even make choices or even "suicide", one time my owner died by terror outbreak and i was forced to ahelp because you can't suicide. So i tough of making Sentient Sword more interesting, and i will show few concepts: 1. Outside Look: Concept A: Awaken Sentient Sword will have not fully choosed form, blade can choose its "look" (kinda how chaplain have ability to choose his holy weapon look) Concept B: Awaken Sentient Sword will have randomly choosed form when awaken. 2. Abilities: (this one is optional) Concept A: Awaken Sentient Sword can choose ability it have, for example: Poison, Fire, Electrocution, etc. Concept B: Awaken Sentient Sword abilities will be depending on blade look, for example: electric looking sword will electrocute people when hit (making them shaky) Concept C: Awaken Sentient Sword abilities will depend on owner who awaken it, for example: if vampire awakens blade, blade will become "crimson" type, with will allow to "suck and store" blood from victims with can be used to heal owner OR use its owner blood to make it deal stronger damage. 3. Bonding: Concept A: When blade is awaken, it give blade ability to aknowledge person holding it as master, so when blade is stollen, person who stole it can't weld it. Concept B: Sentient Sword can be bounded by person by using blood as "sealing pact" this will make blade forcefully bounded to person (kinda like pAI owner print) Concept C: Sentient Sword can be forcefully bonded or aknowledge its owner (option A and B) but get ability to break bond if it think owner its not worth it (blade can change its owner if it wish to) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QoL suggestions: - Give Sentient Sword ability to "Suicide", when command is used it will create message "You are falling back into deep sleep", and you will be sended to ghost, blade will still have name and form, blade what suicide can be re-awakened again but it will be rolled among ghost people. - Give Sentient Sword ability to "Choose" if it want hurt people or not, blade have "Help" or "Harm" intent (with do nothing btw), where blade can choose if it want harm person (choosing "harm" will deal full blade damage), but if you don't want to hurt someone, choosing "Help" will deal -80% damage to target what got hit, it will deal impact damage but not harm itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visuals Suggestions: when Sentient Sword is first time found, it would look like crystal or "square" (somethign like katana is from crystal), when awaken it will change sprite to not fully shaped sword (deformed), but when it will have choosed form it will be looking like blade. (order depend of choosed concept, if blade is instantly choosed, then "deformed blade look" is not needed) Random toughts: I wish for Sentient Sword to be worthy loot and interest choices, it would be interesting to see people using Sentient Sword to fight megafauna and be more popular than its now... simple mob for only RP choice...
    2 points
  2. Soo... i like to play pAI but its sad how it is partially useless it is, yes it have door jack, some huds and stuff, but i wish that there was more "types" of pAI and more softwares depending on interactions. pAI hackign and softwares: Give person ability to "hack" pAI software and enable blocked functions for pAI's with normal software don't support, like: [10] Elastic Chassis - Allow pAI to vent crawl [10] Size Change - Allow pAI to "hide" under objects or crawl under doors [20] Sensitive Lenses - Allow pAI see better in darkness (something like unathi/voulp darkness vision) [15] Stable Body - Give pAI ability to drag "small" objects or other pAI's [5] Body Bonded - pAI will suicide if its owner die (automatical) [10] Recording Memory - Give pAI ability to record 30seconds of tape before need to clear it, owner need click "print record" in pAI menu pAI have 8 cables, each of them is responsible for pAI functions, such as: Speaking - pAI will be unable to speak (OFF) only you can hear "..." or "...!" when pAI speak (like with genetics defect) Vision - pAI will be unable to see if vision cable is OFF Movement - pAI will be not able to move by itself, only if someone pull it (OFF) Radio - pAI will be unable to hear radio. (OFF) Softwares - If OFF it block ability to use softwares. Anti-Illegal Software - if OFF, allow pAI to download "illegal" softwares. Imprint - If OFF it will remove master imprint on pAI. Orders - If "Changed" it will clear Orders list. More types: I wanted to include Syndicate pAI, syndicates get ability to buy for X TC "syndicate pAI software" with allow normal pAI to buy and use illegal syndicate softwares and they will have syndicate override (its one time buy item) Syndicate pAI can have some usefull functions like: [20] Micro Laser - Help uncuff targeted person by cutting cufs, speed depends on cuffs types (it take -50% less time to uncuff than normally) [40] Mini Taser - Tase Target, with will apply "electrocuted" effect on person (1 second knock down and hard stun after, for 3seconds), can be only used once every 15 seconds. [35] Chemical Injector - Give pAI ability to store fluids with can be injected, because of pAI small size, it can only store 10-15u of any liquid and inject it instantly into anyone. (there will be alert like "you feel tiny prick!" without sound of injection) [or there can be list of fluids it dont support if its too strong option] Syndicate pAI get "hacked" pAI softwares too. QoL suggestions: - Give pAI option to suicide when it don't want to play by using /suicide. - Give pAI its own screen buttons, like "unfold", "collapse", "software". - Give pAI ability to see its own "screen" like how owner can see when inspecting pAI. - When ghosting and "Apply Personality", give ability to "Cancel Personal Apply", because you apply as pAI, lets say: on beginning of round you apply your pAI personality, and wait like 30minutes, no one choose you in this time range then you decide you don't want to be pAI anymore, because you can't cancel it, and get holopara roll for example, you wait for roll, then instantly got snapped to reality as pAI and you missed roll... P.S. All costs above can be choosed by someone who will ever try make this as PR You can say your own suggestions in comments, because i know pAI can be better but idk if its too much.
    1 point
  3. I was Lief Cowart, a simple Geneticist/Chemist/Virologist (i was playing as a virologist) One time, I saw an alien roaming around the station. However, this alien seemed... Human... Too human. With usage of a Universal Recorder, my suspicions were valid. They ingested XenoMicrobes. When I asked them where they got the microbes, they told me they got them from another explorer. I went to the explorer and asked them for the Microbes, he offered them on one condition that I gave him a hive node from one of my transformed monkeys (Spoiler alert: I forgot to uphold the terms). After I had gotten a monkey, extracted the hive node, then had someone implant it into my skull, I was... Changed... I said 'I feel... Alive... Awake... Not lonely' After that, a Xenomorph infestation had plagued the station. When I heard the 'Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard NSS Cyberiad. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation' I thought to myself *Maybe if I can act as an insider, I can protect the crew!*. But then, once the Queen's orders came through my head, I thought *Wait... Why not instead... Ally with these creatures?* I knew I couldn't convince them to stop attacking the crew, and I knew if I tried to tell them to stop they'd kill me... So, I decided to enter their hive, labelling myself as an ally to them I asked one of the Xenos if I could speak to the Queen (I had an advanced health virus with Self-Respiration, so I could easily breath without a mask). Once I had met the queen, she (or he) questioned my allegiance to the hive. I noticed in my medical hud that she was diseased with something. Something I had a vaccine for. I injected her with the vaccine, which prompted her to attack me but I insisted. Once she realized what I had done, she entrusted me to be with the hive under the condition that I must cure any infected xenomorph that I see. After a few minutes of being a part of the hive, I decided to go beyond my usual quota. I decided to go into my virology office and steal the Pandemic 2200 that was in there. I also grabbed my Perfect Health Virus and the extra Xenomicrobes culture. Once I snuck out with my machine and culture and bolted it into the hive, I got to work I replicated the Health virus and injected it into the queen and most of the xenomorph hive. Next, I crafted 2 strains of the xenomicrobes. One that was subtle and easy to mistake for the flu, and one that could infect dozens of people at once though was significantly less subtle. Once people figured out what the hell was going on, the infection was swiftly cured. After half an hour passed, I thought to myself *Why should I be the only one who gets special treatment like this? Why shouldn't everyone else, or at least certain people?*. I decided to organize a small group of aliens to go and capture a high ranking individual; the Representative. We successfully captured the representative and brought him in the hive. However, we brought him onto a surgery table and started an operation. I extracted a hive node from one of our dead and implanted it into the representative's head. The representative at first was rebellious and tried to escape, but once they realized what I had done and decided to comply An hour later, we had 14 implanted humans which I named 'Enforcers'. Eventually, someone managed to survive and call in the ERT. There were at least 7 of the ERT team, probably less or more than that. Once we organized the xenomorph forces to fend off against the ERT, they didn't stand a chance The nuke had to detonate sometime though...
    1 point
  4. I am throwing in my feedback, I personally have 250+ hours in security officer and I enjoy playing combative roles. I find that this change has made it difficult to read chat on the fly and has made me ignore it for the most part. Two extra tiles aren't THAT much but they can make a world of difference IN some fights and I would rather not win a fight because I have a larger monitor then another player. I am against the forced addition of this to paradise station but it is interesting to see how this will keep developing.
    1 point
  5. The viewport being wider makes it easier to shot horizontally, to explore space vertically, to fight lavaland monsters horizontally, to chase criminals horizontally... It is inconsistent that the characters are able to see further away in east/west direction than north/south directions. It doesn't feel alright. In my 3440x1440 monitor the game looks fine, but everything on the right side is too small in a 1920x1080 monitor (like my laptop's), at least for my taste since I like a wide chat box. I think its best to leave it a square.
    1 point
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