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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. From fields Bridges of green! To swathes of the sleepy
    1 point
  3. Allright sop point 1-4 is just so the chaplain is not a dick and can be demoted on those grounds or have their null rod removed if it is abused. I like the chance to sop 5 as it gives them more options on how to conduct a funeral. I really do not like your suggestion of adding point 6 due to the nature of space law and why it should not be added is due these factors. 1. If we just look at how aiding and abetting law is written and how it works you see that in the case they are activily resisting to help security in burning a cling then it is very possible for them to be giving this sentance while aiding and abetting a cling just means execution for those who aid them due to the nature of clings and the nature of exection law as the same sentance must be applied. This is going against space law in this sense which in general sop doesn't do it set an example what is part of which law but it doesn't give a lower verdict in general. 2. Security can also use other means of removing a cling like gibbing the cling crematorium isn't the only way to remove and cling which is why in general if the chaplain is passive nothing will happen to them due to the nature of how normal aiding and abetting works. This implies if the chaplain is not helping they should be charged and send to perma breaking space law aswell. In my eyes this is just horrible for those who play chaplain in cling rounds which happen pretty often as they have to worry on what security does. Which in fairness is not their concern and they shouldn't be alert of when security use their crematorium and it might cause them to even be liable to the usage of it if security made a mistake. In general I think this is a horrible addition to the chaplain sop as it takes away their freedom to much and it doesn't comply with space law due to the nature of it. It either gives the chaplain some protection to just be an dickhead to security or it gives security the right to arrest the chaplain for being passive which both is not good.
    1 point
  4. Prior and Maruu, Musicians to Aitne have given a little concert to the crew! It lasted about 25 minutes and was awesome, even with couple problems (read: shitters, wormholes, HoS refusing to turn off his flashlight and my internet absolutely dying) making it harder! I even heard we managed to sync our instruments enough to make it sound alright, which is an accomplishment in my eyes!
    1 point
  5. BSA's your location with style (Floor painting made by Sarah Lancer) Soup tubes, where you're the soup A nerd in the dress
    1 point
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