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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2023 in all areas

  1. Fully agree. My thoughts lie on the pull request for it, but in summary: We should be encouraging no-antistun play, not discouraging it. Locker dragging is one of the few things that keeps you from instantly going down to 20 disabler shots from one officer, only two of which need to connect to slow you down. While a few edge case during lowpop could make combat dragging feel "cheap" that is hardly worth this massive change that effects *everyone* on the server, not just the 20% that play security/antag. Plus, even on lowpop when you don't have an additional officer to cut someone off, it is okay to disengage and flank. Remember, even as an officer, you can pull back and re-position. The only "gamer move" I see here is meth, which is 5 times as effective at getting away than locker dragging, and lets you use it offensively to pick apart officers.
    5 points
  2. Right, Ill put my reasonings for approving of the original PR here: - Giving dragable structures slowdown gives some upgrades/tools some actual use for their actual job. RND can make Bluespace Lockers (I dont know if these have slowdown, but I'd be fine with removing it from these these are confirmed to have no slowdown) or they can just put mats in a duffle bag. Cargo has an RCS and you have a few options (Disposals Delivery/MULEs) other than dragging crates to their destination of you so desire. If Paramedics need to mass-body-retrieve, they have an ambulance (which can get VTEC) to drag without slowdown. - For the second point, this was the exact same argument for nearly every combat balance change ever and frankly, it holds negative water especially on Paradise. Change is hated and I would rather see changes done and maybe reverted than not trying them in fear of "community backlash". I dont want to be the guy saying "players are bad at balance" but players in Para are VERY bad at balance sometimes, hence why we arent ruled by "community input" for changes (see Combat Rework, NewCrit, and any semi-controversial change ever). - The only people who used locker dragging in combat were already robust players. If used in lowpop, you basically forced 1v1s which you could use to systematically take out anyone chasing you. 357/Ebow + locker was quite literally the most unfun shit to fight to the point where I would just make grenades to fight it cause fuck that. As always, if you dont want to deal with disablers, use stealth more. You are a terrorist on a NT-owned Station. You are not supposed to be able to Benny Hill your way around the halls because "haha funny locker/crate goes brrrrt".
    2 points
  3. Hi, I believe that the Slowdown on Pulling PR should be reverted as I find it its argument rather poor and weak, and lowers the skill ceiling of the game by removing a technique people have used that rewarded being aware of their surroundings and made fights more engaging. This PR despite being controversial and having some opposing and agreeing parties on the balance team was not given any sort of testing or focus before its complete merge into the codebase. I have listed a few points that explain my reasoning why I believe this PR should be reverted and hope to see further discussion before the revert is made, thank you. I do not agree that pulling a crate or locker behind is a quote "gamer move". The word gamer moves is a generalization or buzzword that is slapped on things people do not like or agree with. There was nothing gamer about using objects in the world as cover to avoid taking hits or damage from engagements. Pulling a locker wouldn't 100% secure you a victory or disengagement, it would however help in extending a chase or allowing people to escape if used properly with map awareness and positioning. This entire tech has been gutted and has lowered the skill ceiling of the game despite it not being a one and done solution to all your problems. I believe this PR needed more input and testing before being completely merged into the codebase. Like I've said previously, this was a PR that had both balance team objections and approvals, with a majority community feedback of negative reception, in essence it was rather divisive in the community. It is also a massively change to the general gameplay of the server as pulling things not even related to combat are now affected by this change. I believe this was too broad of a change and that this has more negative effects on the server then what the PR aimed to accomplish. Lastly, I believe that instead of nerfing an entire mechanic in the game and affecting the entire server with a proxy nerf, there are other more constructive methods that can be used to handle these problems. Locker pulling or dragging is a majority antagonist mechanic when evading security to avoid projectiles. Use of teamwork like flanking, communication, and better positioning can solve the issues of being able to catch someone dragging cover behind them, its not rocket science its just general teamwork. A crate being dragged behind someone does not completely cover them, they are still prone to getting shot from certain angles, having their cover destroyed from excessive damage to the structure, or accidently boxing themselves in from poor movement. Skillful players can easily beat this and its all a matter of improving against it.
    1 point
  4. Flanking was a good way to deal with this problem before the slowdown PR (and frankly still is, if anyone dare use it). I think an alternative should be considered, revert the PR so theres no slowdown, and have projectiles go over crates, and unlocked lockers be able to be opened with 4-5 shots from any gun, and the locker is forced open for a bit (similar to stamina (yes basically adding the stamina system for lockers, don't @ me)). If you manage to pull a locked locker you should be able to get away with it since those arent very easily found in places like maint, where most often (if at all) locker pulling takes place. EDIT: Also people push lockers a lot more now, and it looks so janky because pushing stuff isn't smooth. It feels so immersion breaking sometimes.
    1 point
  5. Perhaps rendering a carded AI blind when it's wireless is shut off would help matters. After all, if it lacks wireless capabilities, how can it access the camera grid (which is presumably how it's able to see through walls and such from a lore standpoint)
    1 point
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