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  1. The cowboy miner, Dalton Allen
    2 points
  2. Uh, hihi, I've been slowly getting into drawing lately. Thought about making a thread to both document my work as well as just share it. I mostly am working with pixel art and slowly - but surely - improving. Unnecessary crap aside, it all started with respriting lizard plushie into my characters. Atrough outdated, I'd say it's still alright. It was created at 01 IX 2022. Not REALLY what I consider to be my start but I thought it'd be a sin not to mention them! Afterwards, I kinda was doing nothing untill 9 XI 2022, where I thought of a funny meme that came from a silly discussion with friends, about me and another liznerd being this vox's concience. Poorly drawn but that's a real beginning of my lil adventure. Day after, I kinda doodled a few lizards, from which I mostly want to share this one here: A month passes by and on 20 XII 2022 I make first piece I shared in para discord - my main character, riuk. Perspective and shading are bad but oh well. On 22 and 27 I 2023, I were mostly experimenting. I drew my science and cargo lizards most people haven't heard about. They are... alright at most. It's also the first time I used a background - be it a simplistic one. On 12 II 2023 I finally settled on... style? If you could call it that. Made another meme, featuring same friend lizard as in previous one. This time, they blew up and immediately started crying about their taco - it was funny to me. This day, #art-gallery was opened on discord and I posted it there as soon as I could. It is now a second piece on that virual wall. Now, we come into art I'm happy with to this day. Starting on 16 II 2023 with this pixel art of a nian some may even recognize: Later this month, this art of Iridium was created: On 2 III 2023, after being bullied by @Eligios, I also created a mix between Iridium and a Vox. Not THAT happy with execution but meme is still very funny, so I don't mind: On 8 III 2023 I drew another thing I found funny - MSD in discord said they were spaced, saying "weeeee". Again, not a lot of work was put into this one, but it's still good for a 30 minute piece: On 15 III 2023, I remade art of Riuk from earlier. Still lacking but way better. It's also the last piece where I used the god awful black outline. In my opinion, it would be way better without it. Also, his right arm just doesn't make sense. It's also the first usage of my yet unwritten template for Unathi. On 30 III 2023, I had just returned from Alps, where I had this very funny idea to depict my dear friend Nithaan - like a nerd he is. I mostly like how well I drew hair. Also, you can already see a major issue I had at the time - shadows were just... not visible enough. On 5 IV 2023 I drew the Unathi template mentioned above. It's mostly technical (so not really very fancy) but did wonders with my later pieces. It's also special because it's NOT digital art (which is obvious by just looking at it). On 15 IV 2023 I drew my IPC - Z.I.R.C. . Yes, it's an IPC lizard. No, I do not care that it's not in the game. I can dream, ya know? This one doesn't really follow the above template, but it's also not an organic Unathi so whatever. I'm mostly happy with how depth turned out here - you can MOSTLY say what is in front and what is not. On 22 IV I made this meme. Not really an artwork but I want to put it somewhere where it will be visible so here we go. Bonus points if you recognize them all. And finally, on 28 IV 2023 I drew my lizard who I ported from Shiptest to Para - Naazux-Chath. I am INCREDIBELY hyped about how I drew the character himself - less about the background which, tbh, sucks. Here is also the gun he is holding. Something between laser carbine, laser rifle and modern SMGs. And uh, that'd be it for now! I'm very happy with my improvement over only 7 months of work, with barely any practice in between my artwork shown above. Thanks for reading! I'll be updating this thread from now on... or at least hopefully I will! Maybe I'll get bored at some point! Who knows? Certainly not me.
    1 point
  3. Bit of a thread revival but I've had more time to play with this change, and I'm not sure I like it. This change does make dealing with locker pullers without backup somewhat easier, but in 1 by 1 hallways on like shepard it's still an effective strategy. I also don't really think it's too much of an issue, when it does become frustrating it's when they use other stuff like meth and an autolathe for ammo with it, which I would argue is significantly more problematic than pulling objects. One think this Pr did NOT address is structure pushing by mobs like terrors, which I find to be way more oppressive as you have no way to deal with it in most cases, while they get a much easier push. In game this kind of seems to just make normal stuff you were already doing a bit more frustrating and really only affects people who don't realize they can just push objects. it's not too terrible but it's just kinda janky and annoying. I've been thinking about putting up a revert that adds a limited piercing upgrade for disablers and lasers at RND, I feel that's a better compromise than making things generally more frustrating to use overall to kill off a pretty niche strat.
    1 point
    1 point
  5. INTRODUCING: (play the drums here) Synth Lee-Zard, future character of @SynthTee
    1 point
  6. This is true, and its the reason security have a positive win rate and is wins the long game in escalation. It is meant to be an uphill challenge for antags, and for loud antags to eventually lose one way or another, because this is a more appealing design. However, you're not using it defense of security winning a long war, or escalation, but rather in defense of nerfing a roundstart environmental tool to block disabler shots. I'm afraid it loses its meaning. Since this PR nerfs an invaluable tool to antags without antistun, it encourages players to do one of two things: Meth/Adrenals usage every round. I don't think any of us want to see one thing be dominant in every strategy, be it stealth or loud. It gets stale. For both loud and stealth strategies, multiple builds should not only exist but also be viable. Complete stealth, leaving no trace for security to follow, and thus never a need to block disablers. This should also be discouraged. Stealth itself is a good thing, more antags should be stealth than loud on average, however we still want them to be discoverable. We want security to have a chance to catch onto a lead, to random search, to force you into one pitched battle. We don't want stealth strategies that consist of permakilling your target 10 minutes in with a sleepypen, then hiding in space for 2 hours in case you are random searched. Its an extreme example I know, but this is what is encouraged when you make it even more difficult to survive a security chase without antistun. Reminder, 20 shots in a disabler, two hits to slow. The Belt/Tool PR was good despite public bitching because it made sense from a design perspective, and encouraged thoughtful use of your space. Tools are powerful. You must accept sacrifices to be able to store them. This is more than fair. Can anything similar be said for this PR? What opportunities for gameplay does this open up? The ability to win a chase easier as security? A lowering of the skill ceiling? I suppose we could argue that it encourages thoughtful positioning, or more tactical TC buys, or more active dodging of all 20 disabler rounds, but I've a feeling that won't be the result. I'd like to draw attention to these words. Every player on the server will do exactly that, but it won't be in a positive way. That is why I'm against this PR Disclaimer: Like 5 players on this server actively uses combat obstacle dragging and this PR isn't going to be that big of a deal. However, a change with negative consequences, even if small, is still enough to warrant noting and discussing.
    1 point
  7. Few points The first point seems more like trying to reason why such a change is good for the server despite the main focus of the PR being behind nerfing a combat mechanic. The original PR was not worked around aiming to encourage other forms of moving stuff around the station, this is a side effect, not an original goal that pretty much proves my point that the nerf is too broad. I do not believe that changing the entirety of how people have been used to doing things just to nerf the three robust players who cleverly use lockers as cover is a fair or good trade off. This is essentially using a shotgun to kill a fly when there are other methods that do not hurt the general community. The PR has people discussing other possible ways to handle this, all of which are far better then telling everyone to simply adapt to such a poor change. While I understand the point, I find it a bit odd that the general d of what I was trying to say is considered "negative water". We've had a similar PR that was controversial that many people found to be too harsh or unfun for such a change, example would be when batons had passive power drain. It had a similar reaction in terms of community opinion and changing how the game worked due to combat (balance). It was decided however that the change was a bit too harsh and testing in-game only proved it further. Which is why I said that it should have been tested first before a full merge to get a general community feedback and reaction. Obviously community input isn't the main factor to changes but it does make people aware of a PR's existence, and encourage better alternatives. 357 + Ebow is already a pretty strong combo, with or without locker. I think the frustration you felt is being aimed at the wrong place as the locker is probably the smallest offender out of those three items. The balance of the other two isn't relevant here but I can safely say a 12 TC and 13 TC item both paired is going to be strong in nature, and not by the addition of a destroyable locker. The removal of lockers wont actually encourage people to stealth more, nor will it make people avoid fighting disablers. Its just going to encourage more antistuns like meth and adrels since another choice of evading security is now gutted. This feels more anecdotal then a common occurrence with the existence of lockers, which I think is a bit of an extreme and rare case of a locker being used in combat.
    1 point
  8. Flanking was a good way to deal with this problem before the slowdown PR (and frankly still is, if anyone dare use it). I think an alternative should be considered, revert the PR so theres no slowdown, and have projectiles go over crates, and unlocked lockers be able to be opened with 4-5 shots from any gun, and the locker is forced open for a bit (similar to stamina (yes basically adding the stamina system for lockers, don't @ me)). If you manage to pull a locked locker you should be able to get away with it since those arent very easily found in places like maint, where most often (if at all) locker pulling takes place. EDIT: Also people push lockers a lot more now, and it looks so janky because pushing stuff isn't smooth. It feels so immersion breaking sometimes.
    1 point
  9. Fully agree. My thoughts lie on the pull request for it, but in summary: We should be encouraging no-antistun play, not discouraging it. Locker dragging is one of the few things that keeps you from instantly going down to 20 disabler shots from one officer, only two of which need to connect to slow you down. While a few edge case during lowpop could make combat dragging feel "cheap" that is hardly worth this massive change that effects *everyone* on the server, not just the 20% that play security/antag. Plus, even on lowpop when you don't have an additional officer to cut someone off, it is okay to disengage and flank. Remember, even as an officer, you can pull back and re-position. The only "gamer move" I see here is meth, which is 5 times as effective at getting away than locker dragging, and lets you use it offensively to pick apart officers.
    1 point
  10. Greetings! So, you wish to master the art of bombs like voxxie? Voxxie can shows, but it takes lots of time and experience to get truly good at making things go boom! Time in science and access to the toxins test lab is essential to learning and perfecting your very own bomb mix, yaya! To start, voxxie is gonna break down various things about bombs - the methods of delivery, spreaders, and then useful and harmful chemicals, before delving into some sample mixes! The Delivery Yaya, you dustlungs could just take metal and bend it into a grenade case, but where's the fun in that when you have many types of canister? Soda cans: Drinky drinky, then fill it with bomb mix, add some wire, then throw! Standard grenade: Simple metal boom canister. Large grenade: Made in a protolathe, this bomb spreads the boom stuff further! Pyro Grenade: Made in a protolathe, it heats up the boom stuff by a lot! Useful for heat chemicals. Cryo Grenade: Made in a protolathe, it's the opposite of a pyro bomb! Super cold, yaya! Advanced Release Grenade: It uses only a little of its contents, but can boom multiple times! Also, made in a protolathe If you haven't noticed, most of your bombs are gonna be science only, yaya? If you want to make em, be in science, or just break in. Now, there are multiple ways of making your bombs go boom too, of course. Standard wire. Five seconds, can be made into three with a screwdriver. Mouse Trap: It's a landmine! Remote Activated: For when you like toxins but wanna use chemicals instead. Proximity: If someone comes close, blow em up! Timer: Tick, tick, tick, without that annoying syndicate beeping! Tripwire: Don't touch the laser! Components So, you selected your method of delivery (voxxie likes remotes and pyro bombs...), now you gotta decide: Do I wanna be a good bomber or a bad bomber? A good bomber fills their bombs with medicine, drugs, or space cleaner for the janitor, while a bad bomber will fill it with explosives, acid, and more drugs! First, however, you need to decide on a spreader. Bombs spread a small radius, but there are two ways to make them really big. These spreaders carry the mix further, making the boom bigger: Fluorosurfactant: It makes foam that spreads everywhere! Made with sulphuric acid, carbon, and fluorine. Make sure that at least one component is in each beaker, cause if you mix all three together, the foam happens! This foam will cover everything! Smoke: Phosphorous, Sugar, and Potassium make a nice thick smoke. This stuff is evil when used with some things, as it will not only spread everywhere, but it can be inhaled by foolish dustlungs not wearing internals! Voxxie likes smoke. Next, your bomb. Is it gonna be for good, for bad, or are you a clown? The Good: Medicine - watch your doses, yaya? Antihol: Throw a bomb with this stuff in it and the bartender will hate you. Spaceacillin: Is virology taking too slow to cure the flu? Just bomb the virus into submission! Pentetic Acid: Heal all the toxins, yaya! Menthol: Cure the burn! Mannitol: Now RnD can stop being stupid and continue acting stupid. Styptic Powder: Heal the damage, but keep it to a foam. Smoke will poisons! Holy Water: Purge the evils from the cult! Cleaning - For the janitor when he complains about having no more clean bombs Soapification: Make some lye and get the cook to give gibs, then you can make lots of soap! Space Cleaner: Does voxxie need to explain this? Sterilizine: Decontaminate all the things! Drying Agent: Use it in your space cleaner mix to keep security from stealing your bombs! Metal foam can be useful too... The Bad: There's a lot of bad stuff, but voxxie's gonna go over the notables. Drugs. Space Drugs, Meth, Crank, just about anything. High doses. You wanna OD them, yaya! Put teslium in one beaker and uranium in another for a big electric bomb! Iron and uranium will EMP! Flash powder is useful too! Chlorine Trifluoride: Oh, this is the fun stuff. Big burns, right through hull, dangerous to make. Very risky! Potassium and Water goes boom. Black powder can make bigger booms. Nitroglycerin makes extremely big booms. Make friends with botany. Phlogiston, to burn everything! Liquid Dark Matter: Keep the baddies in your acid foam! Initropidil is super strong, but good luck making it. Napalm. Voxxie loves the smell when it burns. Plasma - just for that extra bit of combustion! The Ugly: Space Drugs. Jestosterone. Honk. Hairgrownium/Super Hairgrownium. Life Select three or four of them for your more hostile mixes, or keep it focused. Voxxie does not claim responsibility for hostile bombs on station. Bomb at your own risk. Bombing as a non-hijacker before the round end can net you a ban, and if you are caught carrying a bomb, know that security can detain you. Mixes: For you new bombers out there, voxxie is going to prepare a set of mixes for you to use on your endeavors. Use at your own risk! These bomb mixes will be measured by large beaker (100u x2), but you can always triple it with bluespaces for even bigger booms! Janitor's Finest: A cleaning bomb. Beaker 1: 30u carbon 15u Sulphuric Acid 20u Space Cleaner 20u Water 15u Drying Agent Beaker 2: 30u Fluorine 40u Space Cleaner 30u Drying Agent Medical Special: Heal all the wounded! Beaker 1: 30u Sugar 15u Potassium 25u Mannitol 30u Charcoal Beaker 2: 15u Potassium 30u Phosphorous 15u Oculine 25u Salicylic Acid 15u Epinephrine Urgent Care: Brute and Burn Focus. Beaker 1: 20u Carbon 10u Sulphuric Acid 20u Synthflesh 50u Water Beaker 2: 20u Fluorine 80u Synthflesh Hand Grenade: It explodes. Does pretty solid damage at the core, not so useful for big area though. Super easy to make! Beaker 1: 100u Potassium Beaker 2: 100u Water Budget TTV: It explodes, but it can hit the big bomb cap if you use bluespace beakers! You can even use this for toxins tests, if you measure it properly. To increase the radius by one, add 20u of powder. Pyro bomb only, yaya! Beaker 1: 100u Black Powder Beaker 2: 100u Black Powder Pete's Other Bomb: Rumor has it, you can bypass the bomb cap with it. But you gotta be real good friends with the botanist to get 2 bluespacers full. With normal beakers, you have 50u extra, so just load it up with more fluorosulpheric acid to melt the remains! Beaker 1: 60u Glycerol 40u Fluorosulpheric Acid Beaker 2: 60u Sulpheric Acid 40u Fluorosulpheric acid. *If using bluespace beakers, try a 200/100 to get a total of 200u of each. Really really big boom! These next few bombs are less about sheer destruction, but also side effects! Some materials might need stabilizing, yaya? Clown Cartridge: Slips, colors, and flashes! Bad clown! Beaker 1: 60u space lube 20u phosphorous 20u sugar Beaker 2: 60u Flash Powder (Stabilized) 20u Potassium 20u Colorful Reagent Random BS: Summon life to fight everything! Chaos for dusties while voxxie slips away! Beaker 1: 40u Synthflesh 20u Phosphorous 20u Potassium 20u Blood Beaker 2: 40u Lazarus Reagent 20u Sugar 20u Blood 20u Space Lube Breacher: Break into the bridge with style! Beaker 1: 40u Water 40u Thermite 20u Sulphuric Acid Beaker 2: 40u Carbon 40u Fluorine 5u Phlogiston (Stabilized) 15u Thermite Ban-in-a-Can: Nasty nasty bomb. Big area, big damage, lots of plasmafire. Very easy to kill self with. Always ask before using these! Beaker 1: 20u Phosphorous 20u Sugar 15u Chlorine Trifluoride 20u Fluorosulpheric Acid 15u Flash Powder (Stabilized) 10u Uranium Beaker 2: 20u Potassium 10u Fluorosulpheric Acid 30u Plasma 30u Phlogiston (Stabilized) 10u Teslium These are just some sample mixes, yaya! There are many more, so take your time in science to learn what you want! Feel free to add your own mixes too! Voxxie is not a medical specialist, so use at your own risk, yaya?
    1 point
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