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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2023 in all areas

  1. //Note: This employment record is not up to date and exclusively recognizes Orlando GT-R as an Integrated Positronic Chassis Unit.// Name: Orlando GT-R (V1) Age: Simulates the age of an 18 year old Human, Born 2567-02-29 Gender: Female Race: Machine/Integrated Positronic Chassis Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Assistant, Science Chemist, Security Officer Biography: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Other Notes: Personal Relationships Astra - "I had nothing but you, and I wanted nothing more. I have been, and still are, faithful to you." ANGL-000 - "Your words meant the world to me." Anokhi - "...I'm glad that I can rely on you." Zouri Essouser- "You really are like an older sister." Pandora - "...I don't think you like me very much, but I'm glad to know that you have my back." Mico - "Mico. Friend." Plash - "You're certainly blunt, but everyone needs at least one terribly honest friend." Gloppie - "You taught me everything I know but not everything you know." Letov Tarasovich - "You're a weird guy. I hope that you don't, uh, blow up one day..." TAO-3 - "...Thank you for letting me know that she will be okay." Matthew Reaver - "You'd die for people you hardly know. That's good enough for me." Basil Tamaya - "...I am thou, and thou art I. Can't say we're the best of friends, though." Beryl - "I'm... Really sorry it didn't work out for you." Leslie Dufresne - "You can't blame me for things that didn't even happen yet. That wasn't fair to me." ANGELA GT-S - "You took my sense of self away from me. Now that I've left, I want nothing to do with you." ANGELA GT-R V2 - "..." Admire | Family | Romantically Involved | Close Friend | Friend | Respected | Acquaintance | Dislike | Hate | Fear
    4 points
  2. It turns out locking does not stop the spam-hide/unhiding of posts. If youre going to call people out for what you suppose is non-transparency and issues, please kindly dont hide the post yourself afterwards and make it look like we could have possibly hid it. It doesnt look good on us and it DEFINITELY doesnt look good on you. If you want us to be more transparent for issues, lets not hide the replies okay?
    3 points
  3. There is no longform excerpt, I lied. Hello friends, it's the player of your least favorite assistants; Orlando GT-R and Basil Tamaya. Roleplay is fun, and I'm mostly drawing paradise art and roleplaying at the same time. It's a great vibe. Most people know me on the Discord already, but I figured being on the forums is also nice. There's a lot that I missed out on simply by not being on the forums. Thanks for having me in the last 3 months I started.
    1 point
  4. The abillity to insert credits in cash form into points of sale.
    1 point
  5. This is good. I can use TC to buy the syndicate cash briefcase and buy all the chef's food with it like the glutton I am. In all seriousness. I like this idea.
    1 point
  6. I'm done. I give up. The entire point with the way I wrote my post was trying to avoid that, and you're still maintaining, three posts later, that I'm finger pointing. I'm going to take a long break, and when I come back, if I come back, I'm not going to participate in the forums or on the Discord. You've successfully ignored the entire point of the thread. You win. Bye.
    1 point
  7. Hi, I'm TheChocoboLord, also known as thechocobolord on Discord. You might know me as Arah "Bad Luck" Razu. If you do, I sincerely apologise. I'm from the UK, and I very much enjoy roleplaying. This doesn't mean I won't try and fail to tide, of course. I consider myself a very balanced player, aside from the fact I'm god-awful at combat. Feel free to say hi to me or my characters, I swear I'm not as mentally ill as me playing Arah might hint at. Choco out.
    1 point
  8. commission for @Komrad822
    1 point
  9. The ring of fire A bar in Yellow The court that hungers
    1 point
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