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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2023 in all areas

  1. This bugs me, especially with occupations where your only job is to make things. If I'm working as a chemist and a botanist, people should be ASKING me for stuff, not breaking it to make it themselves. Seriously, if people are just going to make things themselves, what the hell am I even there for? This is especially frustrating to me as a Chemist, as it's basically a Traitor's wet dream and I don't do antags. Related note, are there any jobs that don't involve making things or involves something only one player can do? Only things I can really think of are Security or heads of staff, and I don't know if I'm ready for any of that.
    2 points
  2. Miner main decides to try music Hm, I think I'll have Diona today And here ladies and gentlemen, this is why we should trust unknown portals I was a mother dragon, and this was too funny not to SS Advanced Mining Arriving with ZERO context! A 20 for mice! This one was when I first started to try mining, bunch of fellow nerds decided to give lavaland a shot I will forever love blueshield for the weird shit you just see A nations shift I decided to join. I was the RD, it was very fun. A moth shot me ONCE with a disabler 4 no ruson. So I decided this was proper revenge. I have a few more SSes of other funny things, but I think I'll save those for when I have another dozen screenshots
    2 points
  3. This game is supposed to be a co-operative type of experience, so it's intended that there isn't much "soloing" possible. It is why you cannot perform surgery on yourself, even attaching your severed hand (even as an IPC). So no, you are not wrong to want people to not break into your department to "do it themselves". We are supposed to be able to co-operative and rely on others in this game to each play their respective role, but there are individuals who are incapable of that, or bitch and complain about the playstyle or experience of others. Security and Heads of Staff aren't even good examples of loner jobs, as you need to be able to co-ordinate with other officers, or as a head, be able to manage your department. Closer jobs are Explorer (piss off into space) Miners (they could die on lavaland and be unnoticed) or a job like the Librarian/Journalist (the job is what you make of it) Close seconds are Virologist (making virus, yes, but mostly you are alone), Xenobio (yes they want yellow cores etc, but again often alone, or one other with you) Ultimately, it is better to learn how to live in a co-operative environment, and how to deal with those who are overbearing, and try to one-crew everything.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
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