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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2023 in all areas

  1. This bugs me, especially with occupations where your only job is to make things. If I'm working as a chemist and a botanist, people should be ASKING me for stuff, not breaking it to make it themselves. Seriously, if people are just going to make things themselves, what the hell am I even there for? This is especially frustrating to me as a Chemist, as it's basically a Traitor's wet dream and I don't do antags. Related note, are there any jobs that don't involve making things or involves something only one player can do? Only things I can really think of are Security or heads of staff, and I don't know if I'm ready for any of that.
    1 point
  2. The thing I often dislike whenever you are in any department or job, is assistants just walking in, thinking they own the place and can do as they please. And if you so much as tell them to leave, throw them out, report them or anything for the sorts.. they start taking that as an "attack" and believe it justifies them in messing with your round / department the whole shift. People don't play assistant to help others, learn a job or be helpful in any degree.. people play assistant purely because they don't want to do any work / job, but still believe it justifies them to just cause trouble purely because they can. Often with some silly gimmick like "I'm gonna steal everyones shoes" or "I'm gonna see how many times I can break into a department without getting arrested." or "I'm going to act like I'm <x job> when I'm not. I'm gonna make my own science / medbay / cargo." Even when people say this is a cooperative game, assistants often are not cooperative at all. They just do whatever they want and believe they can get away with it, because they should / can. Not communicating, standing at doors purposely so when someone walks in, they follow in. And if anyone interfers, it's free game to fuck with them the whole shift. Yes, it is a cooperative game.. but I cannot be cooperative with the assistant who keeps breaking into cargo / science / medical / engineering / kitchen, ect, stealing shit for themselves (Thus, taking stuff away from people who actually need / use it), hoard stuff, refuse to talk / communicate in any fashion, whine that you're the one ruining their game and then spend the whole round to attack / fuck with you. It's a self-entitled mentality of "I need this stuff, but I refuse to ask for it, I will get it myself. Why are you disarming me? That lets me kill you now." or "What do you mean I can't have a stunbaton / hoard all the kitchen food for myself? You're selfantagging me! I'm gonna selfantag you now!" As if them being an assistant = them being the main character. I see no issue with throwing people out of your department (Unless they were invited in. But that's another pet annoyance of mine when greydy mctideface is allowed in, because their metafriend is working there and they just lay around, then get in the way of everyone else who isn't their friend) who are causing problems. If they continue, yes, security can be told. If they really continue to fuck with you / your department.. that's entering simply being a dick, for the sake of being a dick. If they wanted to do a job, they should of signed up for that job / asked the HoP if they can be hired into it.
    1 point
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