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  1. Given that I've dealt with this sort of thing across multiple servers beyond just Paradise, I'll give a proper response to this as opposed to a mere half joke like my previous post in this thread. You don't need to enter the kitchen to suggest an idea to the chef. Do it from just outside or via PDA if you really want to do that. When people barge in to do something, it immediately sets a bad taste in most veteran player's mouths; this applies to damn near every job, in fact. For good reason, too--99% of the time someone struts in, it's to do your job/ some element of your job, steal things, or otherwise mess about with you. When this happens for the umpteenth time across many, many rounds, it begins to get tiresome and players lose patience. Sometimes players have their own ideas set in stone, and want to carry them out without interference--people pick these roles and not assistant primarily because of that. Occasionally, yes, someone might come up with something interesting to try out, and an ideal time/ place/ circumstance to try it with others (and to this, I wholeheartedly give my thumbs up; creativity is what makes this game fun to experience overall, and I would much rather see that from assistant players rather than greytiding or bridge hobo-ing). But expecting everyone to immediately want to drop what they're doing to play along... ehhhhhhh, no. The key phrase here being when the chef is absent. I doubt many here would particularly be bothered with the crew stepping in to account for an unfilled/ entirely neglected position. That's considerably different and far more reasonable as opposed to barging in when someone is already manning the role they chose. There's some vague merit to this. Putting a negative label on everyone with the assistant title is indeed not the best take--but also consider that across the wider ss13 community, "Greytide worldwide" is quite a popular meme. It has been for well more than a decade, and behind the meme there's quite a bit of truth in the stereotypes regarding assistants. I cannot blame anyone for being a little reserved when coming across assistant players (especially after months of potentially dealing with people being little shits towards you in whatever role you play). I play robotics. Not to overly toot my horn, but it's the role I feel quite good at and known for wherever I go--and yes, if someone unwanted walks into my lab without a damned good reason prior, they're going right back outside again. I've had people steal things, break things, waste materials by printing random shit (exosuits and implants usually. On servers with ore silos this can be quite bad if mining hasn't been the most active, since robotics exofabs devour mats if used frivolously), do parts of my job for me because fuck me I guess, or otherwise waste my time and cause chaos because it amuses them to do so. These things happen CONSTANTLY, and naturally I've become quite reserved about random players (regardless of role) strutting into robotics regardless of reason. That said, if someone wants to try something genuinely interesting and fun (lord knows robotics needs more content on just about every damned server) I'm much more willing to indulge them when they don't bust into robotics. Many players operate on similar standards throughout many roles if they don't already have some form of project they're invested in. This is an entirely separate can of worms. If we're going for the realism argument here (which I wouldn't recommend, but hey) consider that having someone not manning a specific position lounge around a work area can have considerable negative impact--ranging from as small as being an obnoxious distraction all the way to a dangerous obstacle, depending on the job. Assistants can indeed be helpful, but their help would theoretically be coordinated as needed, and not merely allowed into restricted station areas to lounge about. That said, I'm not a fan of realism arguments. It makes for poor gameplay in most cases... and this is a dumb goofy game set in a shitty hell hole of a space station. So, looking past that, from a gameplay and/ or roleplay sense--once again, there's a time and place. Occasionally allowing a friend inside your department (DEPENDING ON DEPARTMENT [the brig isn't a hangout zone, for example]) to chill when things are calm is fine, provided the others in your department don't have any oppositions. Occasionally allowing a friend inside your department if you're overworked and need some help is also fine in some circumstances (if I'm running around trying to repair 20 IPCs and another robotics capable player currently as assistant comes along and offers a bit of help, I sometimes say yes, for example). Teaching a friend or an otherwise new random player your job is also fine sometimes, provided tact is used. However, constantly allowing your friends inside your department is indeed problematic. It disrupts gameplay flow (hanging around in big groups makes it hard for many antags to do their thing... or far easier in some cases [conversion antags]), it attracts negative attention from griefers, it instills toxic mindsets and clique behavior which plagues most ss13 servers. That is indeed an issue (one which has also existed for years and has its own memes and stereotypes), but not what this thread pertains towards. Mentioning this doesn't offer much of value to this discussion. I'd hope my text wall here helps you to understand that it isn't quite unjustified. Yes... and no. A cooperative game would imply that everyone is largely on the same side. Halo has a split screen cooperative mode, with both players housing the same goals (eradicating those damned covenant alien bastards) and using the same mechanics and character (more or less) to achieve that end (Arbiter is still based tho) Space station 13 is a multiplayer game with some cooperative elements sprinkled in. You have many players in the same server, but they all have different characters. Different jobs, different mechanics, different motivations. Yes, players should ideally work towards making an interesting experience for those around them--but not at the explicit expense of their own fun. There are limits to what's reasonable to expect and reasonable ways to go about trying unique ideas. Many of the game's elements and surrounding atmosphere also cause paranoia and distrust of other characters by design. This I will somewhat agree with, in closing. Again with robotics, I've dealt with obnoxious assistants, clowns, engis, cargo, security, other scientists, other goddamn roboticists, medical, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. Some players have good ideas and want to genuinely do fun things. These players shouldn't be overlooked... but at the same time, there's often an avalanche of others who have less than fun intentions when interacting with any given department. To address the title of this topic more directly; randomly entering a department without permission is indeed poor form from nearly every angle, and continuing onward to do things within that department when others are playing said department as is... well, it's certainly not unreasonable to react to such by tossing them out, and when it happens over and over again it's also not unreasonable to grow tired of it and react quickly to stop it.
    2 points
  2. This bugs me, especially with occupations where your only job is to make things. If I'm working as a chemist and a botanist, people should be ASKING me for stuff, not breaking it to make it themselves. Seriously, if people are just going to make things themselves, what the hell am I even there for? This is especially frustrating to me as a Chemist, as it's basically a Traitor's wet dream and I don't do antags. Related note, are there any jobs that don't involve making things or involves something only one player can do? Only things I can really think of are Security or heads of staff, and I don't know if I'm ready for any of that.
    1 point
  3. Congratulations! :) The wiki is a labour of love, but it's also a community driven project that's constantly evolving and changing. We owe a lot to our contributors and our wiki thrives exclusively because of them. Echoing SynthTee here... If you've ever been interested in editing the wiki, please don't be afraid to lend a hand here and there!
    1 point
  4. The FPXX ones should be front page only, period. I upsized and uploaded them specifically for the front page when I designed it! :) The schema shouldn't be used anywhere else to my knowledge.
    1 point
  5. Figured I could come say hi on here. Lilac in game and out of game! I recently found this game thanks to a friend, and came here first and don't plan to leave! I'm just a trans femme non-birnery bean who likes making friends and being weird! Don't be afraid to say hi, but I might bite and or claw if I get spooked. Haha. I will not be taking questions as to why I photocopy my ass and leave the pictures everywhere. When I discovered I could, I might have laughed for 20+ minutes and will keep being a total goof ball with it when I can! You'll likely be able to find which role I am based on where the trail if pictures leads. But probably genetics, engineering, sometimes mining, often cleaning the messes you all make! Of course, sometimes I'll be Assistant and trying to repair that small shop near arrivals to sell those pictures! Maybe other stuff I find around too. We'll see~
    1 point
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