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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2023 in all areas

  1. Recently, I heard a lot of ideas thrown around. Ideas about giving so-called "RP Jobs" (bartender, librarian, chaplain, psych, barber) more content. You know, make them more needed in the round. One argument I heard, is that "they are boring, they have nothing to do". I agree with that. So I would like to present my plan to make them more fun! 1. Turn off VSC and Git, you won't need them here. 2. Join a round of Para. 3. Go to, for example, library. 4. Ask the librarian to lend you a book. There, librarian content. Let's try another one! 1. Join a round of Para. 2. Schedule a meeting with the psychologist. 3. Go to them, have a long and deep talk about your character's problems. And there, one happy psychologist player! The REAL problem with "RP Jobs" is that people ignore them. You want them to be more fun? Then stop doing that. Go and interact with them. The two minutes you spend having your hair cut is the BEST thing you can do to make these jobs actually fun. They do not need any stupid features (magic healing stick for psych, really?), they need attention in-game. Problem of course goes both ways. People playing jobs for bullshit gamer bonuses, like chaplain for le funny sword, or psych for meth. That kind of people certainly do not care about RP with you. This post is also a call to them - there is more in this game than le funny. Go and try talking with people, even if THEY may not want to. I get that it is boring to get ignored for two hours straight, but if this post gets any attention, people just might make your round more fun! After all, ss13 is an RP game. It makes sense for RP jobs to exist, and for people to interact with them. There are more ways to change something than only with code. We just need to try.
    4 points
  2. I like to make a point to try to remember to interact at least once with these types of roles each round if they’re active. I used to be better about it. Anything from chatting the bartender, telling the barber to fuck my shit up, getting therapy for awful HoS round #3,456, or going to confession for obliterating someone as security.
    2 points
  3. RP jobs are only boring if you treat them like they are. Either you aren't playing the job right/with the right mindset or you could be unlucky with people not RP'ing back.
    2 points
  4. While I can't say I fully disagree with you, what exactly does it improve? With how fast a crewmember can go from cloner to key witness, I don't think this change will have the desired effect. Leaving a revivable corpse behind for the good of the community doesn't exactly sound tempting. Murder is murder even if they are revivable and you have a photo.
    2 points
  5. It makes no sense. While they could technically be an assistant for a department or something like that, all they do is bridge hobo or just enjoy themselves on the station in other areas, such as the bar. Which is fine, but why should they be paid by glorious Nanotrasen? If we stop handing out unemployment benefits giving them paychecks, they will be more motivated to actually work and contribute to the labour force. If they want a custom job for a gimmick, they could confer with the Head of Personnel to be put in a specific department that the role could perhaps belong in. If none such can be found, they could be just put into the 'service' department by default for custom jobs. This way, they will get paychecks. It would also open up a way for antag HOP's to sign assistants up into the service department in exchange for a cut of the money (give me x of your paycheck and I'll make sure you get free stonks). It could also give assistants more incentive to sell some of the stuff they may find on the station that others may find useful (I do this sometimes as janitor) to make money that way, since they don't get handouts anymore. Finally it also makes sense (to me, at least) from a RP perspective. Thoughts on this? Shoot :)
    1 point
  6. Just to clarify, everyone's paycheck is 125 credits half an hour. Heads of staff start with 600 credits and everyone else starts with 450 credits, but everyone gets the same paycheck.
    1 point
  7. To avoid going in circles, let's keep it to the question/original suggestion. It had nothing to do with bridge hobo'ing specifically rather it was used as an example of what *some* assistants do. The question is: Should we reduce the paychecks of civilians? If yes, how much? I made a poll on the opening post now, so that it can be voted on to have a bit of a better perspective of where the general preference lies.
    1 point
  8. People already join jobs for the benefits only and ignore their responsibilities, i dont think paycheck would encourage that much towards that, at least with the current economy. I like assistants having a lower paycheck, more because of the RP aspect of it (certain jobs earning more than others) than a gameplay reason.
    1 point
  9. Me spending the entire shift redecorating the bar only for either nobody to come in, or the only people who do come in are shitters who immediately get blackout drunk Heck, it even happens with chaplain. Outside of holy water for cult and vamps the crew tends to ignore you, unless you're a tider chaplain. It sure is a sad state this quote "medium rp" server is in.
    1 point
  10. Jobs that require high initiative. I will always have a good round with those because i am someone with good initiative, they demand effort from the player and you can imagine that the average player is not someone that would put too much effort into things :(.
    1 point
  11. I very much agree with this sentiment (I'm also one of those nerds who'd prefer cloning to not be a thing; so as to make death even more impactful). My suggestion was for if permadeath objectives are on the way out - as seems to be the growing consensus. More ghost roles would always be appreciated, too!
    1 point
  12. I'm fine with perma death assassinations. And I'm the victim of them factors more than the perpetrator. I'm going to go against the grain and say that it actually makes the game better. It adds risk. Ups the stakes. If you want to make things more fun for the perma dead, add some more fun ghost roles. The fact that you could be gibbed and have your brain made into burgers by the chef is a good thing. Or thrown into the SM crystal. Or cremated. It adds tension. And sometimes comedy. If you're getting salty over perma death, maybe this game isn't for you. Maybe I'm wrong. But I feel like getting round removed is more of a feature than a bug for the atmosphere of the game.
    1 point
  13. Name: Tezotzotl Age: 51 Gender: Female Race: Vox Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Scientific Chemist Mechatronic Engineer Station Engineer Biography: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text):
    1 point
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