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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2023 in all areas

  1. Unfortunately from what I've heard these types of roles play very heavily into elitism.
    3 points
  2. Personally, as command, I just fully ignore bridge hobos, they annoy me endlessly. I want to see people walking up and down the hallway but I sometimes just use the shutters so I don't have to see minibar #39851 being built in the middle of a main corridor. As for the phenomenon itself, I think we have bridge hobos because a lot of people love to see the security vs antagonists gameplay in person (and sometimes try to get involved as well, breaching our validhunting rule), and the best places to experience that are 1) the Bridge that is always a hotspot for both RP drama and mechanical conflict and 2) medbay. I think a solution for bridge hobos would be making the bar/other recreational areas more mechanically interesting. Henri's NT recruitment arcade game, for example, lured a lot of people into the arcade / made them install new machines around the station. Some people know how to use cards well and host blackjack games in the bar. We need more of these, and then, I think, people will be less likely to gawk at command, waiting for the free circus, and instead they'd go and make their own fun.
    2 points
  3. Bridge hobos are a blessing and a cure for the game.
    1 point
  4. I personally fear it might lead to elitism. Perhaps make it a role selectable for mentors and admins? I am aware that would perhaps 'feed into' the elitism but on the other hand, I feel that if you are a mentor/admin you should be able to behave yourself properly and are held to a higher standard in any case. Any abuse/misuse of the role would be dealt with.
    1 point
  5. In regards to the other job titles: I'd love for example 'off-duty' and 'retired'. I mean .. I even have an old-man character! It would fit very nicely!
    1 point
  6. Well there's always an option to have windows on bridge be one-directional, so captain can see the hallway, but people from hallway cannot see the captain. I don't think that really fixes the problem. I don't really play on other servers but yeah I do see on average more people in front of bridge than in bar which is a problem own it's own and it would be nice if we did have it addressed in some way. I would still like to see "off duty" and "retired" alterantive titles. These really cannot hurt since these are still generic and in character viable. as for the other possible fix to prevent people from standing in front of the bridge.... We should not have a rule "Do not hang out in places not designed to do so" - it's just silly. That's up to head admin discretion tho Maybe the bar should be made bigger and some new things should be added there to do? I don't see people going to library to spend free time, nor chapel. Especially that most players have a vague idea of what god their character belives in, which is often different than the one chaplain praises. If we would consider remaking parts of the map.... Maybe we should make it so there's a direct airlock from bar to arcade room? I feel like arcade and holo are so out of the way that nobody cares about these two and this should be a place to spend some time if you don't feel like working. Also some new games at arcade would be fun to not make it as repetitive experience.
    1 point
  7. It's not about making antagging around the bridge hard, I think. It's because it's generally annoying and is dumb in my opinion from a RP perspective. You're literally sitting/laying down in the middle of a busy hallway, in front of the most important area on the station. This has been an annoyance of mine since forever. There are specific areas to hang out. There's the dorms, the bar, even the library. There's a garden on the station too and lots of places in maintenance areas that you can build a cool hangout if you so desire.
    1 point
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