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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! I play as the slime person Lilith Goop. I started playing ss13 just over a year ago on a different server. Back then I had no idea how to play the game, I don't even think I really got it. All I played was janitor or botanist, I was too nervous to try anything else. Eventually, I stopped playing. It was only a couple months ago that I got back into ss13, but I wanted to play with more people and I saw that paradise station had a good amount of average players. I've been here ever since, coming out of my shell to both understand the game mechanics better and try out more demanding roles. It's been both stressful, and a blast. I've also enjoyed seeing all of the changes, the new mail system really blew me away. I'm in this server for the long haul now, and am looking forward to meeting more of you on both ss13 and discord. So if you see Lilith Goop in game, make sure to say hI! And please don't get frustrated if I don't understand something, I am still new! Thank you for reading. My discord username is Idklol1241, feel free to add me!
    3 points
  2. this is a continuation of my previous post, enjoy like this post or oleg appears in your kitchen at 3am
    2 points
  3. Recently, I heard a lot of ideas thrown around. Ideas about giving so-called "RP Jobs" (bartender, librarian, chaplain, psych, barber) more content. You know, make them more needed in the round. One argument I heard, is that "they are boring, they have nothing to do". I agree with that. So I would like to present my plan to make them more fun! 1. Turn off VSC and Git, you won't need them here. 2. Join a round of Para. 3. Go to, for example, library. 4. Ask the librarian to lend you a book. There, librarian content. Let's try another one! 1. Join a round of Para. 2. Schedule a meeting with the psychologist. 3. Go to them, have a long and deep talk about your character's problems. And there, one happy psychologist player! The REAL problem with "RP Jobs" is that people ignore them. You want them to be more fun? Then stop doing that. Go and interact with them. The two minutes you spend having your hair cut is the BEST thing you can do to make these jobs actually fun. They do not need any stupid features (magic healing stick for psych, really?), they need attention in-game. Problem of course goes both ways. People playing jobs for bullshit gamer bonuses, like chaplain for le funny sword, or psych for meth. That kind of people certainly do not care about RP with you. This post is also a call to them - there is more in this game than le funny. Go and try talking with people, even if THEY may not want to. I get that it is boring to get ignored for two hours straight, but if this post gets any attention, people just might make your round more fun! After all, ss13 is an RP game. It makes sense for RP jobs to exist, and for people to interact with them. There are more ways to change something than only with code. We just need to try.
    1 point
  4. Currently bottles, specifically ones from chemmasters, have a capacity ranging from 5u to 50u. Their transfer capacity is 30u at its highest, this stands in stark contrast to every other chemical container that have identical max capacities and max transfer capacities. I believe it will improve the game if we right this historic wrong, and finally establish a real precedent of max transfer capacity being identical to max capacity for any chem container!
    1 point
  5. Yes, even in outer space, mail is a thing to be delivered! I arrive at the station and go to cargo. I don my awesome delivery uniform. A little bit later, the first batch of mail arrives. As I go about delivering mail, sometimes, not everything goes as planned ... ...and sometimes, it's downright hazardous! We definitely have alcoholics on station: Sometimes, the clown pranks security. But sometimes, security pranks back, by giving the clown a nice gift by mail post. ...THE DANGERS I GO THROUGH FOR BUT SOME DAMN MAIL NT, apparently, can be generous to their NT reps: Now ... if you are conversing with a traitor through your PDA .. don't accidently PDA the courier instead.. WHAT DO Y'ALL ORDER?! ...even as we leave the station, I deliver some final mail. Of course, the scene is always hectic. Glory to space mail delivery! I love this update. And the people that roleplay with you when you deliver the mail. Keep it up people. I have been laughing my ass off this entire shift.
    1 point
  6. The one time I actually went as assistant to Science to actually assist and be helpful, i got constantly stopped by security or questioned what i was doing even though i had RD's permission. Its fun sometimes to be the guy who goes around the department helping people out with the simplest of tasks, but a lot of people also think their workplace is holy and really do not want outsiders to mess with it. And about bridge hobos, i just see it the same as people gathering on a town square to hang about, see the life move around and what not. Its not maybe the greatest place to hang about, but it is also the most central place of the station community and that's kinda what attracts people.
    1 point
  7. Seriously? There are plenty of people who take an actual job and don't do it all round. At least assistants aren't taking the position just to get access and gear. Sometimes you just wanna hang out. Take that away and you'll have a bunch of hobos doing nothing but taking up job slots. (more people doing nothing taking up job slots I mean). As for bridge hobos, I've seen some of the most interesting builds done above the bridge by hobos. And sometimes it's comedy gold. Like when a bunch get run over by a MULE. And the absurdity of it all is a plus. That's one of my favourite things about this game. The absurd mixed with the deadpan RP. Does it really interfere with your RP enjoyment to have random assistants hanging around above the bridge? The station has a literal clown that honks! The absurd and the deadpan compliment each other. Take away the absurd, and you're left with boring, predictable HRP. Take away the deadpan RP, and you just have an un-fun LRP gamer situation. Where the best gamers have all the fun. And the rest get fucked. To pretend to quote the existential absurdist Camus; "One can spend eternity trying to change SS13 to create paradise. When paradise was right in front of them the whole time. And they were too busy being hobophobic to see it....... Honk."
    1 point
  8. I personally fear it might lead to elitism. Perhaps make it a role selectable for mentors and admins? I am aware that would perhaps 'feed into' the elitism but on the other hand, I feel that if you are a mentor/admin you should be able to behave yourself properly and are held to a higher standard in any case. Any abuse/misuse of the role would be dealt with.
    1 point
  9. It's not a busy intersection, it's an open area with a plaque stamped on the ground and a window showcasing the workings of command.
    1 point
  10. ...yeah people do that. People hang out around streets, hallways, and all sorts of busy places of a university. But even if it isn't the most realistic, it's also not terribly unrealistic either. This repeated assertion that you wouldn't hang around in a busy hallway is correct, the thing is it's NOT a busy hallway most of the time. People would pass by but there is no flood of passersby being impeded by people hanging around the bridge. It also actually seems like one of the places where people interact and roleplay with no real harm to anyone. Why not roleplay in designated areas like dorms? Because people do roleplay in those areas and decide to roleplay elsewhere as well. So like what some others shared, I think is a non-issue. I also don't think the fact that it only happens in Paradise is a strong point, just because it's unique to a server doesn't prove it's terribly debilitating or anything. Personally, I think no loitering laws would be more detrimental than bridge "hoboing". I don't understand why you'd rather get players taken to jail for around 5-15 minutes than let them hang around a place, with no restrictions either. I just think people need to open their perspectives a little, I don't think its a big issue.
    1 point
  11. I pretty much just wanted to make a forum post saying, along with Sirryan and Shadeykins, I am a wiki manager now! You can find me most active on the discord server, but I do check the forums. I am hoping for an active community on the wiki, now that I have the perms to help out even more. The game is constantly growing and changing, and it's difficult for the wiki to reflect that, so if you ever notice something missing or needs changing, and wanna give editing a shot, please do! Give us a shout too if you can't for whatever reason. Here's a guide to editing the wiki: https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Guide_to_Editing_the_Wiki You can also ask any questions on the discord in the #wiki-development channel. What would be even more helpful for your wiki journey is having your own server, so you have easy access to the newest code and sprites or just using the test server! A guide to that is here: https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Guide_to_Contributing#I_am_Completely_New (read from the start to forking paracode) I would love to see more people reading the wiki and helping out! See you around B)
    1 point
  12. This game is supposed to be a co-operative type of experience, so it's intended that there isn't much "soloing" possible. It is why you cannot perform surgery on yourself, even attaching your severed hand (even as an IPC). So no, you are not wrong to want people to not break into your department to "do it themselves". We are supposed to be able to co-operative and rely on others in this game to each play their respective role, but there are individuals who are incapable of that, or bitch and complain about the playstyle or experience of others. Security and Heads of Staff aren't even good examples of loner jobs, as you need to be able to co-ordinate with other officers, or as a head, be able to manage your department. Closer jobs are Explorer (piss off into space) Miners (they could die on lavaland and be unnoticed) or a job like the Librarian/Journalist (the job is what you make of it) Close seconds are Virologist (making virus, yes, but mostly you are alone), Xenobio (yes they want yellow cores etc, but again often alone, or one other with you) Ultimately, it is better to learn how to live in a co-operative environment, and how to deal with those who are overbearing, and try to one-crew everything.
    1 point
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