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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2023 in all areas

  1. Additional elements to be altered: Fines: During the critiquing, someone raised an excellent point that we should be encouraging face-to-face gameplay like the courier system does, rather than allowing for fines to be levied remotely. Aside from being simpler and easier to code, this gives a lot more for Constables and Internal Affairs to do, rather than just 'sit in your office and type up pseudo-emails.' Example gameplay: -Jane Chef doesn't make food for 15 minutes, so the IA Agent levies a fine for an SOP breach. -When Jane refuses to pay, the Constable is called and fights her; Jane tries to run away and gets dogpiled by a pair of Constables. -The Constable cuffs Jane, swipes her ID to fine her account for the SOP breach, and then offers her the chance to pay the Constable directly for the crime. Jane cries bloody murder and gets hauled off to the Holding Cells instead. -IA now has a case to investigate against the Constable, aaand the cycle continues! With this in mind, I'd like to propose an 'excise payment machine,' based on the pre-existing EFTPOS systems. It's got the usual EFTPOS functionality, but has a slightly different-colored sprite and automatically has the account and PINs of the departmental accounts. You can charge directly into those accounts without having to know the numbers directly, which'll streamline collecting fines 'for the public good.' You can also charge money to your personal account, because we want to leave open the possibility of corruption for this whole system, but we want to streamline paying fines and generally make it easy to do. This avoids a lot of the prior confusion and difficulty of modifying a bunch of DBs, and should be easier to implement. I'd like each Constable to start with one 'excise payment machine,' along with having a pair in the Brig Processing and one more each in the Warden and HoS Office (since Security is encouraged to get in on all this low-key corruption action too, lol). The Space Law and SOP pages will be updated with the appropriate numbers of the fine amounts themselves (20 credits for a small SOP violation or 1xx [Minor] crime, 50 credits for a major SOP violation or 2xx [Moderate] crime, along with details like fine stacking and increases for repeat offenses (doubles on repeated SOP violations of the same variety, or the same crime). Space Law will also allow for anyone who's unable to pay to instead serve time working off their debt in the Labor Camp.
    4 points
  2. Regarding alt titles, I have opened a PR that adds "Off-Duty", "Retired" and "Intern" as possible ones! I hope this change helps with assistant issues, at least a tiny bit!
    2 points
  3. The current way telepathy works has 2 problems: 1: It's very tedious requiring you to use an ability two times per message choosing a target every time 2 If you want to talk with someone outside your FOV you have no way to mark them to talk more or give them a chance to respond The rework is: You only have one ability, when you use it you get the target selection popup. When you choose a target both of you get a notification in chat and get a new ability. The second ability allows you to send a message to the other person without selecting them as a target. The connection breaks if you get too far from each other or the person with telepathy uses the first ability again, in that case they don't get the target popup. This makes using telepathy easier and allows you to maintain a connection with someone outside your FOV.
    1 point
  4. Plot twist: Constable and IAA conspire and split the profits (assuming Jane Chef paid in cash). This has a lot of RP possibility but from an admin perspective we should also try to define as best we can what is and what is not over the line, so to speak.
    1 point
  5. shutters are something that could be used for cool things! they're on the station but not buildable! would be really cool if you could build them! they could have the same building recipe as airlocks. and maybe buttons for using them such as the mass deilver button.
    1 point
  6. It makes no sense. While they could technically be an assistant for a department or something like that, all they do is bridge hobo or just enjoy themselves on the station in other areas, such as the bar. Which is fine, but why should they be paid by glorious Nanotrasen? If we stop handing out unemployment benefits giving them paychecks, they will be more motivated to actually work and contribute to the labour force. If they want a custom job for a gimmick, they could confer with the Head of Personnel to be put in a specific department that the role could perhaps belong in. If none such can be found, they could be just put into the 'service' department by default for custom jobs. This way, they will get paychecks. It would also open up a way for antag HOP's to sign assistants up into the service department in exchange for a cut of the money (give me x of your paycheck and I'll make sure you get free stonks). It could also give assistants more incentive to sell some of the stuff they may find on the station that others may find useful (I do this sometimes as janitor) to make money that way, since they don't get handouts anymore. Finally it also makes sense (to me, at least) from a RP perspective. Thoughts on this? Shoot :)
    1 point
  7. People already join jobs for the benefits only and ignore their responsibilities, i dont think paycheck would encourage that much towards that, at least with the current economy. I like assistants having a lower paycheck, more because of the RP aspect of it (certain jobs earning more than others) than a gameplay reason.
    1 point
  8. This would replace the old system, and every instrument would have its own unique sound based off of midis. SS14 implemented it but Byond jank might prevent this from being added in the first place.
    1 point
  9. Title really about sums it up. I think it doesn't make any in-game sense that you can continue to be flashed and pepper-sprayed even after being flashed to the point of permanent blindness, especially considering that a blindfold already protects from those things. It also gives sec a reason not to just spam those things as using them too much would make them useless.
    1 point
  10. I can attest that pepperspray does not require anything but a functional face to hurt like a BITCH. Never want it to happen again. Flashes make sense, but man oh man does pepperspray fuck you up.
    1 point
  11. Flash maybe, but probably not pepper spray. You don't need to see in order to feel how GLORIOUS it is to be sprayed. Breathing it in sucks, feels like you cannot breathe from all the coughing and not to mention it BURNS real bad. Mostly around your eyes, inner nose, and mouth but also just generally burns your skin. Would not recommend, got tased and peppersprayed (Optionally for my concealed carry license) and it was honestly worse than the taser.
    1 point
  12. I feel like this is quite a small thing. But it was always like this and I have no idea really why. Why is "mentorhelp" requiring you to first click "adminhelp"? Right now for non-mentor/non-admin player, the admin tab looks like this: After clicking Adminhelp the following window pops out: Why is "Mentorhelp" not a thing in the "Admin" tab? It was like this for at least 4 years (since I remember it being like that more or less 4 years ago). It's so minor that I don't think people think about it. (Or my memory is messing up with me). Even if new players know who mentors are and what they do, SOME might not get the idea to click the "Adminhelp" button first to get a help from mentors. Probably there should be a "Mentorhelp" button or the "Adminhelp" should be renamed to "Admin/Mentor help" or something like that. I don't really have time to look at the code this week to see how big of a change that would be, but it seems to me like it would be just creating a new button and assigning the already existing function to it. (and deleting the category picking from Adminhelp) I wanted to initially write about it on discord, but I think here it will not drown in the sea of messages and someone could actually see it and comment on it.
    1 point
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