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  1. Name: ARC-117. Age: Unknown. Gender: Genderless. Race: Machine. Blood Type: None. General Occupational Roles: Medical doctor. Roboticist. Flavor text: Security Records: Employment Records: Personnel Photo: There it is my shiny new main character with Tihichat. I hope many of you have encountered him yet and like my Sassy machine as I like playing them. I know some of you already does!
    3 points
  2. My general idea for ages I've never gotten around to implementing is to have the current 'assistant' job renamed to Civilian, with numerous alt-titles such as tourist, off-duty, etc. Assistant itself should be a seperate job with limited slots, part of service, with an SoP that requires them to actually assist departments if they're able to. This could then have alt titles such as Engineering Assistant, Medbay Intern, etc. Thus we can split the people who want 0 responsibility and RP into their own job, and leave assistant for people who want to help out departments in minor ways, and be a great job for newbies.
    1 point
  3. I only have one drawing that I wanted to share because I've been working on expressions lately wahoo wahhoo
    1 point
  4. It's almost the end of September, and it has been a month for sure, such as major updates like QM becoming Command. I thought I should start making these kinda posts, like Sirryan did in the past, to make the wiki more organized (hopefully). I won't be SUPER active for a bit, I am starting university soon, and it will be my 2nd year, but I will still be lurking around, contributing in the dark. Revision Requests & Changelog Some notable things I think need an update, however it's not a solid list. Just something people may wanna give a shot at. Pulse Demon needs to be expanded more, if you know anything about the new midround antag, please contribute. MODsuits needs to be expanded more, I believe some stats and modules are missing. Apparel needs to be expanded more....after a year. I am so sorry, Sirryan. Guide to Combat is being worked on, thanks to @DGamerL. Guide to Cargo is also been revived and worked on, thanks to @Sadhorizon and @Aligote. Guide to Command needs to be expanded more, potentially redone as well. Guide to Atmospherics is still due for a rewrite. Firearms needs a cleanup, some info may be outdated. Guide to Regex needs better formatting and expansion. Identifying Antagonists needs better formatting. Service Items needs to be expanded more. Supply Items needs to be expanded more. Still deciding what to do with Locations and it's areas. Only idea we have currently is intergrating the webmap somehow onto the wiki, or automating the process. Make sure to check the Maintenance Panel too for anything I missed, as well as the Github for any merged PRs that need wiki updates. The bot on the discord in the #wiki-development channel also updates us on that! Thanks to the contributors so far: @Boardwalksky @Aligote @Sadhorizon@DGamerL@MigratingCoconut@henri215@Aleyck@Silverplate@Octus@WolvesOfWar@Imnotthesharpest@Vengie1@Kuba890p@Gerando I think this is everyone, but not 100% sure. Either way, I appreciate everyone's work on the wiki. The wiki is very much a community effort and if you know a thing or two, I recommend you give it a try, with the guide here. Even a little grammar edit can be very helpful. The wiki wouldn't be the way it is today without the contribution, and I wanna try to keep that going. 2023 Development Goals I am not really making big goals for this year, but I do want to show what has changed since Sirryan did his goals in 2022. Since then, the portals have gotten more development. Job Portal is practically done, aside from Special Role. We also now have a Lore Team, so the Lore Portal is all theirs. If Lore Team needs help with the wiki, please do reach out. You can find them on Discord in the #lore-chat. Job Portals General - DONE Service - DONE Supply - DONE Medical - DONE Engineering - DONE Science - DONE Security - DONE Legal - DONE Command - DONE Synthetic - DONE Antagonist - DONE Special - WIP Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - WIP Administrative Tooling - NEEDS TO BE MADE Github Contributor - WIP Technical Issues - WIP Game Mechanics Portals New Player - WIP Server Systems - WIP. Not sure what it's for. Game Objects - WIP Mobs - WIP Game Rounds - NEEDS TO BE MADE? Not sure how necessary it is, with the Antagonist Portal after all. Lore - WIP. Co-operate with the Lore Team for this. Good to see we managed to finish the Job Portal for the most part in the last year, it's just trying to get the others done now. Couldn't have done this without you guys! Conclusion This wasn't really a major update post, but it's a start for sure. Still trying to figure out my role as Wiki Manager and of course do my part, but I can't wait to see others contribute as well. There's a lot of things you can do on the wiki, what I mentioned is just a small portion really. I like the fact we can come together and make the game more accessible for everyone, so they can understand why we love it so much! See you next month if I don't forget to update.
    1 point
  5. Well that's straight up griefing at this point. You can't just break into somewhere and grief other player's workplace, doesn't matter if they annoy you or not. If sciencists are not doing their job then you should contact RD to either get them to work or fire them. If RD is not working contact Captain, NT Rep or IAA to get them to work. imagine you're a roboticist, other roboticist is completely new and incompetent and you go out of your workplace to fix some shit, or to eat and get some mats from cargo You come back and you see some asshat broke in and is doing your job as librarian bcs their IPC friend is dead. I would be mad and I imagine you would be too if you came into hacked open doors to your workplace. This is very toxic mentallity my man. "Someone didn't do what I want and got me annoyed so I will literally stop them from being able to enjoy their game". You know the saying. If the world followed the rule eye for an eye we would all be blind. I was ignored multiple times at RnD. Duh sometimes I would go there, get shutters closed on my face, I would message the scientist inside RnD, RD, Captain and maybe CE on PDA to whine, to just get a response from anyone and get ignored. I would knock on the window to RnD for like 10 minutes asking if anyone's inside, while calling out science on common radio every 30 seconds or so just to never get any response. I know that RnD can literally ignore you, but that's why we literally have heard of staff. Not to just be "Scientist++" or "Engineer++", but to maintain their department. And if RD is an ass then there's a captain who's job is to maintain heads of staff. Does asking RD and Captain always works? No. But it should work.
    1 point
  6. Name: Xenith iteration 4200. Preferred Nickname: Xen Age: 30 Gender: Genderless Race: Grey Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Xen has been tested and cleared for employment in all departments except Engineering Biography: Xen was born February 5th 2537, on Mauna-B the sole clone of a well esteemed member of the Technocracy, Xenith 4199 who served as head of xenobiology and foreign ambassador. At this point in time NanoTrasen and the Technocracy had been in cooperation for nearly 2 decades and as such the previously encapsulated society of Grey was becoming more familiar and comfortable with the culture and capitalism of the broader Sol Gov. As the child of an ambassador Xen had the fortune of travelling alongside their father visiting various planets and stations throughout both SolGov and USSP space going so far as to attend the NT sponsored "Excellence through diversity!" program, a foreign exchange education program allowing young teens from all reaches of the universe to attend the last 4 years of their education at an NT college on Earth. By the time Xen returned to Mauna-B in their late teens it was apparent that like many of their peers they had no desire to remain planet side spending their life researching every little wiggle of bluespace and instead took the first opportunity to enlist with the Technocratic Fleet as a Mecha repair technician and pilot. Little of Xen's service records remain unredacted as far as NT can uncover through interviews Xen was involved in clean up operations, usually deploying to stations and outposts where the synthetic workforce had gone rouge. What records do exist state plainly that Xen had difficulties with their superiors, often disagreeing over uses of force and was reprimanded for insubordination several times before being dishonorably discharged after 4 years of service. Instead of returning home however Xen found themselves on Ahdomai following an invitation from Local Tajaran troublemaker Brak H'raza who Xen had befriended at school on earth. Through Brak's connections Xen was able to set up a lab in the attic of Brak's cousins bar in the Ahdomai capital making money hand over fist selling custom implants and improvised bluespace tech to the locals, earning the trust and friendship of a local street gang in the process. Unfortunately for Xen eventually a piece of tech purchased from their lab was discovered at the scene of a botched heist and traced back to them leading to an even more botched raid on Xen's lab in which a shootout (escalated by NT officers) occurred between several Tajaran bar patrons and NT security forces. When the smoke had settled Brak and Xen were arrested and charged with several counts of distributing unlicensed bluespace technology, distribution of narcotics, posession of illegal firearms, discharge of firearms, operating a bluespace jiggler without a license, public endangerment, and loitering. After a few days in prison Technocracy officials arrived to expedite Xen and 2 weeks later Xen first arrived at NT Employee Orientaion with a fully binding employment contract and a look of extreme displeasure in their face and has since worked on station about 2 years. Qualifications: Master Biomechanist Master Mech Pilot/Repair Tech Master Surgeon Qualified in Law and Forensics Certified Scientist Employment Records: Technocratic Expeditionary Fleet as Mech Technician and Pilot. 2557-2561 Self employed tech dealer 2561-2565 NSS CYBERIAD 2565-Present Security Records: Arrested for several illegal laboratory operations and weapons charges in the NT capital on Ahdomai. Expedited to Mauna-B before contracted to NSS Cyberiad Medical Records: DO NOT CONTACT WITH WATER. Requires Speech Implant [clean S.E if surgery unavailable] Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Xen stands about 5'2 slightly taller than most grey and somehow balder than most grey. Their eyes are a bright aqua color and they have a slightly bemused look in their face. White tattoos around both eyes Other Notes:
    1 point
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