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  1. Basic Information Name: Pandora (Violet) Age: 30 Gender: Female Race: Slime Person Blood Type: Slime Jelly General Occupational Roles Detective Security Officer Spelunker (Shaft Miner) Assistant Biography Pandora was born into the midst of Xarxis 5's industrialization, into one of many newly-built cities on the planet's surface. For reasons now lost, her and her sister, Skoll, were left behind at a fairly young age as the rest of the tribe that had brought them into the city moved on to elsewhere. The duo managed to fend for themselves in the city's underbelly for some years before stowing away on a spacebound vessel, where they would be discovered and left at a nearby station to be later discovered by the Ebony Saber, a mercenary vessel, as it stopped for supplies. The crew of the Ebony Saber quickly took to the slime duo, teaching them lessons their upbringing on Xarxis missed and helping them to learn common - with the side effect of their teacher's thick accent imprinting on them. As they were the only slimes aboard, however, their bubblish names were unwieldy for the rest of the crew to use and, as such, they were given their names - hence Pandora's atypical human name. The Ebony Saber's mission, headed by its captain Caden 'Ahab' Shea, was to take down a prominent (at the time) robotics company, Phoenix Industries, for reasons not relevant to this file. Once the company was toppled, the crew of the Saber, for the most part, dispersed. Caden turned to his childhood ambitions of forming a robotics company of his own, Fafnir Experimental Positronics. Without anywhere else to turn, Pandora and her sister assisted their old captain in his new venture. However, while Skoll was experienced with engineering due to her time on the Saber, Pandora's expertise in investigation did not convert easily to working with a smaller corporation, and so she found herself searching for employment in Nanotrasen. Qualifications (Lower-level certifications omitted, e.g. 'Basics of Space Law.') NT Advanced Forensics and Investigation Certification NT Advanced Interpretations of Space Law Course (Passed) NT Enemy of the Corporation Identification Certification NT Flora and Fauna of Epsilon Eridani Course (Passed) NT Tactical Combat Casualty Care Certification Employment Records Security Records Medical Records Appearance Pandora is a relatively large slime woman, as compared to her peers, standing at 5'10 with an almost-toned build. Were it not for her bluish-white gel, she might be mistaken for a human. Flecks of basalt ash are embedded throughout her gel, giving an appearance similar to freckles - especially in a thick band across her face. Her gel and everything she handles frequently carries a faint smell of fruit and campfire smoke. Other Personal Relations Skoll - "M'sister. Far smarter'n me, but could drop th' coffee habit.." Anokhi - "I ain't gonna gush 'bout her. She's strong where I'm weak, an' a balm'n any sorrow." Caden 'Ahab' Shea - "I get it now. I'd do it too, 'n a heartbeat." Capella - "She's been w' me through a lot. I'm proud t' call her sister." Mico - "Friend." Bumble B - "Y'better be takin' care'o Capella.." Beryl - "He's funny, 'n a weird, ironic way. I feel kinda bad, though.." Orlando GT-R - "She's matured recently. Ain't good circumstances, but.." Matthew Reaver - "Has m'back. Gotta get t'know 'em more, though." Basil Tamaya - "I ain't impressed w' 'er. I'm glad I ain't that fuckin' Letov guy." Tara Ricord - "Y'knew damn well how that was gonna affect me, an' y'still did it." Admire | Family | Romantically Involved | Close Friend | Friend | Respected | Acquaintance | Dislike | Hate | Fear
    2 points
  2. ztz#.t ..z.. z. _Zt_Z_Z pz --zz--zzZZZ#ZZ -- - ' : [;"\Unit -- ([C@libraTting..]) PERSONALITY:1;- : : "U C@NC OUnTNON.."]))] .. .. .. .. .. .. {[;/"Unit, define."]} ../ //-- UN1T "ALIAS": RH1-N0 SEX: Assumed Male, Masculine tone in their late 20's. A more posh, lighter accent. (Wales) CHASSIS: - Unfolded: RH1-N0 appears to be a generic black cat model with green eyes, pre-registered into the System Network. - Card form: There is an odd scent of aroma coming from the pAI, once the' zkzkkz--[{;/"{=PERSONALITY;"{]}\-zkx-..:; has been registered. There is a Sol Brand logo on the back of it's card that looks to be signed by two individuals. A stick is under the logo as well, indicating it's licensing term and proof of identification to NT Crewmembers on board. INTERNALS: Though RH1-N0 cant sense as much as normal crew, he can still understand the terminology of the body. RH1-N0 is made up of advanced components, the main parts being metal and wire scrap. An odd scent of coffee and tea fills the aroma when this pAI is near. AGE: . . my. .. .. zx.pc0o /zcxzcz-z-z -zzzz///{[;/"Over 300 years, Unit. Wake-= "z=-z]} ../ //---_ _ ALIGNMENT: M a s t e r . . [[../ ..'' ;EMPLOYEE QUaLIFIerS: .;' ';---z-I'l-Il kep._youUAL1V3.[{'//]/]..;--.. .. {[;/"Very persistent, that one. RH1-N0 has jobshadowed in every department over numerous times, and that's just over here on Sol, but I assume he's getting better practice out there, somewhere. What they really thrive in is making sure his current crew is taken care of, though he might not.. Act like it. Even though the individual does not have hands nor the weight to actually.. DRAG anything, RH1-N0 is not afraid of checking in on everyone and communication is getting read. General Occupation roles are as followed; Advisor, Diplomat, Adventurer, Friend.. He IS quite the character, that one...'end log'-..z./;]}z px o0=x=xx= /. . [everything after this point is jumbled...] .. .. . . . Hmm.. Odd, you think. Everything else in the database does not seem to be formatted correctly. That last bit of code was one of the most legible pieces of writing on here.. Illegible lines, marks and scribes are all scattered between many statements and definitions, especially after the end log. After giving it more thought, you wonder if this was even the work of a legal crewmember on board. It's just a cat, how bad can it be? I hope you do enjoy my little cat pAI bothering you all from time to time. I do try my best to help everyone and RP to the best of my ability with no hands! With a bit of banter here and there. :D Also hoped you didn't mind me adding some flare to text as well, cause... I'm not an actual crewmember but I think I've been on enough to be considered one. :dab: Cheers.
    1 point
  3. Autumn Aggley art by capnKitty <3 Full name: Autumn (Ophelia) Aggley Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Place of birth: Norhtern Earth Height: 160cm Blood Type: B- Hair: Red Eyes: Dark green Physique: Small to average NanoTrasen relation: Very Loyal Body markings: Tattoo of a dolphin located on her lower back, a tattoo of a small pink heart on her left side tummy, and a big scar on her left wrist. She also has a few piercings, a ring through her right eyebrow, a ring through her upper left ear and a tongue piercing with a real diamond. General Occupational Role(s): Librarian Scientist - Focus on Xenobiology Research Director NanoTrasen Representative Biography: Born on earth but with a passion for space since young age; Autumn was meant to end up among the stars. She is the only daughter of Dr. Jackson Aggley, a successful Senior Commander Research Director of NanoTrasen, an honorable member of NT with tight bonds to Central Command. Autumn always wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps. She has been employed by NanoTrasen since the age of 17, but was vowed into the NanoTrasen cooperation the day she was born. She started out in the medical department but quickly changed path after seeing too many people pass away from her on the surgery table, and focused all her time to become a scientist, just like her father. She fell in love with research, and whenever she is not seen in the library or goofing around with friends, she is doing some solid research - xenobiology is perhaps what she loves to do most when it comes to science. Autumn dislike talking about her mother. Autumn Aggley is a very positive person. She puts friendships above everything and is always open for new people and to create new bonds. She has an outgoing personality but can come across as a bit bitchy if you don't know her, but she usually means well! Her attitude also sometimes make her come across as naive or self centric - this due to have always been the popular girl in most context throughout her life. Autumn is quite jealous, possesive and sometimes obsessive. Autumn is the type of person who can hang out in the bar or the library a whole shift just for the sake of conversation and gossip. She is very curious about other people, nosy, is probably a better word. Some people has described her as a devil in disguise. She's terrible at combat and dislike guns and violence greatly. She only ever use a gun if there is an immediate danger or threat to someone she love. Autumn has a PhD in literature and is very proud of her literature achievements. Shes a member of a CC qualified book club where she takes part in analyzing literature (serious book club, not a cult). Autumn loves books and is known to like literature from old earth authors and she's very passionate about poetry. She also enjoys self-care books, and has huge respect for books on the topics of love and philosophy. If you've lost Autumn and you don't get a reply, go to the library - where she often gets lost in words! Autumn is a self-claimed relationship expert and love expert and is more than happy to advice people about it. A few of her friends are Plash, Desmond, Aleister, Lus, Hector, Ordosian, Coline, David F, Alicia, Guthen, Shesi, Kitty, Toby.. among others. She also has a strong (confusing) bond with Mommy, the AI. Autumn is currently dating Aleister Burnwood, theyre so cute like oh my god. art by capnkitty art by GutTC
    1 point
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