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  1. You know what time it is. Monthly forum post on the wiki! Sorry this one is literally right after October, but it's been a rather busy month and a lot of changes too. Since my last post in September, there's been a slight uptick of people interested in contributing. It's very exciting to see this and I appreciate the community's efforts so far. Sadly, Sirryan is stepping down from Head of Staff, however this doesn't mean bad things! He will be still helping with Lore and Wiki, so if you see him around, say hi. He was fundamental to building the wiki to what it is today, along with Shadeykins! They know their stuff. Revision Requests & Changelog Requests We have done quite well this month, but more always needs to be done on the wiki! Here's what needs doing: Apparel may have some missing clothes. Some might not be in game anymore either. MODsuits missing stats and needs refinement. Pulse Demon needs to be expanded more, if you know anything about the new midround antag, please contribute. Service Items being worked on, thanks to @Wartrooper122. Guide to Command needs a rewrite, or at least better formatting. Guide to Combat still needs work. Ask @DGamerL if you want to help contribute. Identifying Antagonists needs better formatting. Guide to Regex needs better formatting and more information. Guide to Cargo needs a section on Mail written. Make sure to check the Maintenance Panel too for anything I missed, as well as the Github for any merged PRs that need wiki updates. The bot on the discord in the #wiki-development channel also updates us on that. This isn't a definite list whatsoever, and if you find anything else that needs doing, go ahead! October Changelog We have had quite a few changes this month and I would like you guys to check it out. Give any feedback, any adjustments and what not: Guide to Hydrophonics and Botanist has had some big changes, thanks to @MigratingCoconut It still needs some condensing, so say how you feel about it! Guide to Surgery is testing out a new way of showing how to do Surgery, thanks to @Imnotthesharpest. Tell us if this is an improvement to the old lists or not. Firearms also got a complete makeover, thanks to @Imnotthesharpest again. Guide to Food and Drinks has split into two pages now! It's now Guide to Food, and Guide to Drinks. This is due to the updates that food is now getting, such as many new recipes. Update those bookmarks! Space Law has been changed to reflect a new crime (NOT really new), Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item. This should hopefully lead to less confusion and clarifies Space Law cares about weapons AND items. Standard Operating Procedure We are aware the SOPs need a update. I am currently discussing with the Heads of Staff and the other Wiki Managers on how to do this. If you notice anything with the SOPs, tell us on the Discord server, as we have a thread dedicated to it in #wiki-development, or make a forum post! Lore You may have noticed, or maybe you haven't, but Lore Team is working on bringing new lore to the wiki! A lot of old lore is also being cleaned up or removed. A good example is the new and improved Nanotrasen and Athland Mining Company pages by @Octus, who is also on the Lore team. They need help however, and if you know how to edit the wiki and have ideas of displaying Lore in an attractive way, please ask them. You will find the Lore team in #lore-chat on the Discord server. Even if you don't, it's important others know what's happening. They are first working on world building, then doing species lore once that's done. 2023 Development Goals Not much to say for this portion of the post, but Portals are slowly but surely being worked on! if you know anything, please check them out. Portals heavily rely on templates, so this is a good opportunity to learn them too. Job Portals General - DONE Service - DONE Supply - DONE Medical - DONE Engineering - DONE Science - DONE Security - DONE Legal - DONE Command - DONE Synthetic - DONE Antagonist - DONE Special - WIP Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - WIP Administrative Tooling - NEEDS TO BE MADE Github Contributor - WIP Technical Issues - WIP Game Mechanics Portals New Player - WIP Server Systems - WIP. Not sure what it's for. Game Objects - WIP Mobs - WIP Game Rounds - WIP Lore - WIP. Co-operate with the Lore Team for this. Thank you to everyone who has contributed this month. I hope I didn't miss anyone: @Jonttte@DGamerL@CinnamonSnowball@Generaldonothing @Chapitito @henri215@Sadhorizon@Octus@Wartrooper122@Shadeykins@Imnotthesharpest@Boardwalksky@Aligote@Mitchs98@Sciuridian@MigratingCoconut@PopeDaveThe3th Want to give editing the wiki a try? Start with these guides: Sirryan's and the Wiki's. You can also ask for any help and join in on the fun at the Discord server! We discuss the wiki in #wiki-development. The official MediaWiki is also very handy to look through. Conclusion I hope this wasn't too much of a doozy to read. I am glad to see more contributions this month however, and I hope we can keep it up! What makes the wiki unique is that it's a community effort and an easy start to contributing, but what you can do with it is amazing. Let's keep this going. OORAH.
    5 points
  2. Hello Everyone! I've kept this pretty under wraps outside of the staff team so this may come as a surprise to some people. This upcoming week I will be stepping down from the position of Head of Staff and handing over my responsibilities over to a new head of staff (yet to be announced). This is for a myriad of reasons beyond just generally being less active in the server, I've taken on a lot more responsibility in my life and am now taking a much more active role in my own professional development as I finish my university degree and gear up for a career in public education policy. I think this will be a very positive development for the server, I've done a lot and I am also a firm believer that frequent but consistent turnover in roles such as head of staff will ensure that someone active and motivated will always be there to lead the way. For that reason I've very excited for our new head of staff to takeover and carry on this role. I would like to note that this is far from the end of my career at Paradise. I will be moving laterally into a role that more directly deals with player/community contributions. I hope to more heavily support the Lore, Wiki, and Development team in whatever ways I am able. These are the things that ignited my passion in this community and I hope returning to them will stoke that flame again. That being said, I've been grateful for the 10 months I've spent as one of your heads of staff and I felt like I built a much deeper connection with this community because of it. Thanks for putting you trust in me this year!
    3 points
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