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  1. 1. As a round start cultist your NUMBER ONE priority is to get a source of plasteel. If you do not have plasteel you are fucked if things go wrong. In case you don't know, plasteel can be turned into runed metal via one of your spells, which is used to create forges, altars, and archives. These constructions give you access to the most powerful items available to cult. Good ways to source plasteel are to job swap to a job that has access to the ORM like engineering, supply, or RND. Once you have plasteel sourced you need a HIDDEN base you can use to start converting people. I STRONGLY advise making use of false walls in maintenace for this endeavor, otherwise you're gonna get found FAST. DO NOT EVER make runes in the open, as the second they are found security will start hunting you. Once you have a base you want the following items, and I consider them REQUIRED kit: A cult blindfold, unholy water, and a veil shifter. The blindfold gives you nightvision, medical HUD, and immunity to flashes. The water makes you almost entirely stun immune for awhile if you drink it all. The shifter teleports you a random distance forward, which is AMAZING for escapes AND ambushes. Once that is ready, focus on mass conversion. Use your stun and knife to stun, remove their headset, cuff, take them. If people hear "Arsgrewvfcevqftt4" over comms you're made. Inevitably you will have to go loud. THE IMMEDIATE MOMENT you are found out, your focus needs to shift to slaughtering security, or at LEAST crippling them. IF you fail to do this, odds are they will escalate to match your power. Lastly: I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH THAT YOU TAKE THINGS SLOWLY AS CULT! If your cult gets outed before you are prepared, you are almost always fucked. Solo cult comebacks do happen, but they are very rare, and they only occur if the last cultist is either unknown, or had plasteel/ a good hidden base. 2.Don't focus on "winning" hijack. It's a rare roll and your one excuse to do almost anything you'd like. Do something fun or interesting that you can't normally do. If you truly want to greentext hijack, you MUST have an emag to set the shuttle to 10 second launch. I have never seen a successful hijack without an emag that didn't involve MULTIPLE robust antags teaming up. Your focus needs to be preventing access to the shuttle via breaking the airlocks, subverting the AI, or anything that prevents access to it as you emag it. A common greentext hijack strategy is to bolt and then emag the departures doors, permanently closing them, and make sure you are first in the cockpit to emag it. This can also be accomplished by subverting the AI and asking them to help you. A savvy engineering borg that you emag could also perform the same. The goal is to prevent anyone getting on the shuttle before you almost immediately emag the console to start the 10 second launch sequence. Naturally you should have a contingency weapon in case some people DO get on and try to rush the cockpit. 3. Wizard is the rarest roll there is. There are people with 3k hours that have never rolled it. Because of that, I think it's wise to have at least some idea of a build concept in the event you roll it. Simply read over the wiki, and budget your 10 loadout points across things you think would be fun. You should also pretty much always teleport to medical storage first to try and raid for menders, as you WILL take damage. However, there are a few key spells that I think you should almost always have in a wizard build or strongly consider: - Ethereal Jaunt is basically required. Being able to teleport out of danger is pretty much non-negotiable. - Distortion makes a giant distortion field of nonsense and nobody can tell what the hell is going on, and usually cant move. This gives you a MASSIVE and length safety net that gives your other spells time to cooldown. Costs only 1 point! - Force Wall makes a 3 tile wide impassable barrier based on what direction you face. Very very strong for getting people off of you in a chase, and costs only 1 point. I've rolled wizard once, and my build was a spellblade(fire enchanted), summon item, sacred flame, ethereal jaunt, spacetime distortion, force wall, and magic missile. This build allowed me to deal MASSIVE area of effect flame attacks on people with the spellblade, re-ignite them with more flame stacks using sacred flame, stun them in melee with magic missile, and I had massive mobility with the combination of jaunt, distortion, and forcewall. I had a great time with it. That's an example of a coherent wizard build.
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