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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2024 in all areas

  1. Greetings dear readers, I am here today to suggest a change to allow Syndicate MMIs to house robobrains, perhaps a change to allow all MMIs to house robobrains. The reason for my proposal this cold January morning is that currently a syndicate roboticist is in a way disincentivized from making robobrain cyborgs if the roboticist plans on using Syndicate MMIs, as only roundstart borgs and borgified non-IPCs can be mindslaved by a Syndicate MMI. You might say this problem is fixed by subverting AIs, and to that I can just say I want SMMI to be a viable way to get all the borgs without AI subversion, instead of just all the borgs with an organic brain. As well as the more niche issue of having an unsynced robobrain borg which you could not enslave on creation with the Syndicate MMIs, who now listens in to all your binary comms talk. As for the IC reason for this, I do not think it is too far-fetched that you can enslave a robobrain when it is always enslaved to something anyway, whether it be the AI when it is a borg or its master who activated it when it is an IRC.
    1 point
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